

@cranberry413 / cranberry413.tumblr.com


Person A and Person B are on debate team together, and love having friendly debates, but they often end up going way overboard. One day, they discover they pronounce “gif” differently. Their most heated debate ensues.

OT3 bonus: Person C teases the two, insisting it’s pronounced “yiff”.


Saw a sign at a televised Bernie rally that had “The Bern Unit” written on it.. Pretty sure that’s who you’re gonna have to call when Bernie burns that hole in our pockets!


I had a dream last night where I was watching Doctor Who with my boyfriend’s best friend.. Except for the fact that I don't watch it in real life, that’s not that weird. But then this conversation happened:

Me: Really, you like Doctor Who? Him: If no one else in the room minds. Me: So you're a Whovian... How's Whoville, Dr. Seuss? Me before he can respond: He's the real doctor..


Ok I’m back to this account... And why did I come back to find that like 29398923 porn blogs have followed me? I don’t post that kind of stuff and I haven’t even been active for like a year.. 


I haven’t been on this blog in a long time...


I’ve received several messages asking for Bernie Sanders related content. Well you’re in luck!


1) Bernie Sanders is an open socialist who advocates for a 91% tax rate. Yes, the man wants to cripple the most productive members of society (the job creators) by imposing even MORE taxes.

2) Sanders, in college, also wrote about how women fantasize about being gang raped. Yes, this is the candidate so many empty headed leftists are backing.

Here’s a piece of writing from Bernie Sanders :

“A man goes home and masturbates his typical fantasy. A woman on her knees, a woman tied up, a woman abused.

"A woman enjoys intercourse with her man — as she fantasizes being raped by 3 men simultaneously.

Such a charming candidate he is.

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