
Now, This is Fun

@anotherdmfan / anotherdmfan.tumblr.com


It’s been ages since I posted something here for many reasons (also I don’t think anyone here missed me, LOL)….

APAPUTAQUEPARIU MARTIN. O que me deixa sem entender ainda mais são esses fanaticos que levam pé na bunda da banda e continuam atrás deles. Eu prefiro ser amargurada do que ser pisada por quem só quer meu dinheiro e não tem o mínimo de respeito com os fãs. O twitter ta cheio de fã assim e eu continuo sem entender, de boa

Eu estou decepcionada porque não fazia ideia que eles também eram assim. Acompanho o DM há cinco anos e não sou fanática por nenhuma outra banda como sou por eles, mas agora parece tudo sem sentido. É bem triste.


It’s been ages since I posted something here for many reasons (also I don’t think anyone here missed me, LOL). Nevertheless, I’ve been watching videos of the tour, keeping updated about DM all this time I’ve been off on Tumblr.

If y’all don’t know I live in Brazil and I’m a devotee, which means…

You have just described what i cannot put into words due to extreme anger

Sério minha vontade é de xingar muito em todos os fóruns deles que eu conheço, pensei até em criar conta no twitter pra implorar pra mulher do Fletch pra ver se ela consegue fazer alguma coisa, mas nada disso ia adiantar e eu também não me estresso mais. Não vou ficar implorando pra que esses desgraçados venham pra cá. Chega!

Eu sinto o mesmo + vontade de atear fogo em tudo o que tenho deles. É muita desconsideração. E isso me cheira a treta antiga, lá pra 1994... Mas enfim. Nao sei se vão pra outros países da america latina ou se vao terminar a turnê na russia, só sei que não movo um dedo pra vê-los fora daqui. Não ta a fim de vir pra cá? Ótimo, nao dou mais um centavo pra vocês.

Pra mim isso é birra, eles tiveram alguma treta com os organizadores da última vez e resolveram nunca mais vir pra cá. Não foi a doença do Dave nem nada disso porque ele foi saracotear pela América do Sul mesmo assim. Não sei se você viu mas olha a desculpa que o Martin deu pra um fã brasileiro em 2009 pra não ter vindo:

(...)"E aí meus amigos, veio a minha compensação! Dei de cara com o Martin Gore!!!! Na fila da imigração!!! Não me contive e fui falar com ele (é claro!!). Peguei o seu autógrafo, nervosíssimo (eu né!). Fiquei tão atarantado que conversei muito pouco com ele! E aí fui cara de pau e perguntei porque eles não foram ao Brasil!! É, pessoal, perguntei mesmo! Mas é claro que ele não iria comprometer ninguém né? E aí ele me respondeu: “unhappily, not enough time...”. E aí falei pra ele que muuuuuitos brasileiros foram à Argentina só para ver o show deles. Perguntei do Dave e do Andy, e ele falou que já estavam em casa. - " (...)

Tá aqui:


caughtonyaline disse: Yeah I had never really expected them to go visit Asia, since it’s been 20 years since they’ve done that, but they did S.A. the last tour and that went pretty good, so why not? I’m still hoping they will do so.

I don't  have any expectations right now. Maybe they go to Argentina, but I can't afford it anyway :/


It’s been ages since I posted something here for many reasons (also I don’t think anyone here missed me, LOL). Nevertheless, I’ve been watching videos of the tour, keeping updated about DM all this time I’ve been off on Tumblr.

If y’all don’t know I live in Brazil and I’m a devotee, which means…

You have just described what i cannot put into words due to extreme anger

Sério minha vontade é de xingar muito em todos os fóruns deles que eu conheço, pensei até em criar conta no twitter pra implorar pra mulher do Fletch pra ver se ela consegue fazer alguma coisa, mas nada disso ia adiantar e eu também não me estresso mais. Não vou ficar implorando pra que esses desgraçados venham pra cá. Chega!

  1. caughtonyaline disse: WHHHAAATTT!! You’re back! I missed you! but yeah, even I am angry about them not visiting you guys, and I live in Western Europe! They say they love their fans, but why the hell do they need to play the same cities in Europe twice, it’s not fair!
  2.  ideasandinaction disse: That sucks. Europe twice, North America for a few weeks, no South America or Asia at all? That’s terrible. I’d be upset too. (And “Hey! Nice you see you back!”… even if it’s just for this post.)

Aww thank you guys this means a lot to me! :))) My hopes were so high for this tour and  I've been saving money for almost a year and now this happens.


It's been ages since I posted something here for many reasons (also I don't think anyone here missed me, LOL). Nevertheless, I've been watching videos of the tour, keeping updated about DM all this time I've been off on Tumblr.

If y'all don't know I live in Brazil and I'm a devotee, which means I was born in the wrong country. Brazilian devotees have been waiting for DM for almost twenty fucking years and now we were informed that the guys will not come to Lolapalooza in Brazil next year, cause apparently Dave is not feeling like he wants to.

I don't have words to describe my disappointment. I cannot believe they doing this to us again, I cannot believe that it's all about money. But it is.

I honestly envy all of you that have the opportunity to see DM live , because for me I really don't think it's going to happen.

What I know for sure is that I don't wanna listen to their music or stalk them in the internet, at least for now.



Depeche Mode has performed twice before in Chile. The first time was in 1994 in the National Stadium, the second one was in 2009, with more than 45,000 people coming to see them at Club Hípico.

According to Fletcher, the band is aware of the huge number of fans in South America and remembers their previous tour here as “a great success”.

“We want to come back”, said Fletcher. “Every show in South America was amazing, with amazing voices from the audience, who really sang just about every song.”

Another reason to come back, he said, is to get some more of the wine and food in Chile, which he describes as “fantastic”. (...)


“Let me tell you a story. I will probably get someone in trouble, but we were told we were getting a new award this year. Most Influential Band In The Last 20 Years or something? Basically the old bastard, Lifetime Achievement Award — and we said, ‘Yes that’s cool.’

“Then we heard through the grapevine ITV wouldn’t broadcast our segment. So we said, ‘If they won’t play us on air, then we’re not going to be their most influential band.’

“How many other bands have had as many hits as us worldwide and been around for as long? F*** them then and b****cks to it.”


►epeche ▲▲ode - Interview - ECHO 2013

She just can't hide her fangirlism!

Source: youtube.com
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