
from boston to fabulous las vegas.

@vesper-rose-blog / vesper-rose-blog.tumblr.com

interests include: languages, sweden, james d'arcy and some other actors, james bond, serial killers... I don't watch a lot of tv shows prolifically but i've been reluctantly sucked into grey's anatomy. music tastes - augustana,muse & the killers are my most favorite bands. // male model blog: ancenic //

they usually choose signifigant buildings, historical items, statues, etc. and then i find this

the only place I have ever seen chicken mailboxes is at royal farms so I'm assuming that's where this is


concept: you and me, lying together under the stars. i wrap my arm around you as i realize that you are everything that i could ever desire and more.

*I wrap my arm around your throat as I realize that there is no one else in the vicinity, and I begin to strangle you, taking advantage of the perfect opportunity for murder.


In this episode of Criminal Minds I just started watching, it’s set in a place not far from where I live and a lady is giving her phone number and the area code is right! Which is… a nice attention to detail on the part of the writers or whoever.

One of the things I missed about Law and Order while watching Criminal Minds was the order part of things - the legal stuff, charges, confessions/plea bargains, district attorneys, all that. And finally, 3 seasons in, we finally get an episode with some courtroom scenes. Which is nice even though I doubt it'll become a regular occurrence. And in true Law and Order fashion, a vigilante father of a murder victim appears to be going to shoot the murderer as he's being brought into the courthouse. But alas, he is stopped, which is kind of a shame since it would have been interesting to see someone get shot outside the courthouse like what has happened a few times in the various versions of Law and Order..


In this episode of Criminal Minds I just started watching, it's set in a place not far from where I live and a lady is giving her phone number and the area code is right! Which is... a nice attention to detail on the part of the writers or whoever.


We can just call this post "I love noticing little details"... I am super pleased, sort of, that this plot point I just saw happen in the episode of Criminal Minds that I'm watching is literally the same one as a thing mentioned in an episode of Law and Order Criminal Intent that I watched earlier today. In CI it was peas and corn lined up in little lines and in Criminal Minds it was some books left at a crime scene. Oh yeah, the peas were also at a crime scene and happened to have been taken out of a murder victim's stomach, and then lined up in a nice little line on the floor... basically, the point here is that the lining up of the objects indicated that whoever had placed them like such had been institutionalized. I just think it's kind of interesting for that little detail to end up being in two different episodes of two different shows that I just happened to watch on the same day..

Anonymous asked:

i agree that info on props is mostly made up, but Will IS probably called William, i haven't seen anyone name their kids just "Will"

While it probably is common for people to name their kids ‘William’ and then call them ‘Will’, it doesn’t mean people don’t also name their children just ‘Will’.

Plus, if we’re going by the show, Will is never once referred to, spoken or written, as ‘William’ either. He is simply called ‘Will’.

There was some great meta a while ago about Will’s name being just ‘Will’ but I don’t have a link.

I could be wrong about all this though. And it really doesn’t matter.


I like to head canon that Will’s birth certificate name is, in fact, “Will,” but some administrative person at some point assumed they knew better and “fixed” it to William on a Very Important Form so now Will is stuck in life with having to know when to use which for certain legal situations. 

I think we should all agree to disagree and say his first name is actually Bilius. 

Bilius Graham, one true love of cannibal, Hannibal Lecter.

I was always partial to Wilmothy.

Wild Graham has a certain ring to it I think

his real name is actually chill graham but it got autocorrected

Were you glad to see a mature Nazi fetish depiction in the script? 
HD: Oh, I’ve been waiting.
Hugh, since you live in New York now, did you give Ben tips on what to do? HD: I did give you the address of that Qigong place on Grand Street. BW: Oh, yeah! That massage place. It was pretty good, but it could have been harder.
What kind of other support do you two give each other? HD: I’ve never felt in great need of emotional support because we get on well. BW: Yeah. If you make a big kind of [whispers nervously] “We’re doing the sex scene today,” you make it a drama. But actually we’re like, “Okay, we’re gonna do the sex scene! [Claps] So pull down your pants.” You have to be matter-of-fact about it. HD: There’s a perception that in the rehearsal room, actors are always hugging each other and checking if they’re okay. I think it’s much more matter-of-fact, usually. BW: But we do sometimes hug. [x] [x]

Ben Whishaw and Hugh Dancy in The Pride (bc I have a daily existential crisis revolving around the fact that I didn’t see this goddamn play. And I am also a sucker for the way they’re looking at one another in the above gifs).

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