

@heisetuzi / heisetuzi.tumblr.com

Hei, a little lost rabbit


 Hello everyone some of you who followed me to twitter probably already have saw some of this, so sorry for the late update here.

 On the 15th of September, I became one of the victims of a murder attempt from within my own family. Earlier this year I’ve planned to stop by home for two weeks so I flew to Korea on the 11th of September, but on the early morning of 15th around 4am my older step-sibling attacked my little sister with a knife with the intent to kill.. I belated-ly went to the scene and tried to stop my older sibling from doing this then she decided to kill me as well and swung her knife..

 I always knew that my family was broken but I really wanted to make an effort in helping out this year so it came to me as such a shock that this would happen so suddenly.. I have been severely injured and hospitalized for a week since then my face, neck, lung, kidney, both hands were wounded from defending myself and getting stabbed in response, worse of all the attacker pleads not guilty while our ‘father’ hopes to leave this behind as well. Telling us as far as to false testify on what has happened that night. After hearing about this is- I’ve cut connections with the rest of my family, all but my little sister and only worked with the police and prosecution so far.

Thankfully before all of this happening I’ve proposed to the soulmate of my life earlier this year and already had moved in with my Fiance. She’s been so strong and supporting me through this whole tragedy by flying all the way here while I was still in the hospital.. Currently, I’m safely back in Germany recovering while waiting for court dates. 

 Sadly both of my hands will not recover to how it was like before, the inner finger tendons were lacerated and they had to do full-blown surgery for both of my hands. I do think with time I’ll be drawing again but it will take months for the surgery fix effect to be healed and working.

 That being said, this has punched a big financial hole in our lives.. Thankfully my surgeries were covered by insurance but I still have months of rehab sessions to pay for in the future and the plane ticket money I have to make up for the necessary travels I must make.

 I feel very uncomfortable with donations so I’m taking pixel art commissions atm! They are a bit pricier than how I would normally charge because I have to make these with my left hand which is my non-dominant hand. My right hand is now in a cast currently:

 So I’ve put in the extra effort element as an added cost. I’m very slow with typing since I have very limited fingers to use; so please understand if my email replies are slow!

 If anyone is interested here is some weak medical gore below (Just stitches tho)



Thank you random guy from E3 for saying what we were all thinking

Even better is guy refuses to take it and asks them to donate a go-kart to a children’s hospital.

(gokarts are those tv/game consoles on stands with wheels in hospitals)



more samples can be found here (it is nsfw tho, be warned)


chibi - $15 

half body - $15

fullbody - $20

simple bg - +$5

  • paypal only (I will pay the fee!)
  • fan art/characters are a-okay
  • nsfw is cool as long as character is 18+
  • couples are double
  • all prices are subject to change! if I feel the request is more complex or very detailed the price may increase a bit. also if you want just line art instead of fully colored take $5 off the price.

Gris is a hopeful young girl lost in her own world, dealing with a painful experience in her life. Her journey through sorrow is manifested in her dress, which grants new abilities to better navigate her faded reality. As the story unfolds, Gris will grow emotionally and see her world in a different way, revealing new paths to explore using her new abilities.


Donations for handi-capable kitty needed

Two weeks ago, my 3-legged kitty tried to jump up to the sink and missed the mark, breaking his hind-left leg :c initially, the vet quoted me at around $1000, but due to complications where it was broken (near the joint instead of the middle), his vet bills have nearly doubled and I could really use some help.

I’ve set up a gofundme for my boy Rhys here; any and all donations or reposts/reblogs are greatly appreciated!

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