Know no shame.

@sulkybbarnes /

m. woc. 29. she/they. lesbian. I sometimes read and write. just figuring things out as I go.

In response to Slate's article on the possibility having non-heteromative team in figure skating (particularly, ice dance and pairs), Oniceperspective shared a glimpse of Gabriella Papadakis (FRA) and Madison Hubbell (USA) working on their same-sex program. You can see how they switch the leading figure between them.

You can see them trying out lifts in this video.

The rest is on Instagram here:


“ew thick water gross and weird” ITS NOT FUCKING FOR YOU!!!!! “ew why buy pre-cut vegetables when you can cut your own” ITS NOT FUCKING FOR YOU!!!!!! “I don’t need a device to help me put my socks on I’m not lazy” ITS NOT FUCKING FOR YOU !!!!!!!!! “Why drink liquid meals when you can cook them” ITS!!!!! NOT!!!!!! FOR!!!!!! YOU!!!!!!!!

ablebodied people literally cannot fucking cope even for 1 microsecond with the fact that some things aren’t about them and it’s hilarious

  • Thickened liquids (honey or nectar thick) are for people who have difficulty swallowing. Thin liquids can make people choke.
  • Pre-cut vegetables are for people with fine motor skill issues who can’t safely/easily cut up their foods. It’s also helpful for executive dysfunction as cooking takes less steps if your ingredients are pre-prepared.
  • Any device helping you get shoes/socks/clothes on is for people with mobility issues who cannot reach or manipulate the item correctly onto their body.
  • A liquid diet is a specific diet for GI problems, I believe. This can also be helpful for swallowing issues and executive function issues.

This is not a comprehensive list of everything that these items help with.

Regardless, all of these things are for disabled people and it is

Listen to me on this okay

These all promote people’s independence and help them function!

Chillout about something not being useful to you.

Are we supposed to get rid of glasses because they don’t help you personally??Are we supposed to stop giving people insulin because you would go hypoglycemic?? Are we supposed to get rid of hair ties because you’re bald??

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