
Dogs, digs, and pathologies.....


I've moved, but this is still kind of active occasionally when I'm on its main blog. Find me elsewhere (screenname sans dash) if interested. Since some of this is NSFW, please be 18+.

i think this is probably true of every office, but there's a middle aged woman working in business who doesn't hold any particular place in the chain of command but is Sovereign. i was running support and she has access to more secure network drives than i do. im pretty sure she has an admin account. i was having trouble with my parking pass and my boss just said to talk to kristen- one day later i had parking in any garage on campus. she's not even in charge of parking in our building


This is also true of academia. In pretty much any department of the university — in my experience at least — there’s a person with a small-but-private office and an unassuming title (probably including a word like “secretary” or “assistant”), usually an older woman, and she actually runs the place. Faculty defer to her; department heads come and go, but Jill has been there for thirty years and knows how everything works, and she’s the person you go to if you want to get anything done. You’ll know her because when a professor directs you to her they won’t say “you need to talk to the Office of So-and-So because this falls under their purview”, but “you need to talk to Jill.” Her official job title is basically irrelevant because her actual role is acting as eminence grise for this whole operation.

I’ve personally had the experience where my advisor told me “you should do such-and-such certification, go talk to Jill,” and I went to talk to Jill & she said “actually you can’t do such-and-such because XYZ,” so I went back to my advisor to relay this, and he just kind of shrugged and was like, “well if Jill says no, then it can’t be done” and that was the end of it. Complete veto power, no higher authority to turn to, because the only reason Jill can’t do something is if it’s literally impossible.

Honestly there’s probably a whole dissertation about invisible labor and gender dynamics in there waiting to be written.


The one in my undergrad department was Linda C, and I think her hypercompetence must have risen to the point of allowing her to manipulate time itself, because in my experience, every time you needed to talk to Ms. C, you would end up chatting with her for at least an hour (which was both enjoyable and informative) and yet she got so much work done--it just didn't seem physically possible.

Take secretaries and administrative assistants out of any organization and you'll see it crumble in no time. They are the holder of the secrets to understanding red tape and other administrative nightmares.


The whole project of corporate IT was trying to get rid of this type of person and it's why nothing works anymore and we're all dying

When you realize you are that person for your job. If anyone in my organization needs anything at my site (related to my department or not) or semi-related to my department (at my site or not), they call/text/email me.

You may or may not realize this, but we're all fucking neurodivergent. Hardcore. We got all this knowledge because we need to understand the processes underlying everything. We keep asking why. We meet folks, generally like us, along the way. We keep in contact.

We're the web of au/DHD humans that keep neurotypical orgs running as best we can, without actually being perceived by too many people. 😂


This is a map of the range of all giraffe species. By my count that puts them in just 16 countries out of the 54 in Africa (of which 5 are island countries with no territory on the continental mainland). That's 30%, quite a long way shy of all, and as you can see many of those countries that do have giraffes only have a tiny portion of their territory within giraffes' habitats


Wow, I knew they weren't in "every African country", but I didn't realize just how restricted their range was


Good teachers don't mind saying "I don't know" or that they need to look it up and will get back to you.


Not only that but giraffes in different areas have different patterns and it's so cool


Masai giraffes look cool af

The Masai giraffes are stuntin’ on the heauxs!

Masai Giraffe:

Reticulated Giraffe:


This switched gears from a post about white ignorance to a giraffe appreciation post. Such is the nature of tumblr.


We need to end lobbyism as we know it. Corporate bribery is the worst way to provide a human right like health care.

Sad that $800 million/year in bribes costs us 650 billion/year in savings.


I need. NEED. ppl to understand that whiteness as a concept has varied across time and place throughout history and is not a universal constant. a person can be fully white in one place and not white or conditionally white in another. a family can be considered white in the present day while their ancestors were subject to white supremacist oppression. you have GOT to stop thinking of whiteness as something intrinsic.


did he really fall victim to the alt right pipeline or was he already insufferable and just looking for ways to justify his behavior

24 reblogs and 164 likes...people know the truth but fear sharing it. 1 reblog = 1 AMEN


Things that are going to happen in 2024 according to Star Trek:

1) the absolutely giant homeless-population of the USA (or was is just New York? Idk, I‘m from Europe) is going to start a civil-war fighting against the upper class and police.

2) Ireland is going to get united

Like to charge, reblog to cast


Guys, stop being crap to creators. You aren’t hurting Amazon. You’re stealing from writers.

This is an extremely frustrating trend to watch happen. Indie writers already work so hard, and there's nothing they can do. Amazon doesn't give a damn, they profit either way.

Please download Libby if you want access to free ebooks that were legitimately purchased by a library. Hurting people like this means they can't afford to write books.

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