both of them saying this when they thought it didn't change anything regarding their relationship 💔
Tommy's gonna be so mad when he finds out that Buck only bakes in a "detox from my Tommy fix" way. That man deserves Baked Alaska and a dozen croissants and twelve types of cookies but a back-with-my-man Buck doesn't want to bake anymore because of the Association.
Broke: give buck a boyfriend
Woke: give buck an adhd diagnosis
Bespoke: give buck an adhd diagnosis and have him learn some better communication skills to get his boyfriend back
[7/19] fic: heard the risk is drowning
pairings: buck/tommy, past tommy/omc, past buck gfs rating: M section word count: 4,472 word count so far: 34,417 tags: alternate universe - hockey, alternate universe - romantic comedy (for evan), (Tommy is going through it for a lot of this), Idiots in Love, Angst with a Happy Ending, Internalized Homophobia, Closeted Character, Defenseman Tommy Kinard, Cat Dad Tommy Kinard, POV Tommy Kinard
Aging Arizona Coyotes defenseman Tommy Kinard hooks up with hotshot Florida Panthers goalie Evan Buckley at the 2024 NHL All-Star Game. He's traded to the Panthers a week later.
Inspired by alchemystique's wonderful fic Goon. Lovingly beta'ed by @weatherwaxed
The reaction to this has been overwhelming so far- thank you to everyone who has reblogged or commented on the fic or left kudos!
Tagging interested folks below - again, if you don't want to be tagged just LMK!
Thinking about this post you made and I know it's a bucktommy post but I think it can apply to the eddietommy in this episode as well. Like I know people don't like the whole Tommy being jealous of Eddie thing but I love mess and it compels me because Tommy does the same to Eddie here that he does to Buck in 8x06 and 8x11. He saw the potential that Eddie might hurt him and just curls back up into his shell and gets all cold and impersonal (going from calling him Eddie to calling him Diaz).
He's deeply unwell character of all time.
Oh 100% I know it has bucktommy leanings but that post is entirely about Tommy Kinard and every relationship he's ever had, platonic or romantic or work acquaintances are ALL a target of Tommy's reinforced, galvanized steel, expertly welded walls.
but what if i read one of your fanfics and then went to your ao3 accounts and read all of your fanfics and left a comment on every single chapter of every single one and you got spam emails from all of my kudos and comments and it made you smile, what then? what if i brighten your day with my words like you did mine, what then???
Gonna have myself a nice long cry tonight. Our rent increased by about half (still the cheapest rent in the area so I can't look a gift horse in the mouth) in the last month while I've been trying to save, I just got an unexpected bill that's gonna tear a hole in my wallet, and today my dog started experiencing TMJ symptoms. The vet bill is gonna tank anything I had left and then some - the credit card I'm going to have to take out is hovering over my head mocking me already
So. Tonight I'm gonna have a nice long cry. Somewhere the pup can't see or hear me because she'll freak out and I'm trying to get her to rest.
And then tomorrow it's back to the fucking grind.
I forgot the obligatory pet tax, here's my baby:
Woke up to an email from Ko-fi and got to have another good cry this morning. To those of you who sent me your own hard earned money, thank you. I cannot tell you how much it means to me and how grateful I am. I've had a few back-to-back horrible days filled with not so great people and I was feeling pretty Not Great about people in general. But you guys - you guys are the bees fucking knees.
I appreciate all the kind words as well - thank you for taking the time to give a shit about me and the crazy Chihuahua who's gotten me through the last decade+ of horrible, no good, very bad days.
(Full transparency I had actually forgotten about setting up a Ko-fi and spent like three minutes verifying the email wasn't a scam before I actually fully cried but once that happened it was full waterworks.)
I guess I'll take this moment to remind myself and everyone else that I do have a Ko-fi linked in my bio and if you ever feel like sending me a prompt through there it goes to the top of my pile!
[MAGA voice]: Oh, so now it's a crime to text your friends?
what if we sent classified war plans to an unsecure groupchat with a journalist? and we’re were both high ranking officials in the United States government? 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
You wouldn't mean to, you wouldn't plan for it, but you'd end up breaking my heart. And I...I don't think that I could deal with that.
Friends described living under the Trump Administration as being slowly beaten to death by a rubber chicken.
It still hurts. It's still painful. But you keep hearing a synthetic BAWWW every time it hits you as a constant reminder of how it's the stupidest possible way to die.
Pink Calcite from chenzhou prefecture Hunan province China
Photo: Future Mineral
The Trump administration accidentally included the conservative editor of The Atlantic in a group chat where they were discussing, in great detail, the US bombing campaign in Yemen
In all, 18 individuals were listed as members of this group, including various National Security Council officials; Steve Witkoff, President Trump’s Middle East and Ukraine negotiator; Susie Wiles, the White House chief of staff; and someone identified only as “S M,” which I took to stand for Stephen Miller. I appeared on my own screen only as “JG.”
...I had very strong doubts that this text group was real, because I could not believe that the national-security leadership of the United States would communicate on Signal about imminent war plans. I also could not believe that the national security adviser to the president would be so reckless as to include the editor in chief of The Atlantic in such discussions with senior U.S. officials, up to and including the vice president...
At this point, a fascinating policy discussion commenced. The account labeled “JD Vance” responded at 8:16: “Team, I am out for the day doing an economic event in Michigan. But I think we are making a mistake.” (Vance was indeed in Michigan that day.) The Vance account goes on to state, “3 percent of US trade runs through the suez. 40 percent of European trade does. There is a real risk that the public doesn’t understand this or why it’s necessary. The strongest reason to do this is, as POTUS said, to send a message.”
The Vance account then goes on to make a noteworthy statement, considering that the vice president has not deviated publicly from Trump’s position on virtually any issue. “I am not sure the president is aware how inconsistent this is with his message on Europe right now. There’s a further risk that we see a moderate to severe spike in oil prices. I am willing to support the consensus of the team and keep these concerns to myself. But there is a strong argument for delaying this a month, doing the messaging work on why this matters, seeing where the economy is, etc.”...
At 8:27, a message arrived from the “Pete Hegseth” account. “VP: I understand your concerns – and fully support you raising w/ POTUS. Important considerations, most of which are tough to know how they play out (economy, Ukraine peace, Gaza, etc). I think messaging is going to be tough no matter what – nobody knows who the Houthis are – which is why we would need to stay focused on: 1) Biden failed & 2) Iran funded.”
The Hegseth message goes on to state, “Waiting a few weeks or a month does not fundamentally change the calculus. 2 immediate risks on waiting: 1) this leaks, and we look indecisive; 2) Israel takes an action first – or Gaza cease fire falls apart – and we don’t get to start this on our own terms. We can manage both. We are prepared to execute, and if I had final go or no go vote, I believe we should. This [is] not about the Houthis. I see it as two things: 1) Restoring Freedom of Navigation, a core national interest; and 2) Reestablish deterrence, which Biden cratered. But, we can easily pause. And if we do, I will do all we can to enforce 100% OPSEC”—operations security. “I welcome other thoughts.”...
The account identified as “JD Vance” addressed a message at 8:45 to @Pete Hegseth: “if you think we should do it let’s go. I just hate bailing Europe out again.” (The administration has argued that America’s European allies benefit economically from the U.S. Navy’s protection of international shipping lanes.)
It was the next morning, Saturday, March 15, when this story became truly bizarre.
At 11:44 a.m., the account labeled “Pete Hegseth” posted in Signal a “TEAM UPDATE.” I will not quote from this update, or from certain other subsequent texts. The information contained in them, if they had been read by an adversary of the United States, could conceivably have been used to harm American military and intelligence personnel, particularly in the broader Middle East, Central Command’s area of responsibility. What I will say, in order to illustrate the shocking recklessness of this Signal conversation, is that the Hegseth post contained operational details of forthcoming strikes on Yemen, including information about targets, weapons the U.S. would be deploying, and attack sequencing.
The only person to reply to the update from Hegseth was the person identified as the vice president. “I will say a prayer for victory,” Vance wrote. (Two other users subsequently added prayer emoji.)
According to the lengthy Hegseth text, the first detonations in Yemen would be felt two hours hence, at 1:45 p.m. eastern time. So I waited in my car in a supermarket parking lot. If this Signal chat was real, I reasoned, Houthi targets would soon be bombed. At about 1:55, I checked X and searched Yemen. Explosions were then being heard across Sanaa, the capital city.
Gonna have myself a nice long cry tonight. Our rent increased by about half (still the cheapest rent in the area so I can't look a gift horse in the mouth) in the last month while I've been trying to save, I just got an unexpected bill that's gonna tear a hole in my wallet, and today my dog started experiencing TMJ symptoms. The vet bill is gonna tank anything I had left and then some - the credit card I'm going to have to take out is hovering over my head mocking me already
So. Tonight I'm gonna have a nice long cry. Somewhere the pup can't see or hear me because she'll freak out and I'm trying to get her to rest.
And then tomorrow it's back to the fucking grind.
I forgot the obligatory pet tax, here's my baby:
Gonna have myself a nice long cry tonight. Our rent increased by about half (still the cheapest rent in the area so I can't look a gift horse in the mouth) in the last month while I've been trying to save, I just got an unexpected bill that's gonna tear a hole in my wallet, and today my dog started experiencing TMJ symptoms. The vet bill is gonna tank anything I had left and then some - the credit card I'm going to have to take out is hovering over my head mocking me already
So. Tonight I'm gonna have a nice long cry. Somewhere the pup can't see or hear me because she'll freak out and I'm trying to get her to rest.
And then tomorrow it's back to the fucking grind.
Tommy isn't sure why he answers the phone. He's aware that he kind of hates himself, but this is a level of self-flagellation he doesn't often reach.
"I cannot believe I used to think you were smart," the other person says.
"So," Tommy says. "This is what it takes to hear from the elusive Eddie Diaz."
Eddie sighs. "Grow up, man."