
Resident Robot-Loving Grandma

@shikai-the-storyteller / shikai-the-storyteller.tumblr.com

Posts about art, life, jokes, the occasional story, and robots.

You can call me Orion or Shikai.

I’m an eternally exhausted professional writer & editor, comic book author, and hobby artist. I like to analyze stories, design characters, and laugh at my own jokes. I'm a big fan of animation, and I also really, really, really like robots.

Current interests: QSMP || Karmaland || Transformers - MTMTE

Discussion / analysis tags for interests: QSMP talk || Karmaland talk || Primordial Robot Hell

Current number of drafts: 59,449 and counting (help)


You're not immune to being the bully btw. You're not immune to being in the wrong

"But i'm-" there is no identity or state of being that makes you immune to hurting someone. You can be convinced that you are in the right for doing so. You can be convinced that you're defending someone by doing so. You have always got to examine if you're taking pleasure in hurting someone or if you're actually doing something good.

[Image text: there's actually no political label or identity that absolves you of doing harm.]


I do wish more people paid attention to Pac outside of ships or when he talks about other ccs, but maybe I'm simply biased as a guy who watches him a lot

This is not me saying to not talk about ships ever of course, I like ships, I enjoy them a lot, but I just want more solo recognition for Pac.

I know not a lot of people here watch him be it because of language barrier be it because of the time he streams, but I promise he is a great guy and very entertaining, you can tell he has been doing this for a decade


I'm in the fence of "i think arranged marriage fitpac would be funny" and "i don't want them to ever get married"

REAL!!! In an arranged marriage scenario, the best of both worlds would be them deciding to run away together on the day of the wedding and/or refusing to go through with the wedding and saying they'll have a relationship on their own terms, one that doesn't need to be defined by marriage.

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