
Falling More In Love With The Distance

@youmeatalltimejalex-blog / youmeatalltimejalex-blog.tumblr.com

My name is Liv, 20, Single and terrified to mingle. I live in the land of freedom, 'Merica. And I write gay porn. Definitely go check out my About Me page-----Prompt Box:Open!----

I don’t think enough people understand that this is a reference to the fact that semen glows under UV light

and that Dateline was a show used to trap pedophiles and other sex offenders and arrest them

If Supernatural outright said HALF the things they blatantly imply via reference, they’d be banned from CABLE.


having a crush on someone who’s famous is so awesome because it’s like hey! no chance of rejection. ever. my existence is completely off their radar. they don’t even know i’m alive. this is great. this is a fun time. i am having so much fun


all girls are fucking beautiful and if you try to make them feel like they aren’t because they have fuzzy legs or chubby bellies fuck you

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