
Her Clockwork Heart

@long-susan-blog / long-susan-blog.tumblr.com

This place is even better than Leningrad. ::ESFJ::
??? what is this ???
it’s a tray filled with fucking tubby custard that they jam up to the roof of your mouth and keep there. then they take it out and use the indents of your teeth to make retainers and stuff. it wouldn’t be that bad if it didn’t stay there that long, if the shit wasn’t flavored (’would u like bubblegum or cookie dough’ ‘i don’t really care they both taste like smoking rubber’), and if the ortho didn’t ALWAYS OVERFILL IT SO YOU END UP SWALLOWING LIKE A QUARTER OF THE STUFF AND GAGGING BECAUSE YOU’RE LITERALLY DEEP THROATING A PLASTIC TRAY AND THIS FUCKIN. PUDDING TEETH GLUE
They did it once to me and I thought all of my teeth were going to leave my mouth with it
in my day it wasn’t flavored and it was still fucking sensory hell omg it tasted like your mouth was filled with a mix of regret and poorly-ground chalk dust. It was flavored only by the salt of my tears.
seriously just remembering this is making me gag

Our entire team had to go through this at work about a month ago to provide reference samples for some research and we all gagged. Also, not flavoured. 


dear bisexual / pansexual women and political lesbians,

you need to immediately disclose to any woman you plan on dating if you are, in fact, a lesbian, or if you are something else. some lesbians are open to dating bi / pan / PL ladies. some are not. withholding this information is harmful, deceitful behavior that can make lesbians feel unsafe and devalued.

picture it: you’re a lesbian, looking to start a relationship. you meet a woman who claims that she, too, is a lesbian. this signifies that you have, at the very least, a shared sexuality, and you can bond about your experience as a woman who is attracted exclusively to women, which is outside of the patriarchal, heterocentric structure of the vast majority of societies. 

now, imagine that you, a lesbian who is incapable of being attracted to men, get a confession from your girlfriend: she discloses to you that, yeah, actually, she could possibly be with a man and feel emotionally and sexually fulfilled. she, as a bi- or pansexual, is capable of thinking about having sex with a man and not feeling revulsion. your initial feeling of intimacy and security related to the sharing of a sexuality - one of the most basic aspects of your being, which is essential to you - is gone. 

wouldn’t that hurt? wouldn’t that make you feel insecure? wouldn’t you get angry, if you were put into that position?

You know what would hurt me? 

If I was in a relationship with a lesbian and her finding out I am bi was some sort of horrific secret that must be confessed like some shameful pox. 

The fact that bisexual women are seen as being dirty or alien because we have or feel the capacity to be in intimate relationships with men is HARMFUL. It is biphobic and it is disgusting. 

The entire notion that bi women are less valuable and less desirable as partners because we have and/or have the capacity to be intimate with men is so blatantly biphobic and bigoted that I can’t believe I even have to explain it.

How about THIS: Biphobic lesbians who would feel betrayed and insecure because of a bi partners identity have an OBLIGATION to disclose that they are biphobic assholes when they enter into a relationship, in case any bi woman they are interested in was unaware of what an asshole they are. 


picture this: you’re having a perfectly nice date with a perfectly nice girl, the pasta course has just been served, and the subject of exes comes up. suddenly your date is going into anaphylactic shock at the realization she’s been sharing personal space with a part-time sausage-fondler and an ambulance has to be called. everyone is staring at you. this is terrible. the pasta’s getting cold. and it could all have been avoided if she’d only let you know up front that she had such a terrible life-threatening condition.

And the worst part is, you forgot your epipenis, so you have to pray the EMTs get there in time.


I imagine Valentines Day for Harry and Ginny usually consists of Harry singing over and over at the top of his lungs






chasing Ginny all over the house while she covers her ears and yells “SHUT UP SHUT UP I WAS ELEVEN YEARS OLD OKAY SHUT UP


The Signs - Wants & Needs

Wants: To win. Excitement and adventure. To receive praise. To achieve greatness. To always have fun in life.
Needs: A varied routine. To accept defeat gracefully. To think before they act. To understand their weaknesses.
Wants: Peace and quiet. To be useful to others. To get away for a while. To do things in their own time.
Needs: A space for themselves. To vent anger in a healthy way. To notice when being taken advantage of.
Wants: To express all their thoughts. To release their inner child. To make new friends. To feel only happiness.
Needs: To slow down. A soul mate. A shoulder to cry on. Emotional intimacy. To be truly understood.
Wants: Material comforts. To hide away. To rant about their troubles. A long lie-in. Less responsibilities.
Needs: To let things go. To remove their guilt. A good laugh. Frugality. Someone who will sit and listen.
♌ LEO:
Wants: Devotion. To be remembered. To be pampered and spoiled. To make people laugh. To be complimented.
Needs: Kindness. To learn to love themselves without other people's flattery. Loyal friends who won't flake out.
Wants: To prove their intelligence. A peaceful lifestyle. An organised plan. To be classy. To have a snappy comeback.
Needs: To admit when they need help from others. To understand nobody's perfect. To be spontaneous sometimes.
Wants: Everybody to get along. To be told what to do. To avoid negativity and conflict. To procrastinate.
Needs: To take charge and make decisions. To do things now. To cut toxic relationships. To trust their own abilities.
Wants: To give a good impression. Intimacy. To be in control. To keep secrets. To be mature and respected.
Needs: To stop stifling themselves. Body acceptance. A physical outlet. To admit they are wrong sometimes.
Wants: To prove themselves. Good stories to share. To be admired and praised. To never miss an opportunity.
Needs: To relax/meditate. A long hug. To find a balance between work and relations. To vent their frustrations.
Wants: To inspire. To share their wisdom. To play it safe. To be wealthy. To keep neutral opinions.
Needs: To take risks sometimes. To trust in others. To unlock their emotions. Someone/something to care for.
Wants: To be unique. To be independent. To have many different talents. To make good connections.
Needs: A helping hand. To shoulder less burdens. To take their ambitions steadily. A strong support system.
Wants: Emotional support. A knight in shining armor. To escape. To daydream. To cry it all out.
Needs: Independence. To accept the truth. To voice their concerns. To focus. To build a stronger backbone.

i keep cursing in ice cream flavors and my mom has told me to stop

update: i still haven’t stopped

how do you curse in ice cream flavors

what the mint chocolate chip did you say to me punk

i’ll kick your rocky road and then punch the ever loving strawberry cheesecake out of you

that was beautiful


My husband doesn’t believe me that shaving your legs is difficult and time consuming. So long story short he is about to shave his legs for the first time.

Update: he is part way through one leg and regretting his decision. I got him to switch from his men’s razor to my woman razor (his is for face shaving) and it’s going slightly better.

He is hating shaving his legs. HATING it.


My husband from the shower: how many notes does your post have?

Me: roughly one for every YEAR you have been in that shower!




He says it was ridiculous and he can’t imagine having to do it again in a few days time, it’s much harder than shaving his face (he had previously claimed they would be abut the same). He says he feels he has learned a lesson!

Edit: He also pulled a muscle while shaving his legs! He said it was like exercise. “Yoga in the shower with razors” indeed!

Update: he has been rubbing his legs together in bed for ten minutes.


the ending though

As a male individual that shaved my legs once in preparation for a “Walk A Mile In Her Shoes” event after reaching a certain level of funds raised, I can confirm everything that geekandmisandry‘s husband went through. 

And god damn, do your legs itch like hell for weeks afterward.

If women everywhere said “fuck the social expectations and societal norms!” and stopped shaving their legs TODAY I would fully support that notion based on the shaving process ALONE. 

Edit (in case anyone thinks I’m making it up)

This tickles me!


Women In History

I grew up believing that women had contributed nothing to the world until the 1960′s. So once I became a feminist I started collecting information on women in history, and here’s my collection so far, in no particular order. 

Lepa Svetozara Radić (1925–1943) was a partisan executed at the age of 17 for shooting at German soldiers during WW2. As her captors tied the noose around her neck, they offered her a way out of the gallows by revealing her comrades and leaders identities. She responded that she was not a traitor to her people and they would reveal themselves when they avenged her death. She was the youngest winner of the Order of the People’s Hero of Yugoslavia, awarded in 1951

23 year old Phyllis Latour Doyle was British spy who parachuted into occupied Normandy in 1944 on a reconnaissance mission in preparation for D-day. She relayed 135 secret messages before France was finally liberated. 


Catherine Leroy, War Photographer starting with the Vietnam war. She was taken a prisoner of war. When released she continued to be a war photographer until her death in 2006.

Lieutenant Pavlichenko was a Russian sniper in WWII, with a total of 309 kills, including 36 enemy snipers. After being wounded, she toured the US to promote friendship between the two countries, and was called ‘fat’ by one of her interviewers, which she found rather amusing. 


Johanna Hannie “Jannetje” Schaft was born in Haarlem. She studied in Amsterdam had many Jewish friends. During WWII she aided many people who were hiding from the Germans and began working in resistance movements. She helped to assassinate two nazis. She was later captured and executed. Her last words were “I shoot better than you.”. 

Nancy wake was a resistance spy in WWII, and was so hated by the Germans that at one point she was their most wanted person with a price of 5 million francs on her head. During one of her missions, while parachuting into occupied France, her parachute became tangled in a tree. A french agent commented that he wished that all trees would bear such beautiful fruit, to which she replied “Don’t give me any of that French shit!”, and later that evening she killed a German sentry with her bare hands. 

After her husband was killed in WWII, Violette Szabo began working for the resistance. In her work, she helped to sabotage a railroad and passed along secret information. She was captured and executed at a concentration camp at age 23. 

Grace Hopper was a computer scientist who invented the first ever compiler. Her invention makes every single computer program you use possible. 


Mona Louise Parsons was a member of an informal resistance group in the Netherlands during WWII. After her resistance network was infiltrated, she was captured and was the first Canadian woman to be imprisoned by the Nazis. She was originally sentenced to death by firing squad, but the sentence was lowered to hard lard labor in a prison camp. She escaped. 

Simone Segouin was a Parisian rebel who killed an unknown number of Germans and captured 25 with the aid of her submachine gun. She was present at the liberation of Paris and was later awarded the ‘croix de guerre’. 


Mary Edwards Walker is the only woman to have ever won an American Medal of Honor. She earned it for her work as a surgeon during the Civil War. It was revoked in 1917, but she wore it until hear death two years later. It was restored posthumously. 

Italian neuroscientist won a Nobel Prize for her discovery of nerve growth factor. She died aged 103. 

A snapshot of the women of color in the woman’s army corps on Staten Island

This is an ongoing project of mine, and I’ll update this as much as I can (It’s not all WWII stuff, I’ve got separate folders for separate achievements). 

File this under: The History I Wish I’d Been Taught As A Little Girl

Part 2

Annie Jump Cannon was an american astronomer and, in addition to possibly having one of the best names in history, was co-creator of one of the first scientific classification systems of stars, based on temperature. 

Melba Roy Moutan was a Harvard educated mathematician who led a team of mathematicians at NASA, nicknamed ‘Computers’ for their number processing prowess. 

Joyce Jacobson Kaufman was a chemist who developed the concept of conformational topology, and studied at Johns Hopkins University before it officially allowed women entry in 1970. 

Vera Rubin is an astronomer and has co-authored 114 peer reviewed papers. She specializes in the study of dark matter and galaxy rotation rates. 

Mary Sherman Morgan was a rocket scientist who invented hydyne, a liquid fuel that powered the USA’s Jupiter C-rocket. 

Chien-Siung Wu was a physicist who worked on the Manhattan Project, as well as experimental radioactive studies. She was the first woman to become president of the American Physical Society. 

Mildred Catherine Rebstock was the first person to synthesize the antibiotic chloromycetin.

Ruby Hirose was a chemist who conducted vital research about an infant paralysis vaccine. 

Hattie Elizabeth Alexander was a pediatrician and microbiologist who developed a remedy for Haemophilus influenzae, and conducted vital research on antibiotic resistance. 

Marie Tharp was a scientist who mapped the floor of the Atlantic Ocean and provided proof of continental drift. 


Mae Jamison is an astronaut who holds a degree in chemical engineering from Stanford University and was the first black woman in space.

Ada Lovelace was a mathematician and considered to be the world’s first computer programmer. 


Patricia E Bath is ophthalmologist and the inventor of the Laserphaco Probe, which is used to treat cataracts. 


Barbara McClintock won a Nobel prize for her discovery that genes could move in and between chromosomes.

That’s it for now, part three will be on its way. (Josephine Baker was requested in the first installment, just know I did not forget her! She’s in a different folder, titled ‘famous people you didn’t know were complete badasses, and she, along with Hedy Lamar and Audrey Hepburn will be in the next installment :) )


DO IT NOW: Guide to Proper Bra Fit and Measuring because Victoria Secret and La Senza and whatever are full of shit and you are definitely wearing the wrong size ok? ok

Hi guys I’m obsessed with this shit lately because I don’t want anyone to have unhappy, unsupported boobs like I did. Even if you think your boobs and bras are fine, try it. It will make a big difference in comfort, support, and shape, even if you have small boobs or big boobs. A proper fitting bra can fix back, shoulder, and neck pain, along with breast soreness - and it can help you look 10lbs lighter, and your breasts a hell of a lot perkier. This guide also works for proper-sized bikinis and bathing suits (many online stores linked to below sell both- sometimes for as low as 10$!)

Don’t just like this, REBLOG IT. EVERYBODY WITH BOOBS DESERVES A PROPER FIT. Even if you don’t wear bras yourself, spread it around to tumblr or with your friends or family.

Grab a soft tape measurer (use inches) and get nekkid - don’t wear a bra or shirt please, you don’t wear a bra or shirt underneath your bra, do you? This part is fast and easy, and will help you find your ‘Starting Point’ bra size - you may not end up in this exact size, but it will get you in the right ballpark.

How to Measure:

  • Measure your underbust - go right underneath the root of your breasts, but make sure the tape is straight/parallel to the floor. Take a firm, snug measurement - if you have chub, take it tighter.
  • Measure your bust bent over - bend forward so your back is parallel to the  floor and your boobs are hanging so you have access to all that beautiful breast tissue that is now brought forward. Measure very loosely around the nipples, keeping tape straight/horizontal/perpendicular to the floor.
  • If your breasts are kind of empty and/or have a lot of sag, this method may overestimate your cup size. Instead, take your bust measurement bent over, standing, and lying flat on your back, and take an average of those three measurements and use that for your calculations.

How to Use These Measurements to find your ‘Starting Size’:

  • Round up your underbust measurement to the nearest even number. If you are only half an inch or less away from being a lower size, use that instead (unless you have a bony ribcage). This is automatically your band size. No BS. There is no adding imaginary inches here.
  • The difference between your underbust measurement and your bust measurement dictates your cup size. Every 1 inch in difference represents a cup size, so 1 inch = A, 2 = B, 3 = C, 4 = D. As you can see here, a true D or DD cup is actually pretty fucking small. 
  • CUP SIZES ARE NOT STANDARD, UNLIKE COMMONLY THOUGHT (AND TOLD TO US BY ASSHOLES LIKE VS). They are TOTALLY relative to band size. The cup on a 30D has 4 inches less volume than the cup on a 34D. A 30D is actually the same cup size as a 34B! 
  • No one has their shit together on the lettering for each cup size, so here’s a handy dandy chart. Remember to go with UK measurement as they somewhat have their shit together (and because American companies do not make much above DD, so there’s literally no point in knowing it, but the European sizing may come in handy)
  • For example, I have a 29.5 inch underbust and a 38 inch bust when bent over. So, I should take a 30 band and then there’s an 8 inch difference. So I am a 30FF in UK sizing. This is just my starting point when looking for bras, and I may not always end up with this exact size
  • Do not pull the ‘omg no I’m not a G cup my boobs aren’t that big you’re more stupid that the idea of vegetable bread’ shit with me ok? You drank the Kool-Aid and now you need to piss it out. CUP SIZES ARE NOT STANDARD. A 34D IS BIGGER IN THE CUPS THAN A 30E. Here, take a look at a chart of cup volumes and see what I mean.
  • Also… not all ‘big cup’ bras are ugly and granny-like. Just check out brands like Freya or Gossard or Gorteks or Panache or Cleo! They are gorgeous!

Trying it on: What a proper fit is like

  • ALWAYS SCOOP AND SWOOP BEFORE ASSESSING WHETHER IT FITS OR NOT. What does this mean? This means bend over, hike up your bra so that it sits right under the root of your breasts. Then, start smooshing all your back fat and armpit rolls or any loose tissue thats underneath or to the side of the cup, INTO the cup. All that stuff is breast tissue that got pushed around from your shitty bras, no I am not bullshitting - after a few months of wearing better bras, many people end up having to get a bigger cup and sometimes even a smaller band too, as all the smooshed breast tissue migrates back to the boob, where it should be. Not kidding. So get everything in there and make sure the wire is positioned perfectly under your boobs. Then stand up and assess the fit. If it seemed to fit before scooping, it won’t fit now.
  • THIS IS JUST A STARTING POINT. Try on your starting size and work from there. You may need to go up or down a band size, or up or down many cup sizes. Not all brands or even models in that brand are made the same way, and the shape of your boobs also helps determine the size and fit, so don’t try on JUST the size you calculated, say “it doesn’t fit”, and then give up and go back to your 36Cs. You aren’t doing yourself any favours. If you don’t feel comfortable in your ‘starting point size’, go ahead and try a size up or down in bands and/or a size or two or even three up or down in cups as needed.
  • ALWAYS start on the loosest hook. If you need to start on the tightest hook, go down a band size. The point of hooks is simple - as your bra gets used, it gradually loses its elasticity and gets loose. So, you use your hooks to bring it in, and when you reach the last hook, well, be prepared to get rid of your bra in a few months (unless you invest in a band tightener like the Rixie Clip)
  • A proper fit means the bra band is straight and parallel to the floor. If it isn’t, and seems to be getting pulled up, its too big and isn’t supporting you. Get a smaller band. You shouldn’t be able to stretch it more than a couple inches off your back. It may feel tight at first, but bras do need ‘breaking in’ and you are used to wearing things that do not fit correctly, so give it a chance. Of course, it should not hurt either!
  • A proper fit means your bra straps are not digging in. 
  • A proper fit means the gore (the little centerpiece of the bra where the wires sort of meet) MUST tack/sit firmly against your chest. If it doesn’t, then the wires are not truly fully underneath your boobs and so are not giving you the proper support. 
  • A proper fit means your boobs must fit smoothly into the entire cup (after scooping and swooping). The wire should totally encase all your breast tissue (this includes armpit fat and stuff). There should be no empty space at the bottom or top of the cup. Your boobs should not be overflowing from the top of the cup. If there’s overflowing or uncontained tissue after scooping, or of it feels tight, get a bigger cup.
  • A proper fit means you should be able to lift your arms over your head and jump around without the band or underwire budging or exposing underboob.

Size Tweaks/Troubleshooting (make sure you scoop and swoop first):

  • The band feels tight: Is the gore tacking or not? If not, go up a cup size or two (or maybe even three or four). Even if the gore is tacking, try this first. The band may be tight because the cups are too small, so your boobs are stretching the band out too much to overcompensate for lack of cup depth, making it feel tighter. If after trying larger cups, it still feels uncomfortably tight, go up a band size (and down a cup size if the first size fit well in the cups - remember, cup is relative to band, a 32DD is the same in the cups as a 34D). Remember though that it takes a few days to break a bra in, so it may feel tight or perfect at first, and then comfortable or too loose later.
  • The band feels loose/band is riding up and not remaining parallel to the floor: Go down a band size (and up a cup size or two because blablah relativity). 
  • The gore is not tacking, but band is not tight: Band size is too big, or maybe fits just right - but the cups are too small. You know what to do.
  • Boobs spilling over: Go up a cup size. Check first though that the bottom of the cup is not empty, and hike it up if it is!
  • Empty space at bottom of cup: Hike that shit up so it gets right to the roots of your breasts. This may fix bulging/spillage. If you can’t get it higher, then you need a smaller cup or this make of bra is just not suited to your shape.
  • Empty space at top of cup: You need a smaller cup, or this shape of bra just does not suit you your breasts, especially if your breasts are not very full on top. Or you need to scoop and swoop!
  • Straps digging in: Loosen them. If your boobs suddenly sag, then the band is not supportive enough, and you need a tighter band.
  • Armpit rolls: Bigger cup and/or scoop and swoop that shit. The cut of bra may also just not be for you (for now anyway - your armpit rolls may migrate back into the boobs and disappear eventually!)
  • They don’t even make my size!!: If you’re in a 28-48 D-KK (UK sizing) cup, you will find your size online easily enough. however, if you have a smaller band than that or need smaller cups, they are hard to find - message me and I’ll try to help you with a solution!
  • So, for example, my starting size may be 30FF, but I may end up wearing a 28G or H if the band of that model is too loose and the gore not tacking. Or the band may be fine and I may need a bigger cup so I’ll get a 30G. Or The band may be good but the cups too big, so I’ll get a 30F or E. Or the band may be too small to be comfortable and I’ll wear a 32F or E (same cupsize-ish as 30FF!). 

 What Not to Do:

  • NEVER PUT YOUR BRA IN THE DRYER. AND PREFERABLY, WASH IT BY HAND. The heat and twisting ruins the elasticity of the bra and reduces its life! This is the best way to ruin bras, don’t do it.
  • Do not add 3 or 4 or 5 inches or whatever to your band measurement. That is BS that American companies use so that they don’t have to manufacture a larger range of sizes - they use it to fit you into their stock, not their stock onto you. The band will be too big and unsupportive. Those 4 inches they add to the band are 4 inches that should be in the cup size, so no wonder people think anything over DD should be huge.
  • Do not measure your ‘overbust’ cause really what the fuck does that have to do with how large you are underneath your boobs, come on
  • Do not do the above because 80% of the support comes from the band, which needs to be firm against you and not be sliding or moving around.Would you wear underwear 4 inches bigger than your hips? No, so why would you wear a bra band 4 inches bigger than your ribcage that gets pulled up and stuff and would fall off if not for the straps, while expecting it to support the boobies at the same time?
  • Do not go down a band size and then forget to go up a cup size or two. Again, cup sizes are not static. A 30FF is the same cup volume as a 32F or E. If you don’t do this, no shit the bra will fit badly or feel tight.
  • Do not go straight to Victoria’s Secret or La Senza or whatever, even if you are lucky enough to fit in their small range of sizes - they don’t seem to follow sizing very well. Still, try, by all means, but be aware that their bras may be odd compared to others.

 "But where do I get these Bras? I’ve never even seen these sizes!“

Luckily, the internet makes this shit really easy. Buying bras online is nearly always way cheaper, even with shipping, and even if coming from somewhere in Europe! But of course, its best to try on stuff first, to avoid the hassle of return shipping (even though its still not that expensive - just annoying). So what I advise is to find a store near you, try stuff on there, note down the Brand, Model, and Size, and then buy it online for up to a quarter of of the in-store price.

If you can’t find a store near you, online ordering is still extremely cheap, even with return shipping. Instead of getting a whole bunch of bras in only 1 size each, pick out a few models and order a few sizes of each. Ex: one with a bigger or smaller band if your measurements are close to needing a bigger or smaller band size, and then some up or down a couple cup sizes so you can compare the fit. When you have the perfect fit in one bra, it will be easier to go on Bratabase or r/ABraThatFits and have them suggest bras that give similar shape or suggest a different size to you as a model you’re interested in may run large or small.

So, Where to Find:

  • Note: You can find proper-sized bras as low as 10$ US online (particularly from ebay or brastop.com) and most average 30-45$.
  • List of Online Retailers from BustyResourcesWiki: A complete list of online retailers around da world. Many ship internationally so take a look at all of them (particularly the UK ones)
  • Ebay, Etsy, and Amazon all have bras inexpensively.
  • List of Offline Retailers from BustyResourcesWiki: List of chain-stores (not of privately owned stores)
  • If in Canada, look for a Change Lingerie near you to try on bras. Note that they only carry their own brand.
  • If in the USA, look for a Nordstrom or Nordstrom Rack near you to try on bras. They carry all sorts of brands and have an online store as well (and also ship to Canada!)
  • Use a store locator from the webpage of a bra brand company to find non-chain, privately owned stores - if they have one of these brands, they’ll have others. Here’s the locator for Freya, Curvy Kate, FantasieChantelle, Panache, and Affinitas. There are more than just these of course.
  • If you are small in the band AND in the cup (under a D cup) look at the Little Bra Company.
  • Ask around on Bratabase or r/ABraThatFits for stores near you.

WARNING: There are many chain stores (Nordstrom, Lane Bryant, Mark and Spencer, Change etc) that do bra fittings and have a good reputation. However, each store is different - some measure correctly, and some use the stupid VS method. Every store has a different team of employees and knowledge. DO NOT GO IN WITHOUT HAVING MEASURED YOURSELF FIRST, JUST IN CASE THEY ARE ONE OF THE BAD STORES. DO NOT TRUST ALL BRA FITTERS, EVEN IF SOMEONE RECOMMENDED THEM TO YOU. If your fitter gives you a measurement different from this one, be mentally prepared to have a difficult time getting them to help you find the right bra.

I had the fitter at Change help me, and when I mentioned that the gore did not tack, she said “Oh, the gore never touches the chest with these bras”. I was like HAHA NOPE BRING ME A LARGER CUP WOMAN. And lo and behold, 2 extra cup sizes later, the gore tacked (and my boobs stopped spilling out). She was very nice otherwise but if I hadn’t known better that could have been bad.


  • r/ABraThatFits: forum for bras, they will help you with sizing, fitting, and finding the right model for your breast shape - they have links to a lot of resources, such as online stores, used bra listings, etc.
  • Busty Resources Wiki: Great resource for fitting tips, diagrams, explanations, styles.
  • Bra Band Project: an online gallery of what various sizes look like! Dump your disbelief!
  • List of Online Retailers: Online is MUCH cheaper and shipping is usually cheap too, even from Europe. Try bras in a store near you , pick out what you like, and order them online instead.
  • Bratabase: Database of bras, with user inputted measurements of each bra model in its size - bras may be marked the same size, but with this you can see which may have bigger or smaller bands or cups, or what style may suit what shape of breast, all of which helps find the perfect fit for you! 
  • Great Youtube Video on Bra Fitting: This is one of the few people on Youtube who knows their shit about bras. Great for the visuals to help you understand what a bad fit and proper fit look like.
  • Venusian Glow is a great bra blog - SO MUCH INFO. Suggests bras based on your boob shape amongst other things.

buckitty this is the post I was thinking of. It’s amazing.

All of this is good info.


This is the shit I’m talking about birds.

You want your boobs to look great?

Get you a good bra.

Your boobs are probs bigger than you think and you probably have less back fat and pit fat than you think.

All my flap bits and armpit fat was boob that had been squished over because I spent most of my life wearing a c cup and an ungodly loose band when my boobs got bigger. and I’m a 14 G. In shitty stores I’m an 18DD

Thank you thank you thank you! I’ve been trying to tell people this for years; I’m sick of people not believing I wear a D-cup because they always think D-cup = huge boobs. Total rubbish.


Biphobic XOJane Article Takedown

Oh my god though the actual article (here) is so much worse than I could even imagine I’m going to just have to do a full post about its fuckery. Even the tagline is just:

By hanging onto queer when what you really mean is “I think Ellen Page has the softest looking hair,” you’re claiming social capital and an identity that isn’t yours to claim.

Author: Did u know that I have the ability to perfectly arbitrate what does and does not constitute same gender attraction? : )

Me: *desperately shoving social capital into my purse* I need to leave right now immediately.

But I did not leave immediately because I am just that masochistic.

The author then goes off on a rant about how she totally knows this super fake queer lady u guys. Her “proof” that her friend is faking it? Well u see this horrible faker lady:

  • Was afraid to show public support for queer pride in high school because she thought she would be bullied.
  • Feels less afraid to identify as queer as an adult in a liberal all women’s college environment than she did as a child in a small highschool.
  • Thinks one lady is hot, but doesn’t think another different lady is hot.
  • Doesn’t want to be outed without her consent.
  • Is afraid to openly discuss being queer in public or in front of her family.
  • Only discusses her queer identity among close friends she feels safe with.
  • Wants to be involved in queer events.
  • Is scared of the repercussions of coming out to other people in her grad school program.
  • Hasn’t told the author about sleeping with or dating women. Hasn’t outed any of the “men” she dated as nonbinary or trans women.

(oh and the author also implies that dating trans men would somehow be less het than dating cis men so good job being a misgendering asshat lol)

Then after this scathing teardown she finishes up with:

It’s totally a jerk move to appoint myself the arbitrator of my friend’s sexuality and identity. It’s none of my business, it is none of my business, and truly, it is none of my business.



Biphobes really think they’re being slick. Like they really think we can’t see this shit.

The author concludes her friend is being “a huge asshole.” Why? Because she only feel comfortable discussing her queer identity with people she feels safe around and the author doesn’t think she’s in danger. Not only does she think she is allowed to decide what sexuality her friend is permitted to have, she thinks she can magically divine how well her family, friend, coworkers, authority figures would respond to her coming out. Utilising this powers, she concludes her friend is cowardly.

U heard that right. Being in the closet is a “shitty, lazy excuse not to be brave.”

Then she gets on some straight-passing privilege shit which is already bullshit and inherently transphobic and victim blaming but in this case it’s like even flimsier than usual.

By choosing not to mention to male grad students that she thinks Helen Mirren is dreamy while emphasizing how handsome her boyfriend is, my friend passes on just a sliver of the burden of queer liberation to someone else. In selectively closeting herself, she reinforces shitty, harmful ideas (“All women with boyfriends are straight” “I don’t know any queer people”) and outsources the work of making a more accepting world.

I don’t even know where to start on this paragraph. It’s like trying to make a “ur fave is problematic” post for Donald Trump. It’s just overwhelming. People who are in the closet are literally responsible for homophobia? The real reason for bi erasure is bi women not constantly coming out to homophobes? 

And just the fact, just the fact that you would talk about “who is being given the burden of queer liberation” here? You realise studies have again and again found that bi and mga women are the most vulnerable to abuse, rape, health problems, and discrimination within the LGB community? Bisexual ladies are not lounging on pool chairs sipping cocktails and hobnobbing with the cishets while u Toil Thanklessly In The Discourse Mines. The community has problems with some groups doing all the work and other groups reaping the benefits, but its not what ur talking about here. You realise that queer trans women of color have done basically all of the work in the entire history of this movement and that white cis people have reaped the benefits and taken all of the credit, right? Like, that is an actual problem.

I want to pause here and emphasize something: I know most queer/bisexual/pansexual identifying women are not like my friend.

How unceasingly magnanimous of you. I was afraid there for a moment, that I would fail to meet ur standards of Who Is And Is Not An Acceptable Queer. Thanks friend, really. That means so fucking much after you spent half an article explicitly shitting on my identity. Please take ur respectability politics elsewhere. I’m not interested in being told I’m “one of the good ones.”

If you have an attraction to women that you’re not sure you’d ever act on or you could never see yourself in a relationship with women, I would encourage you to explore other language than queer or bisexual. Heteroflexible is a good one. Or push at the limits of what straight can be. I think it’s damaging and insulting to straight folks to insist that having any thoughts beyond the boy-girl variety should explode your identity.

This paragraph is so surreal I feel like I’m reading a series of hastily pasted together dril tweets with randomly inserted discourse buzzwords. No, that’s not true. That’s too unkind. Dril would never tell me to “push at the limits of what straight can be.” Dril would never demand I identify as “heteroflexible.”

The crowning jewel to this is probably the author’s concern that straight folks might be “damaged and insulted” by people identifying as queer.


This author seems totally oblivious of the fact that she has aligned herself with straight people against queer people. Like, she has proudly taken the cishet side. She has explicitly chosen to defend straightness rather than be associated with icky fake bi girls. And remember, this isn’t a straight woman writing this. The Author identifies as a lesbian. And still hates queer women this much. Amazing.

Anyway so the author encourages queer women to “earn” the right to have their identity in the following ways:

If you want to put dibs on queerness, put in some sweat equity. Show up for the less glamorous queer events that are the lifeblood of the community, not Pride. Serve on boards figuring out how to make gayborhoods safer, attend fundraising bingos for queer elders, advocate for gender neutral bathrooms in your workplace.

…You… you know it’s still legal to kill a trans woman because she’s trans in the vast majority of the US, right? You do realise racism and transmisogyny is a real problem in our community? That there are homeless queer youth suffering rn? That AIDS still exists? That disabled queer people can’t get married? These things listed aren’t bad things to do, but they are hardly the most important work we have to do. They’re hardly the first priorities. Not to mention “making gayborhoods safer” sounds like it’s gonna involve supporting cops, harming sex workers, and possibly gentrification.

It’s also worth noting that, apparently, the author thinks this is only work that mga women have to do. People who are only attracted to their own gender get automatic VIP passes to queerness, it’s only those disgusting bihets who need to earn their validity through labor. We’re the only ones who have to prove ouselves here.

Most importantly, come out everywhere, all the time, event when it’s hard.

This is one of the most privileged sentences mine eyes have ever beheld. It is veritably glistening with ignorance.

Anyway, the author finishes up this biphobic screed with a series of reassurances that she is totally not biphobic u guys. She actually dated a bi once. She dated someone who’s dating a bi right now. She thinks if bi women came out more often, her dating life would be more active, and also all biphobia would vanish. But she also wants you to know that unless you are in imminent danger of being physically attacked or are 100% certain you will be ostracized by your family, you HAVE to come out. If you don’t, “fuck you.” 

I would be not at all annoyed at my friend if she said things like “I think Helen Mirren is a bewitching sex goddess” instead of “I think Helen Mirren is a bewitching sex goddess, therefore I am queer” (not a direct quote, no one is that much of an twit).

Also, whatever that is.

I haven’t gotten my identity police certification in the mail yet. I’m not in charge of how my friend or you, conducts a sexual identity. But the personal is political, as the slogan goes. It’s to your benefit, and the benefit of our communities, to live honest and shameless sexual lives.

This almost mind boggling lack of self awareness is, frankly, almost fascinating. 

This is what biphobes actually believe.

This is what we’re up against.

“Bisexual ladies are not lounging on pool chairs sipping cocktails and hobnobbing with the cishets while u Toil Thanklessly In The Discourse Mines.”









I had an older man come into the fabric store that I used to work in and dropped 3 bolts of the firefighter one on my counter and said, “I need this. I don’t know what I’m gonna do with it, but I need it.” a man behind him then yelled, “Pyjamas!” and the first man said, “My husband recommends pyjamas.” 

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