
I'll never go, I just want to be invited.

@betterknownas-immortalhd / betterknownas-immortalhd.tumblr.com

Kid |Latine|bi| I just really like bees

People love to go “ in the Soviet Union they picked your job for you 😭” yeah cunt that’s what we’re doin now too except they make you bark like a dog for three weeks straight first getting denied everywhere you wanna work until you end up somewhere you dont like anyway. Let’s just cut out that middle man why don’t we

Forgot what website I’m on


I think we need more "unnecessary" gore in horror movies actually I think people should explode into a giant mess of blood and tissue and viscera during random scenes in horror movies

Good point actually there should be gore and blood explosions in keeping up with the kardashians


"it's so fucking over" yeah dude it's 11pm it's the end of the day it's time for you to go to bed. and tomorrow you'll be so fucking back because you'll be awake. go tuck yourself in dude you'll be ok

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