
a tall ship & a star

@a-lost-trekkie / a-lost-trekkie.tumblr.com

Formerly phony-beatlemania. Star Trek, figure skating / YOI, politics, dumb Spirk ramblings, and more. Lexi / 26 / American

lower decks ending after its next season. why does star trek fucking hate renewing the shows that are actually good

star trek used to get 7 24 episode seasons even when the first few weren’t popular, now a show can be top tier trek at season 1 and get a handful of episodes before being shot in the back of the head


Waiting for his man, to have an afternoon power nap

(rambling about background under the cut)


STAR TREK: THE ORIGINAL SERIES season two | episode three- the changeling What's the problem? An almost human stubbornness, Captain. I have been unable to convince Nomad to lower its screens for analysis. Without its co-operation, I can do nothing.


Life in Code: A Personal History of Technology

by Ellen Ullman

a while back I made a post along the lines of "every STEM major should have a required 'history of science' course that's just all about previously wrong and bad scientific theories like sperm all containing homunculi and spontaneous generation" and I got a lot of responses like "but STEM majors already have gen ed requirements!" and would not understand why I was specifically asking for a course that would teach people about why science is not infallible and does not exist in a vacuum and THIS IS EXACTLY WHY ACTUALLY


seeing middle-aged women online saying that kate middleton and the royals don’t own anyone an explanation is so weird. prefacing what i’m about to say by saying i’m against monarchies in the 21st century, but they do owe the british public an explanation. it is the british people who pay for her lifestyle. she is a figurehead for them. it’s like if joe biden got sick and was taking cancer treatment while being president; he would owe it to the american people to be forthcoming with this, because he is representing us. she is not just an individual, she is, first and foremost, a representative of the british as a whole, and she knew this when she married william. she gets to have a private life of course, but when it is the british public paying for her everything, she owes transparency. i think, also, the royal press handled the whole thing extremely badly and that’s why there’s such a hullabaloo regarding the situation.


the overton event horizon is when you occupy a political stance so firmly and deeply that your politics collapse into a black hole, and everyone who disagrees with you on any issue appears to be either a complete moron or a nazi

its easy to assume that this is a kind of terminal brain poison unique to the edges of political discourse ("tradcath who believes everyone is an evil sjw stealing his gold" vs "marxian syndicalist who calls everyone who doesnt agree 100% with mao a lib") but it can occur to anyone of any ideology, as demonstrated by the creation of horseshoe theory


genuinely one of the worst things that’s happened to television in the last few years (exacerbated by streaming services) is death of Filler. going from 20 episodes to 8 because “we didn’t really need that episode where the main characters went to the beach right? it had no long lasting effect” but we DID!!! we needed to see how they act without the Big Bad Plot and to establish the dynamics between the characters and lay in the sun (do they forget sunscreen? how do they react to a thieving seagull? do they get buried in the sand or do they do the burying?). the plot isn’t everything. the action doesn’t hit as hard without the quiet moments. give us character development and our little scenes back


this is what i was just talking about actually, if The Miss France, the elected Woman Of The Year for the Entire State of France cannot perform woman correctly enough for the gender police then none of us can, the mild oppression of "short haircut causes international discussion" exists on the EXACT same axis as "trans people killed for existing" its the same exact machine at work


by the way i'm the reason why they send weathermen into hurricanes and shit. "it's needless and dangerous!!!!!" i don't care. every day i call into CNN and demand they send their most pathetic newscaster into a storm to watch them be knocked down by wave and wind and they sigh and say yes ma'am. and i do this all for nasty, sexual purposes, if you were wondering.

my favorite part of this post is people started tagging it with names of characters i've never heard of so i got curious and googled them and like a third are just tagging it as their local weatherman. very funny.


the one thing tos is better at than any other star trek series ive watched so far is aftercare … like they give us the serious episodes but then we always get a nice lil scene on the bridge where kirk is like “haha wasn’t that fucked up? glad it’s done!  [homoerotic little quip to spock that makes me feel ok again] off to see the stars!” and the other series will just beat you with a bat until you can barely see out of one eye and then let the credits roll

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