
This Is How Your Justice Ends

@carrioncrowes / carrioncrowes.tumblr.com

"show me your thorns and i'll show you hands ready to bleed." @amummy has me trapped in their basement he/him ✢ 🔞only ✢ CNTW

VAMPIRE HUNTER D: BLOODLUST (2000) dir. Yoshiaki Kawajiri

“The Duke is sere as old paper; his dry skin rustics against the bed-sheets as he throws them back to thrust out his thin legs scabbed with old scars where thorns scored his pelt. He lives in a gloomy mansion, all alone but for this child who has as little in common with the rest of us as he does. His bedroom is painted terracotta, rusted with a wash of pain, like the interior of an Iberian butcher’s shop, but for himself, nothing can hurt him since he ceased to cast an image in the mirror.” [Angela Carter, The Bloody Chamber]

Honestly, I think the whole “don’t pay the writers” thing boils down to the notion that everybody thinks they can write. It’s the old saw about the novelist at a cocktail party having to hear someone say, for the millionth time, “I’d love to write a book someday.”

Someone–Stephen King? Pretty sure I saw this in a Stephen King foreword–once said they’d like to say to a brain surgeon, “Boy, I’d love to do brain surgery someday.”

We treat “the ability to put words into a sentence” like it’s just the same as “the ability to form a coherent narrative that engenders a variety of emotions within the reader and puts them in a scene and shows them what they didn’t see before”.

And that’s like me drawing a stick figure and saying I’m an artist.

Writers are constantly devalued because everyone thinks they have a book in them and don’t realize the level of skill and commitment it takes to finish even a short story, much less a whole book. 

This goes well beyond fandom, but man, I would’ve hoped fandom would know better.



something something a follower who is more devout than their god. a fervent acolyte and a doubtful divine. the obsessive devotion of one who has become a sword for someone who cannot stomach the thought of wielding them. misplaced worship that refuses to be swayed. a invulnerable deity painfully human in its uneasy hesitancy, a fragile mortal made alien by its unquestioning conviction. attack dog and owner with a tight grip on the leash. and make it as fucked up and gay as possible.


Avavav always has the most interesting concepts

Okay this is a BRILLIANT illustration of how the fast fashion industry devours literally everybody it touches, but knowing what I know about models, I'm willing to bet these people JUMPED at the chance to look exactly as they feel on a bad day on the runway and not be fired for it.


when u Mom com home and make hte spagheti

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