
That was so embarrassing I’m never speaking again

I dont even know what you’re talking about but im reblogging

A waitress said “enjoy your meal” and I replied “love you too”


My 13 yearold sister got asked out as a joke today. She’s now locked herself in her room crying. I swear to god this is the most fucked up thing ever. She won’t speak to me or my mom and she’s blasting Taylor Swift but you can still hear her crying.

If you ask someone out as a joke, fuck you, you are literally the scum of the earth.



pll timeline

A long, long, long time ago, I made a post on the pll wikia about a timeline of events on pll. since then, people have asked me to extend the timeline and I figured, hey, why not? I’m on spring break now! I’m as free as a bird. Let’s start at the beginning, shall we?


a serious fucking problem in society that needs to be stopped immediately

this is too fucking accurate



important. don’t listen to anyone who tries to make you feel bad about how you look and especially how you dress. it’s none of their business!


Boo Boo's Ice Cream

At the end of tonight’s episode “The Melody Lingers On” we see some forensic analysis being done on an ice pick from Boo Boo’s Ice Cream Factory which is where Emily, Aria, and Spencer investigated when they thought Hanna and Caleb were hiding the storage unit stuff there. I’ve re-watched their time in the ice cream factory and nobody visibly picked up or touched an ice pick.

My theory right now is that A sent the police to check out the ice cream factory. There they found Mona’s clothes from when she was ‘murdered’ (not 100% convinced). In the vicinity of the clothes was the ice pick we saw tonight. The only way I can think of it being relevant is if A planted Spencer or Aria’s blood on it.

But at the same time it seems as though the girls will be not in prison during the finale so unless Mona shows up in the court room*, I’m not sure on how this trial will end.


* How great would it be if she walked in saying “Did you miss me?” Pull an Alison to free Alison & Hanna.


Crack theory

Okay, warning, this will be far fetched and may have spoilers depending on how caught up you are.

-A has dolls that look like each liar, inside of a doll house, bobble heads have been shown as well. 

-A seems to have a doll obsession and this could of very well kick started their obsession with the liars. Say, for whatever reason, as a child.. maybe in a home or even Radley, -A was given some dolls. Maybe -A even bought the dolls or made them, but -A grew attached to them. Making them clothes, playing with them, acting things out until one day -A found five girls that looked exactly like each doll. -A couldn’t resist, they had to make these five human girls into living dolls. Watching their every move, playing with them and acting as if they were their possession. Escalating over time as it became an obsession with the five girls, controlling their lives, their thoughts, what they do etc. 

What if -A isn’t out for revenge but really just thinks it’s a game? Forgetting their actually human and not dolls, maybe -A is delusional and psychotic and that’s what drives them to “play” with the liars, maybe the dolls were the only friends -A had and once they found the human replication, they had to see their plan through. Thinking it’s harmless, fun and that these liars are actually their friend? I know I could be way off but the dolls have to connect to something right, -A could be in a child like state with all these child references. Clowns, dolls, masks, games.. it’s very childish and maybe.. even if -A is crazy, is just trying to be a kid just in the wrong way?



— Is Alison DiLaurentis’ son?

I just read the most unsettling theory ever on reddit about Charles DiLaurentis. I don’t want it to be true but… Well, I’ll post it here so you guys are informed but I’ll also link to the reddit post. Read on if you’re interested in ruining your life tbh.


I never thought me shipping things would ever get this low. I never thought I’d ever ship two thirteen year old boys together so hard oh my god

It’s kind of difficult. I myself am straight and to portray a gay character on television is always something very interesting. It’s not easy to appeal to the same sex as you if you don’t naturally feel that way, but it’s something I know at the end of the day makes a lot of people happy. Hearing the news people tell me when they see this storyline makes me smile. So it’s something I do because it makes me happy.

Hayden Byerly  [ x ] (via turntuprachelvodkacran8)

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