
Diary of a Crazy Fish Lady

@kvarenje / kvarenje.tumblr.com

28, she/her. Embryologist. Side passions include fish, speculative biology/creature design, cross-stitch, and heavy metal. I yell about biology, art, metal music, and memes a lot

I've noticed something I find somewhat concerning and it's that for a lot of people, 'pluto is a planet' has fallen into the stock list of examples for what one might call 'science denialism', along with things like antivaxx, denying the existence of feathered (non-avian) dinosaurs, and flat earthers

there's a sentiment that goes like 'well, sure, you learned in school that the solar system has nine planets, but Science Marches On and we now know it has eight' and while certainly people should not take what they learned in school to be immutable law they should also like. have a concept of the rather significant difference between 'we've learned something new about the world' and 'we've decided to slice up the world in categories along different lines'

slicing up the world into categories is one of the basic operations of human thought and if you do not understand it well enough that you think 'people used to think the earth flat -> now we know better' and 'astronomers used to call pluto a planet -> now they don't' are analogous processes then you fucked up somewhere.

and if you don't think they are analogous, if you understand the difference i am pointing out and think it does not matter to the quest of listing stock examples of people disagreeing with things scientists say, well. you fucked up in a different place, probably.


As a wheelchair user I'm trying to reframe my language for "being in the way."

"I'm in the way," "I can't fit," and "I can't go there," is becoming "there's not enough space," "the walkway is too narrow," and "that place isn't accessible."

It's a small change, but to me it feels as if I'm redirecting blame from myself to the people that made these places inaccessible in the first place. I don't want people to just think that they're helping me, I want them to think that they're making up for someone else's wrongdoing. I want them to remember every time I've needed help as something someone else caused.

To the people saying this also applies to fat people - you are not derailing! This is true!!!


All I can hear is Merida from brave 😂

I was absolutely not prepared to hear Croissant pronounced like that.

Mate how are ye supposed tae pronounce it then?! We’re Scots we’re nae going tae be lit Oh pardonnez moi je suis so French oui verse moi mon croissant!

Fuck sake man

Mmm, I could really go for a croissant.

Cannae help ye there lassie a’m nae a Tesco


Finally I understand whom this was made by and for!


“how would you feel if someone blocked you just because they found you annoying?” then i wouldn’t have to interact with someone who thinks i’m annoying? i don’t see a problem

Also I wouldn't notice. You don't get a notification when someone blocks you. Someone blocking me for any reason does not affect me in any way.


Omg this is like 800 metaphors rolled into one megaphor

I would like everyone to know that vulture vomit is very stinky. It smells of rotting flesh and they use it to drive away predators

Direct action


hey, at least have a picture of the American vultures doing this, not eurasian/african vultures, they are very different creatures!


Apparently vultures are protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, so there is nothing ICE can do about this except politely try to shoo the birds away.


So gods finally stopped fucking around and started with the Omens huh


Theres a red electric Train with 70s music playing over its speakers that crosses the sea everyday and as you travel across the sea, previously creatures start climbing aboard the train till all the seats are full


This feels like a call to tag the person you’d like to sit with for the trans-Pacific, 70’s music, sea creature train…

For me it’s still the only 2ish people I send stuff to


Frogs and Bunny 5 week update: These kids are HUGE. Like....Frogs is almost at the minimum weight the shelter performs spays/neuters already! (He's not going to be put through surgery at 5 weeks old, he's just theoretically big enough.)

They're also more and more obviously long-haired kittens every day. Long ear tufties, smelly dingleberries, the works. No interest in eating food from a bowl yet, but they ARE both still latching, so that's a plus. The expected diarrhea has also reared its head, so we're headed back to the vet tomorrow.

My spouse says these kittens are just lemons, as they have been at the vet every week since their birth. I say they're getting all of their vet visits out of the way now so they can grow up big and robust!


The AI tech bubble finally bursting is going to be both catastrophic and very funny.

Like it’s going to be wild, it’s already starting to hit NVIDIA stock. The chain reaction will hit tech giants and everyone depending on them.

Line goes down.


It really is the perfect example of a bubble.

  1. Budding new technology shows the potential for promising new applications.
  2. Under late-capitalism, short-term profit always takes precedence over long-term gains because the assumption is that you can take the cash upfront and choose to A.) reinvest it into the original idea to make it a more viable investment, both by funding R&D and pulling more investors B.) run.
  3. Technology gets advertised, bought, and sold before any reliably useful applications can actually be developed. Pushing money into an unfinished technology does not mean it gets developed before investors want their return.
  4. Consumers and investors realize that without any viable applications, it’s a scam and they fell hard for it. The bubble deflates as investors try to minimize their losses. Those who took the money and ran reap massive profits from the misfortune they pushed on everyone else.

The nature of ai was ESPECIALLY seductive to investors because it promised to be the capitalist holy grail:

  • Just like crypto, it’s too new to have any sort of government oversight. Right-wing clowns are still convinced this is a good thing (“Why won’t the police help me retrieve my stolen jpeg?”).
  • Your “labor” would follow orders to the letter. You, wise, exalted executive, would never have your untrained artistic talent or unsolicited advice questioned again.
  • Most importantly, you could have employees you don’t have to pay. Paint the backdrop for a cinematic masterpiece with only a prompt! Use ai to ghostwrite a new romance novel seven days a week! Lay off your entire customer service department! The possibilities are endless!

The ai bubble wasn’t just a representation of its own overpromised potential, it also inflated every major tech corporation as they all expectantly awaited their first financial quarter with a 95% reduction in labor costs. Some of them prepared to lay off significant chunks of their workforce, expecting a fully automated replacement any day. But customer service chatbots are giving away free flights, some lethally unreliable books on mushroom foraging got published on amazon, and the wonka spectacular guy practically got a public stoning. It’s apparent (and more so every day) that the ai hatchling was pushed out of the nest without any feathers.


The landlord fears the urban oyster mushroom farmer

I have seen this on every social media site and folks- if your home is damp enough to get full fruity flushes of oyster mushrooms (from stray spores from a grow bag batch), they are the LEAST of your worries. You know what doesn’t produce highly visible fruiting bodies? Most molds. And wood rot. Go ahead and grow them indoors, because they’re a canary in the coal mine if they start fruiting anywhere.

^ the above reblog right here!!! People in the notes saying "don't do this!!!" Are missing the part where people are not deliberately growing Oyster Mushrooms all over their apartment, but that the stray spores from Mushroom Growing Kits are revealing systemic dampness problems that Landlords cannot dismiss and forces them to take action.

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