

@girloverhere / girloverhere.tumblr.com


On Campus Politics

For the past few days, Pro-Israel students on campus have been organizing to protest/counter misinformation during the Students For Justice in Palestine “mock wall”. SJP does this every year on the lawn next to a large walkway near the student union on campus during “Israel Apartheid Week”. They basically set up “the wall”, yell at passersby and generally being obnoxious while staging “scenes” from the border separating the West Bank from Israel proper. (I would like to point out most of the real border is merely a regular sized wire fence that you have to look for to see.) Not to mention they usually have people standing around wearing red with tape over their mouths with some sign reading “genocide” on their chests. Oh wait! That was during Israel Peace Week that was raising money for a playground/bomb shelter in Sderot… My bad. The type of thing regularly put on yearly: Funny enough, this year we managed to actually get quite a few people interested in defending against the nuisance. Before anyone jumps on that, yes it is a nuisance yelling at people and harassing them walking to class. My freshmen year ENG102 professor wasn’t even an “Israel supporter” but was so stunned by the “mock wall” that we had a class devoted to talking about propaganda. Anyways back to the point… Via facebook, we were able to get even more people to show up than SJP planned in their own demonstration. What did they do then when they realized the amount of opposition they would for once face? They decided to switch the day of their demonstration to the day before without changing their listed schedule so they would face no opposition. Even though they had reserved the space for the next day, they didn’t show up either when they originally planned. They were able to set up their wall unchallenged because they were scared. Despite the frustration we felt, it remains today that we were able to stand tall with at least 40-50 students(a large number for the area) throughout the day positively showing their support of Israel and peace. We didn’t even have to yell at anyone to do it. :)

Entirely forgot about this, what was supposed to be a counter protest against SJP that I attended in 2012. (Looks like the original image link died though) Honestly looks like their tactics have changed very little.


Rainbow Bagels

I never thought much about the rainbow bagel craze that came up a few years ago, nor had I ever seen them in a kosher shop. However, I took one of my kids to the doctor in Manhattan and we stopped by a local bagel shop and sure enough they had rainbow bagel. I thought to myself, the kids will think these are colorful like flowers l’kavod Shavuos(which they did). Sure enough, the look on my 4yos face when receiving her rainbow bagel was as if I had literally bought her the greatest gift of her entire life.

All night long and every night, When my mamma puts out the light I see the people marching by, As plain as day, before my eye. Armies and emperors and kings, All carrying different kinds of things, And marching in so grand a way, You never saw the like by day. So fine a show was never seen At the great circus on the green; For every kind beast and man Is marching in that caravan. At first they move a little slow, But still the faster on they go, And still beside them close I keep Until we reach the Town of Sleep.

A Child's Garden of Verses, by Robert Louis Stevenson

Anonymous asked:

What is the link to that sefira-safe niggun website you found last year?

I’m not sure which one I mentioned exactly! But here are a few sites you can use to hear streaming Jewish music(which during sefira goes-acapella!) Most of them also have apps for browser and/or smartphone additionally. 


Ver iz dus?

As I said in the previous post, the 4yo is also sick and has missed two days of school so far. In those two days we have received multiple phone calls from other little girls in her class to say refuah sheleima. It is really adorable. Typically they do a group call in school and the girls are encouraged to call their friends at home which has been taken up by quite a few.

Apparently not every school emphasizes this so young but I have been getting a kick out of it.


The time has come

After somehow miraculously avoiding COVID for almost three years... Sure enough the day of possibly the most anticipated wedding of my last twelve years was surely the best day possible to get a positive test result! CLEARLY between all the Chanukah festivities(another wedding which we had to stay with the 4am crowd, go to a bunch of the sheva brachos) there were about a million opportunities to get infected and here we are on day 4 of this fever dream.

I hate being sick. I hate having a fever. I hate feeling useless. I am so grateful its not worse and KH KH KH my twins have thus far stayed well. My 4yo has it, but BH seems mild. BH my husband has work off this week(though I’m sad we couldn’t spend it doing fun things).

Ideally I’d like to be using this time to get some work done but oooof my brain doesn’t work.


"Shapell's/Darche Noam, along with Jews around the world, mourn the passing of Rabbi Dr. Avraham Twerski zt"l. Two years ago, our students benefited from a special session with him in which he shared some of his wisdom. We are proud to share a recording with you."



Golus Bytes

Living in golus clearly isn’t great. No one in 2020 needs to hear that from me. That in mind, many a tisha b’av themed drasha has been rooted in mussar and all the good stuff that hopes to inspire people to look internally and figure out how they personally contributed to the fact we still don’t have a beis hamikdash. Wellllllll, here’s the thing...though I don’t quite have the perspective of the doe-eyed semgirl from the height of this tumblr, I have a bit of something left to say that makes me grateful to be here, now, in this nine days.

This is the first Tisha B’av I will iyh have the privilege of fasting after a two year hiatus(I write this before the actually day of course which I imagine I won’t be so gung-ho about it). “Privilege, did she say?” Yes, it is my privilege that my health KH is in a place where I have no reason to fear fasting. The past two years due to a number of factor(including nidche), I was told not to fast. This past Tisha B’av I actually spent in the hospital.

This time last year I was about 6 months pregnant with the twins and all was going okay besides constant nausea. I started to have a bit of trouble walking, some headaches, pains but that’s twins right? Well not exactly.

Making a looong story short on Tisha B’av last year I sat in a strange hospital in Yahupitz-ville. I was transferred out of my pretty city hospital to this hospital out in the ‘burbs where this expert doctor(for my condition) was located. On Tisha B’av this doctor had to do a procedure which would save the lives of my twins. 

I was in this hospital which seemed the have no religious Jews, something that bothered me in contrast to my ’usual’ hospital experience. Chances are in the city, your roommate, the nurse and my OB would all be frum Jews. Golus makes itself known in strange ways... A deeply Catholic doctor from South America, hands obviously guided by Hashem, allowed the twins to recover in utero.

I vividly remember sitting there in my hospital bed, flipping through the Mishpacha my husband had picked up at the other hospital’s bikor cholim room, thinking “This is the year I don’t need to read anything sad or meaningful about Tisha B’av. I got this in the bag. I don’t need anything to make me cry today.” So I skipped anything that would make me too upset. At that point, I didn’t know if my twins were going to make it, or if one would pass and the other would make it, or if they would both be deeply disabled. This is what occupied my mind last Tisha B’av. I can only begin to describe what that was like. But I am so incredibly grateful to Hashem, look back a year, that isn’t my struggle anymore.  I've got plenty but that isn’t it. Bchasdei Hashem my girls are alive and well.

Lets be real life with (kh)three under two isn’t easy. This year has been one of the most trying of my life. As they all grow and change, I appreciate more and more how this is only the beginning. Pandemic or not, parenting is not for the weak. Yet, it is important to recognize that while we are constantly in golus until iyh soon moshiach should come... there are ups and downs.

There are times when it is so painful to wake up in the morning, and there are times when you are so completely genuinely happy. Yes, Tisha b'av is a dark day and we all suffer through praying it will end. The next day, we get up again and rebuild.


Israel Grocery Store Trauma

I bought cream cheese, or rather I thought I bought cream cheese Friday morning. I was thinking Cream Cheese+Lox seems like an excellent meal idea for my dairy only kitchen. I was wrong. You see, the cheese I bought would appear to be cream cheese, but the soft white cheese stuff I bought tastes like the smelly cheese portion of the shuk. (Basically pretty gross for my personal American standards.) So back in the bigger store today determined to find “normal” cream cheese. I spent quite a while, looking for a cream cheese that didn’t look like the one I already bought to no success. After walking around quite a bit, from across the frozen fish/parve section I saw glory, otherwise known as whipped philadelphia cream cheese. But wait: I looked at the label Israel puts on imported products to see it has a legitimate hechsher. Sadly however, I realize it isn’t “cholov yisroel” which is the standard kept in my apartment and by myself while in living in Israel. Life is hard mmkay?

Due to the pandemic induced CY cream cheese shortage of 5780, I remembered this post and later this gem time eight years ago in seminary where I was tasked with baking cheesecake for our in-dorm meal after coming back from the Kosel Shavuos morning.

I ended up making up this oddly good cheesecake with gvina lavna which was top level regular cheesecake, bottom chocolate cheesecake. Safe to say it was sem girl approved and the whole thing was finished by the group to my surprise.

This year, first time we will be home for shavuos, I'm thinking a GOH spin on the Satmar Rebbetzin's famous cheesecake recipe(yes this is a real thing) which uses primarily farmers cheese(which is also in short supply due to popularity of the recipe locally). Wish me luck!


Outremont is a beautiful neighborhood in Montreal with a large hasidish population(as it has for around 100 years). It is also similar to Williamsburg, shared with a very high-end, progressive, some might say "yuppie" crowd. I had the pleasure of visiting for a long weekend before my first was born.

This article is about how a secular Jew, previously a bit antagonistic, found some neighborly camaraderie in the pandemic-induced balcony minyan.

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