



Sneak Peek: To Sacrifice the Sun Chapter 21

I’ve been quietly working on To Sacrifice The Sun for the last two months, trying to get ahead enough to post consistently. Life has been chaotic and I’m not quite where I want to be, but if my Muse cooperates we’ll be okay, so I’m biting the bullet and starting posting on Sunday.

Some of you may remember that I posted a preview for this chapter back in November, but I never posted the final chapter (sorry about that 😒). The chapter has been revised and I extended the sneak peek.

This time Chapter 21 will be up Sunday evening. I hope you enjoy it!

Overall fic Summary:

Felicity Smoak was recruited by ARGUS directly out of MIT and became one of the youngest Field Agents in their history. She was the Tech Guru of one of their most elite teams and her partner, Oliver Queen, was the love of her life. Then a mission went south, with terrible consequences. Felicity turned from field work and Oliver, hiding away in ARGUS’ hidden R&D center, the Cave.

Five years later, a new evil is infiltrating the world, but it’s looking for the same lost Mayan City and the same missing artifact. The ones that Felicity had made herself the world’s leading expert on. So now she was going to have to face her past, her greatest fears, and her biggest mistakes to find whatever HIVE is after before they do, because if Damian Darhk finds it first, no one on the planet will be safe.

Sneak peek and tags below:

The ground shook.

There was a distant rumble.  Then the walls were falling in.  The stone…the carefully crafted wall of stone, each hand placed by a hundred Mayan men, slipped and fell free in an avalanche of rock and dirt and debris.

Felicity tried to find Oliver, her eyes darting around. But it was too dark.

Pitch dark.  

All see could see was inky black.

But it was hot.  Like…fire hot.   Felicity could feel it on her skin.   Against her face.  It was getting closer and closer, but…then…why couldn’t she see it?  

How could Felicity possibly feel fire, but see only darkness?

And where was Curtis’ glow ball?  Certainly, Oliver wouldn’t have turned it off?  But if he hadn’t then…

That meant it had already been covered or crushed or…

Felicity felt like she was being crushed.  That or burned alive.  

Where was Oliver?

He had been…Oliver was right here.  Felicity had been in his arms.  She was sure of it.  She tried to scream for him, but nothing came out.


It resonated in Felicity’s head, but she couldn’t speak.  A sob stuck in her throat along with the words.  Her voice wouldn’t work.  Her mouth wouldn’t work.  Her…

She couldn’t move.  Felicity couldn’t move anything.  Not an arm or a finger even.  Oh god, she was trapped.  

Oh god, she was trapped.  

No…no, it was worse than that.  Felicity was paralyzed.  Completely unable to move.

Terror rippled through her, as bad as it had ever been, and Felicity fought against whatever invisible force was holding her down.  

Felicity fought and fought.  It might be futile, but she fought with everything in her.  She needed to find Oliver.  She refused to die until she did.

After everything, Felicity couldn’t…she wouldn’t die without Oliver.

Please let me know if you want to be tagged or untagged.  😊


So excited for the return of this journey.


Frak Cancer: Debrief

(I thought of blurring my face, but decided to just GO FOR IT and “out” my fandom self - go big or go home, right?)

Well guys, this was it. The culmination of SO many hours of blogging and tweeting and giveaways and donations. Posters being shipped overseas (THANK YOU AGAIN, @sophie1973!), having to get a photo “redo” (bad lighting), being singled out by David Ramsey for a kiss in line on Saturday morning when he arrived had me blushing and giggling in the BEST way (I think he spotted the “Frak Cancer” bag hanging in front of me and it reminded him of Nashville)!

Then hugging him SO much and SO hard when it was my turn to gift him this:

He was SO moved, y’all (you KNOW I’m serious when I say “y’all”). I really wish I could’ve convinced him to do something live so you could see. But he had other ideas. We had a long conversation about why this cause ( @tcsociety ) is important to him and he described his journey of survivorship. I can’t get into specifics, but this man has been fighting for a LONG time. I am getting teary-eyed just typing this. He asked about my son, and I showed him then (5 months) and now (16 years) photos, and as soon as David saw the “now” photo we laughed through the tears as he said (paraphrasing): “There is NO WAY you can deny this child - he looks straight up like his mom!” and we hugged some more. [I have to apologize to ALL of those waiting in line Saturday morning - we took FOREVER but it was mostly David, I swear!]

All of the OTA / Olicity / Wedding stuff has already been written about and squeed over, but I thought that enough of you were interested in this story to make it worthy of a post.

Thanks to ALL who made this possible - from signal boosts, to donations, to giving me the confidence to do it in the first place! Another con / birthday celebration in the books!

@ireland1733: I’ll be getting your scarf in the mail ASAP. Thank you for being such a wonderful roomie ( @andjustforthismoment & @quant-um-fizzx are hard to top )! 

@hopedreamlovepray: You and your new hubby are PRECIOUS and I will get your goodies in the mail soon - have to find a box big enough!

@anthfan: Another awesome birthday celebration at HVFF! Always my bourbon buddy.

@quiveringbunny: Look forward to seeing what you do with the DKMS Registry. And thanks for the dinner reservations at Ruth’s Chris - that was a wonderful splurge with friends!

@ellefraser17: You have the kindest heart. I am better for knowing you. You bring JOY to so many - and I’m sorry if I’m not always good at acknowledging it. I’m trying to get better!

@lyricalarrow: No one will ever accuse you of holding back. Best new trick? Watching you ask for a to-go cup of water, dump it in your empty beer glass, and pour your bottle of beer in the cup. THEN drink it through a straw as we walked back to the hotel. GOALS.

@latinasmoak @jesileighs @sydthesquid47 #dolbowmaria & the two sweet college gals (Abby & Maddie (?)) we met at Starbucks: so glad to have met more in the fandom (I know that I must’ve forgotten some - but XOXOXO)!

This was most likely my last con. I LOVE seeing everyone - so I may still travel to hang out, but I always feel like I need a MISSION, and Frak Cancer has been it for me. It has run it’s course.

Now I’m looking forward to the next eps: Digg’s tremors and how they get fixed (!), married Olicity (!!), and CAYDEN JAMES(!!!)!


It was my pleasure to be your roomie. It was an magical weekend with friends...the con was just icing.


Cyber Crush Tuesday~The Post Irma Edition...

So…. when I first came to Tumblr I did something called Cyber Crush Wednesday. I was just so grateful for this incredible fandom of people that I wanted to spread the appreciation and, after this past week I’ve decided I wanted to spread the appreciation once more…

The hurricane that we called “Irma” blew through Florida. It left us with downed trees, power lines, endless gas station lines, structural damage, flooding and, boil warnings for those areas who lost their access to water. I was one of the lucky few who was only without power for about 27 hours; some in our state are still sitting in their homes with no power and possibly no water. My home was spared by the grace of God and, my place of employment re-opened this past Friday.

I was truly blessed and, for a small moment of time I saw strangers coming together to help other’s who were affected by the storm. I once again saw the beauty of humanity which reminded me that I’m lucky enough see it everyday. 

In July I traveled to Nashville for my third HVFF. Each time is more amazing than the last because each time you go your fandom friends become your fandom family and, now I’m going to thank a few of my fandom family members. 


LB. You Are An Angel. I will Hug you so much in Atlanta you will be tired of me. XO


Washboard Wednesday Returns!

Helloooooooo Awesome!

I must admit that my break away from Washboard Wednesday posts ended up being longer than expected, but I am kind of glad to return to the ritual. I hate boring people with the same images all the time and at least now there has been a break so we can look at familiar abs anew. I hope that your summer has been splendid and you, like me, are excited for Season 6.

Here are some pretty pictures for you.

Cargo Pants make us so happy.

Yum in black and white.

Arty salmon ladder.

Yum in color.

Lovely posture. Mmm hmm. God bless the gif maker. 

Finally, a bit arty. I like this nice filter on him. So pretty.

Well, that’s it for this week.  I hope that you enjoyed some pretty. Thanks for hanging out and sharing these with me. Looking forward to a new season ahead with lots of 9 pm shirtless Oliver Queen. We deserve that!

If you would like to be removed or added to this list for Washboard Wednesday, Man Face Monday, and occasional other day posts of pretty, please let me know. I really hope the tags work this week. I know it’s spotty. Once again, please reblog if you think your followers will enjoy. Thanks!! @scu11y22, @tinaday3w, @dettiot, @mel-loves-all, @andjustforthismoment, @aussieforgood, @florence-bubbles, @flailykermit, @lerayon, @diggo26, @olicityaddicted, @thewidowpazzy, @melsanfo, @emilybettqueen, @yourviewingparty, @lynslogic, @tanyaslogic, @angelalafan, @coal000, @triciaolicity, @choiceofluthien, @emilybuttrickards, @seaolicity, @supersillyanddorky06, @swordandarrow, @watsoncroft, @jsevick, @readerkas, @yespleasehawkeye, @geniewithwifi, @befitandchase, @caedmonfaith, @myhauntedblacksoul, @casydee, @jamyfan-blog, @awesomeziziblr, @bigdeesmallworld, @alemap74, @angelicmisskitty, @almondblossomme, @callistawolf, @miriam1779, @imusuallyobsessed, @vaelisamaza, @mochababychristy, @juliesioux, @pjcmfalcon, @josephine-in-mirkwood, @i-m-a-fan-world, @ms-mags, @red-devilkin, @ah-maa-zing, @itshandledd, @olicityandsteroline, @turn-thy-paige, @wildirish23, @nlh03, @alanna-the-lionheart, @charlinert, @amytosh, @stygian-omada-fan, @multi-fandom-crazy-fangirl, @machawicket,  @biermank, @i-am-wordaholic, @hope-for-olicity, @memcjo, @jaspertown, @itchiygo, @oliverfel4, @tolivers, @ccdimples88, @ap-n, @pleasantfanandstudent, @emmilynestill,  @kainesbitt77,  @anthfan, @lyricalarrow, @laurabelle2930, @ellefraser17, @ireland1733, @mammashof, @chachurka, @somewhatinvisible, @tdgal1, @buffaleen, @suziesammy-blog, @missyriver, @lovelycssefan, @kh2o, @codebreakinsmoak, @letsnevergrowupfan, @memcjo, @bwangangelic, @arrowolicity88, @thebookjumper, @arrowlainie05, @pineprincess, @saebrfan, @olicityinmyheart, @razorbladenitro, @letsnevergrowupfan, @1106angel, @xflarrowbeforebloodx, @omglovechrissie



Such praise, @coal000! Not sure I am worthy, but I will try to keep impressing you! XO


I don’t want the trolls to win. They want me to stop writing. I don’t want them to win. But they are so mean and so ugly and it’s really hard to keep writing and putting out hours and hours of work when you are attacked around every corner.

I’ve avoided blocking anon comments because of the lovely people who don’t have an account or are just shy and I don’t want the trolls to win.

But I unfortunately did turn it on, for now anyway, until I figure out some other troll replant


Trolls never ever win. They end up as concrete statues under the bridge. Hugs sweetie.


@ireland1733 here’s the green one!


Sorry, its been a busy week and I just saw this😗😗😗😗😗😗💘💘💘💘 I adore it..thank you. I will make the change tonight. You totally Rock.


Since Tracy Tagged me... & it's still Hellatus...and its' August..on a Monday...and I don't want to do laundry!

Nickname: yeah...too embarrassed over the one my brother has called me all my life...but hubs uses Lou...frequently.

Star sign: Pisces


Height: 6'0

Birth date: St. Patrick's Day!

Favorite bands: Chainsmokers, Maroon5, Lady Antebellum, Imagine Dragons, the Jones Brothers...

Song stuck in my head: Hey Bartender

Last show I watched: Nikita

Other blogs: Nope.

When did I create this blog: 2014, after I became obsessed with Arrow, Olicty, fanfic, and Anthfan!

What I post about: Arrow, Olicity, Plugging friends fanfic!



Favorite color(s): Green..even before Arrow

Average hours of sleep: 6-7

Lucky number: 17

Instruments: None -

How many blankets I sleep with: A sheet & 1 blanket/comforter depending on weather.

Dream job: Owning a publishing company so I could publish all my friends fics or turn them into Movies!

Dream trip: Ireland/Scotland...

Favorite Food: Italian,

Nationality: U.S.

As always, participation optional:

@emmilynestill @laurabell2930 @redpensandgreenarrows @jedichick04 @anthfan @hopedreamlovepray


Sneak Peek for (Don’t) Let Me Go: Chapter Three

Here’s the preview for Chapter 3, the continuation of the Chapter 2 missing moment from Episode 5x21 from Oliver’s pov as he walks Felicity home from the bar.  :-)

The chapter will be out on Sunday evening, but we will be in NY for a wedding this weekend and I have no idea when I’ll be back.  Attempts at remote posting have been less than ideal, so I’ll post as soon as I get home.  It shouldn’t be too late (I have to work in the morning).  :-)


Felicity told him to let her go, but even when Oliver tried, it didn’t seem to be something he was capable of. In the end, there would be nothing in the world Felicity was more grateful for.

Weaving in and out of the final four episodes of Season 5 and beyond, follow Oliver and Felicity’s emotional journey back to one another, one step at a time.

Sneak Peek under the cut (it’s another long one):


I think you like torturing me...you left it there...(😉😎)...


The best mistake Rated T -  79,655

High School AU: Oliver Queen, captain of the football team and best known party guy in school, and Felicity, straight A student with the most promising future, are secretly dating when two pink lines change everything for them. Once the most important decision is made, the real struggle begins.

In my daughter’s eyes Rated T -  79,274

Six months after the birth of their daughter Mae Oliver and Felicity live in Boston as a young family. Going to college and raising a baby is more difficult than either of them could have seen coming. Especially Oliver seems to have trouble settling down in the new city. When he finally finds new friends, he soon finds himself being dragged back into old behavior. Will he realize before he risks everything he built the last months?

To make you feel my love Rated T - 72,238

One year after the Gambit went down, the incredible happens: Oliver is found alive and brought back to Starling City. All he wants is getting back to Felicity and Madeleine. Though Felicity welcomes him back with her arms wide open, Oliver struggles to find his place in the family. It seems like his place – at least in Mae’s heart – is already taken. And it doesn’t help that it’s his best friend Tommy who seems to have taken it.

HIGHLY RECOMMEND these stories!!!


(Don’t) Let Me Go: Chapter 1

Okay, let’s try this again.  A few hours late, but finally, my new story!  Huzzah!

This chapter is a continuation from the end of 5x20.  Totally, cannon compliant, but, you know, better.   ;-)  (I’m so humble)

Anyway, hope you enjoy.


Felicity told him to let her go, but even when Oliver tried, it didn’t seem to be something he was capable of. In the end, there would be nothing in the world Felicity was more grateful for.

Weaving in and out of the final four episodes of Season 5 and beyond, follow Oliver and Felicity’s emotional journey back to one another, one step at a time.

Tags under the cut:  

Please let me know if you want to be tagged or untagged.  

(Oh and side note, joined Twitter, same handle Emmilynestill.  Come say hi)


Sorry guys, tried to post first chapter of (Don’t) Let Me Go from my IPAD and it didn’t work. I’m going to have to wait until I get home so it will be a few hours. Sorry 🙁


No worries..it is SO worth the wait. 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗 New Fic..is coming.

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