
@castielchaos-blog / castielchaos-blog.tumblr.com

I watch a lot of series :) Whatever is good

holy fuck

I just did a quick perusal of the Coptic resources on this site, and it has all the resources I’ve personally found worthwhile and then some. These are resources that took me months, if not years, to discover and compile. I am thoroughly impressed. The other languages featured on the site are:

  • Akkadian
  • Arabic
  • Aramaic
  • Church Slavonic
  • Egyptian (hieroglyphics and Demotic)
  • Elamite
  • Ethiopic (Ge’ez)
  • Etruscan
  • Gaulish
  • Georgian
  • Gothic
  • Greek
  • Hebrew
  • Hittite
  • Latin
  • Mayan (various related languages/dialects)
  • Old Chinese
  • Old English
  • Old French
  • Old Frisian
  • Old High German
  • Old Irish
  • Old Norse
  • Old Persian
  • Old Turkic
  • Sanskrit
  • Sumerian
  • Syriac
  • Ugaritic

For the love of all the gods, if you ever wanted to learn any of these languages, use this site.


Likely helpful for various recon-oriented polytheists.

After a quick perusal, seems legit. Man, there is even a grammar of Church Slavic written in Latin.


How to finish that last minute assignment

I can not count the number of times this trick has saved my ass.

And people say Tumblr doesn’t teach you life skills…

this will come in handy one day



Reblogging for future reference..


someone: haha why are you so obsessed with *insert show/book series/film/etc)

me, internally: because throwing myself into something allows me to briefly forget the constant depression misery and sadness i suffer through every day and when i marathon things my self hatred sometimes starts to disappear because i forget that i’m a real person who exists in the real world. my obsessions help me to cope when i feel like i’m about to explode or cry or scream or all of those at once and once i get into something i barely think of anything else for weeks which is a very unhealthy coping tactic but hey it helps so

me: haha idk :))


Honestly, Rick Rolling is the best practical joke ever. Like, there’s nothing offensive or mean  spirited about it. It’s just like “Oops you thought there would be something else here but it’s ‘Never Gonna Give You Up’.” which isn’t even a bad song. It’s fairly enjoyable to listen to. There’s no jumpscares, no screaming, no ill will. Just Rick Astley telling you he’s never going to give you up. I think that’s great. “You fell into my trap! Here, listen to this completely benign song that will have no negative effect on you.” 

Very interesting. I never thought about that and now I feel bad.

@jabba-the-bass-2 The article really opened my eyes but i tagged you cos it reminds me of you


Every Dr. Phil Episode Basically

Dr. Phil: Hello, I am Doctor Philip, and today we'll be tackling an issue that is very widespread, but rarely spoken about. Gaming addiction. Now, I know many of you know at least one person in your life who plays video games, whether that be a child or, in some cases, a spouse.
Audience: *laughs*
Dr. Phil: But, when unregulated, gaming can lead to serious addiction. Today I have with me a mother who's home life has been torn apart as her very own son descended into gaming addiction.
Mother: *sniffing and wiping tears away* Hello, doctor. Will you cure my son?
Dr. Phil: Well, dear, that's... uhh. Let's just bring the boy out already.
*dramatic music plays*
Gamer: My name is Gregg, I'm 19 years old, I'm a gaming addict, and I don't give a f*ck.
Audience: *gasps*
Gamer: Yeah, I game for 19 to 20 hours a day and the other four hours I use for looking up sick gaming strats or beating it to anime porn. I once sucked off a dude because he offered me minecraft diamonds. I don't give a sh*t, I would've sucked him off even if he didn't have the diamonds.
Audience: *gasps louder*
Gamer: Do I hate women? Yes, I hate women. I've emailed Anita Sarkeesian my address. She knows where I am if she wants to fight me. Feminists, square the fuck up. People always ask why I don't do anything other than gaming. I ask them why don't they mind their own f*cking business. I don't think I have a problem. Dr. Phil can honestly eat my whole an*s.
Gamer: *walks out onto the stage*
Audience: *boos*
Gamer: F*ck all y'all! I don't give a f*ck! *flips off the audience*
Dr. Phil: Please take a seat, son.
Gamer: *sits very disrespectfully*
Mother: *starts bawling*
Dr. Phil: Son, do you think that was acceptable behavior?
Gamer: The only behavior I care about is the behavioral patterns for enemies in the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series. I love video games: Master chief, Mario, uhm, Blinx the Cat... Blasto. Love those guys!
Audience: *boos*
Gamer: I don't care! You think I care! F*ck all y'all!
Dr. Phil: All these people are booing you, doesn't that make you feel bad?
Gamer: Are you deaf? Have I not articulated the fact that I absolutely 100% do not care about anything except for video games? I. DON'T. GIVE. A. F*CK.
Mother: He's always like this, there's no changing him. It didn't used to be this way... just *starts bawling harder*
Dr. Phil: I think there is a way to change him, and we'll find out more about that after these messages.
*Dr. Phil theme plays*
*The lights dim and every goes empty eyed and slack-jawed*
Gamer: Heh, this is weird. *nudges mom and whispers to her* Hey, we're getting paid for this, right. Hey, mom? ...Mom?
Mother: *completely unresponsive*
Dr. Phil: *completely unresponsive*
Audience: *completely unresponsive*
Gamer: Heh... this is REALLY weird. *looks around nervously*
Audience member: Hey!
Gamer: Huh?
Audience Member: I'm in the audience! Over here! My arms are strapped to the chair! You have to help me!
Gamer: *runs to the audience member*
Audience Member: Thank god, I thought I was the only one here left with any brains.
Gamer: *hastily undoing the straps* What the fuck is going on?
Audience Member: I don't know, but this definitely isn't Dr. Phil's show.
Gamer: Then what is it?
Audience Member: No clue, but we have to get out of here before the commercial breaks ends.
Gamer: *successfully undoes the straps*
Audience Member: C'mon! Let's go. *grabs the gamer by the arm*
Gamer: *resists* Wait a fucking minute. Why am I supposed to trust you?
Audience Member: Because I'm normal and everyone else is braindead if you haven't noticed.
Gamer: Yeah, but I'm not going anywhere until I know what's going on. Being on Dr. Phil is a huge opportunity for me to, y'know, advertise my brand. I'm a gamer if you haven't noticed.
Audience Member: Are you insane? Have you had a look around you? Does this anything happening right now seem normal to you? Who cares about your "brand". Do you even remember how you got here?
Gamer: Well... now that you mention, I can't really remember exactly.
Audience Member: Yeah, now let's get the fuck out of here.
*the gamer and audience member run through the back exit into the hallways*
*the Dr. Phil theme blares as the show returns from commercial break*
Gamer: My ears!
Audience Member: Move it! *jerks gamer's arm*
Gamer: Okay, calm down.
*the entire audience screams in unison*
Gamer: What the fuck is that!?
Audience Member: It's the reason we're running! Quick, in here!
*the duo duck into a cramped broom closest*
Gamer: Listen, you have to tell me what the fuck is going on right now!
Audience Member: Shh.
Gamer: Don't shush me!
Audience Member: *covers the gamer's mouth*
*agonized screaming and violently rumbling passes by the broom closest*
Gamer: Holy shit!
Audience Member: Stop yelling.
Gamer: How can I not yell when it sounds the gates of hell just passed by us!
Audience Member: You want it to turn back around and find us?
Gamer: Alright. I'll calm down... I'll. *start sobbing*
Audience Member: Please, please stop crying. You're too loud.
Gamer: I can't! I'm under a lot of stress!
Audience Member: You'll be dead if you don't shut the fuck.
Gamer: I never wanted any of this, I just wanted to go on Dr. Phil so people would recognize me on YouTube and I could become a popular Let's Player!
Audience Member: If you don't shut up right now, I'll-
*a snake bites the audience member's neck*
Audience Member: *eyes roll up*
Gamer: *screams like a baby*
*snakes slither under the closet door*
Gamer: *stumbles out of the closet and falls into hallway covered with snakes* Fuck me! Fuck me!
Gamer: *attempts to run away but falls beneath the snakes and into and empty void*
*agonized screaming echoes from all around*
Gamer: Am I in hell? I have to be in hell. You don't fall through a pool of snakes and wind up anywhere else but hell.
Gamer: Doc, is that you? If this isn't hell then where am I?
Dr. Phil: YOU'RE IN MY REALM SON. *Dr. Phil's face appears glowing in the distance, his eyes are empty sockets and his mouth hangs open*
Gamer: What the fuck are you?
Gamer: You're not Dr. Phil!
Dr. Phil: I NEVER SAID I WAS, SON. *a wall of gray human bodies lights up surrounding Dr. Phil's massive head, dr. phil's giant snake body slithers towards the gamer and opens its third eye* I'M DOCTOR PHILIP.
*the wall of bodies screams in unison as Dr. Phil devours the gamer*
*Dr. Phil theme plays loudly*
Dr. Phil: THE NEXT EPISODE IS STARTING. I'M LATE. *slithers into the wall of bodies and his snake body slowly transforms into a normal Dr. Phil's body*
Dr. Phil: *crawls onto the stage*
Dr. Phil: *dusts himself off* Woo, I went on quite an adventure.
Audience: *laughs*
Dr. Phil: I'm glad we can all find some time in our lives to laugh, but today's episode is covering something that is most certainly not a laughing matter. It's one of the most serious addictions striking America today and it's rarely talked about. I'm talking about people who love to pee on their mattresses and then pay people exorbitant amounts of money to suck their disgusting mattresses clean.
Audience: ... *someone clears their throat*
Dr. Phil: What's the matter?
Cameraguy: Spsss, Doc. That's not what the episode is about. It's about people with terrible gambling issues.
Dr. Phil: Oh, ah, fuck! Cut to commercial!

it is so strange to me when people tell me they never had an ancient egyptian phase…like, what did you even do during your childhood? 

this is oddly specific?? and over 3000 people relate???


have you ever seen the english subtitles for a chinese bootleg of harry potter and the chamber of secrets?




full album here

i can’t believe dobby invented hashtags

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