
veni, vidi, amavi, amisi.

@contracas / contracas.tumblr.com


                ‘what the fuck are you looking at? no–no i’m serious.’ he presses his face right up against cas’. ‘dude, seriously,’ he mumbles into it, ‘step the FUCK UP. step. the. fuck. up. bro.’


“NOW? an idiot. then?” cas pushes against danny’s head because he knows that trying to pull away would just end in tears. “also an idiot. i was lookin’ at a picture of you.” he raises his phone at an awkward angle, but one that danny would be able to see if his eyes will it. blurry, taken on a night out after three too many. he’s smiling, danny’s smiling. they both look smashed, but it’s nice. “you wanna fuckin’ go, is that what this is, smartass?” he pushes more, very well aware that the skin on his faces smushes around unflatteringly. 

  FUCKING  REVIVE  ME  ASSHOLE    i  hate  you  so  fucking  much,  i  hope  you  fucking  choke  on  your  cereal.    DIE.    ’      @contracas

“ oh, SURE THING. let me just----” starts then stops ( what a tease ;) ). “oops, sorry, i just remembered the time you fucking LEFT ME FOR DEAD, for AGES. so i guess NO, dumb bitch shouldn’t died in the first place. ”


I am VERY pleased to announce that my kickstarter is finally live! Thanks everyone again for your patience! 

The pins are:

14$ USD each 1.5″ wide Gold plated Hard enamel for durability

If you can support me then that’s great, and thank you so much! If not, that’s okay too. You can still show me support by reblogging this post so that the info gets spread to anyone that might be interested. c:


pain, frustration, desperation. his girlfriend had just been turned into a zombie, and he’d had to kill her. naturally, brown eyes were bloodshot from the stress tears. no help necessary, either. casper was always good at crying on command. sam’s lying motionless in his arms, and just as the moment appears to have reached forever, the director yells cut. immediately, cas raises slightly to rub a hand down his face. he lets out a sigh of relief. “oh man,” he tries for a chuckle but it’s still too soon. “let’s not do that again.”

                “  really ?  ”   danny cocks an eyebrow. interesting. very interesting.   “  you are strange case, you know that, cas ?  ”   he eyes him another bit longer—just a few more seconds—and with a total lack of fidgety looking away fromcas or anything, which is important to note. for the first time in a long goddamn time, danny ryder is sat the fuck still.  of course, this can only last so long. the absolute last thing danny needed was an incentive to continue, which is ironically exactly what he got.  of course it’s what he got.  a knee suddenly jerks, and then so does the other, slowly but surelypicking up momentum, a grin wide on danny’s face the whole time. the devilsgleam in his eye.  so it seems that nothing can remain sacred between thesetwo.

“yep.” eloquent, but cas is always first to fall into the rare romantic moments when they arrive. he soaks these seconds up like a sponge. with a face full of amused adoration, cas returns the stare. he’s smiling, and happy, and kind of wants to kiss the man! hell... maybe he will... the hand holding the glass starts to lower, and he moves a little closer, but then--- the smile drops as danny’s fucking knee raises. “danny---!” and the next moment, water had jolted from its glass prison too. his hand is wet now, and it creeps into his sleeve unpleasantly. then the other leg joins in. water falls down the back of danny’s neck and honestly, could he have expected anything else?


’ i love your hair so much, it’s so pretty. ’


“oh---” casper dips his head, hand reaching up to run through his curly fringe instinctively. he’d had it cut the other day and the sides were just a little too short. he feels like it looks stupid now, so he’s been going to extra lengths to make sure the top looks better than usual. shoulders shrug, bashfulness overcoming him. “i dunno. i was thinking i’d kill the barber for what he did to me, but if you like it, then i guess he’ll live to see another day.”

a roundabout way of saying that danny’s opinion matters to him, okay.

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