
Here it is! The full Major Arcana deck!! 🖤

Remember that tomorrow, May 18th 2020, is the last day to pre-order the physical deck, available in two sizes, on my Etsy shop!

The first part of the Minors will be available this Summer; the second and last part this September! The full deck will be available as well once everything will be finished, and the decks will have their boxes.

I’m so excited to print these ones and to send them to you! It’s gonna be a huge work but it’s worth the time!


here’s the SECOND of TWO collaborations between me and @goosetooths, who used that phrasing on all the platforms when it only makes sense on This one where i can in fact share yours as well as mine! yes this is a public callout, you bastard whomst i love very much. sev gave me the softest scene known to eyes mortal and otherwise. look at them. theyre disgusting.

we both had a GREAT time tormenting each other with these collabs and this will absolutely happen again. do go check out the other half on sev’s blog!


Here I go again, vandalizing my poor old copy of Good Omens lol

My brother wanted me to lend it to him so he could read it, I think he’s gonna have a heart attack when he sees all the shit i did in there 😂


Headcanon: Bernard Black from Black Books is Crowley and Aziraphale's son.

Reasoning: He has a bookshop but isn't interested in selling those books, just like Aziraphale, but personality wise he is like his other dad, Crowley.


MyosotisAU part 40

Previous | First | Next (coming next Friday)

Edit: panels 2 and 3 were switched around, i'm so sorry,,,, fixed it.

Before you all start flaming Phil again, he has no idea about the intruder 😂 (the dramatic black panel feffect works better on insta, sorry 😂)

Not my fav page and not too much happening but this one leads to some very important upcoming events. I'm so scared of drawing the next parts, they will involve so many things I'm bad at drawing 😂

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