
Enthusiastic crowds are flocking to New York City’s Central Park to catch a rare glimpse of a Mandarin duck, a bird usually found in Asia.

The big mystery? How the duck ended up in Manhattan.


Don’t give up because of one bad chapter in your life. Keep going, your story doesn’t end here.


Betting one dollar over the previous bidder on the Price is Right is the most socially accepted dick move on television.


Fanfic Writer Appreciation

Thank you, all of you, for the gift you have given all of us, your stories. You pour yourselves, your time, your tears and frustrations, into stories and share them with us, for free no less.

I dont think I’m speaking just for myself when I say this, but you have, so many times, saved me from falling down with your stories. Whether I needed to laugh, or cry, or escape, or see my favorite characters fall in love, your stories have saved me, sometimes from myself.

You have helped us when we needed to cry with our favorite characters, or to wriggle in glee as they fall in love, or shake our heads in frustration as they make mistakes.

When your stories give us joy, or make us cry on the train on the way home from work, shake our iPad/computers in disbelief, you help all of us and you probably don’t even realize it.

Some of you have even given us the gift of learning how to stay totally stone faced while reading some seriously delicious smut while in front of complete strangers in public. ;)

Please know how much I value you and all that you give to us. Thank you all, very much 😘


What has been your worst "nice guy" experience?

So, possibly one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen. I mean you know how you hear the “women want him, men want to *be* him” stuff in old movies? Well I’m a man and by *god* I wanted to be this guy. Anyway!

I’m having dinner with my girlfriend at the time, and behind us are a couple on a date. It is.. not going well. Guy was being rather creepy and making some pretty inappropriate comments, the girl doesn’t look at all comfortable.

The girl finishes her appetiser really quickly, my guess is she wanted to get it over with. Guy proceeds to comment on it and says “well, least I know you can swallow right?”. Loudly.

Girl goes red and tells him that isn’t appropriate, he literally waves his hand in a “shoo” type motion and says “oh calm down I was going to find out in a few hours anyway”.

I missed her exact reply as she moved to a hushed tone, but it was fairly obvious what was being said - fuck no, fuck off, fuck this. He responded with “sweetheart I picked you up, I know where you live”. She lost the colour in her face and said nothing.

No. No. Fuck no. I’m one of those “get involved” type of people and there is no way I’m sitting here watching this go down. I get up. I don’t know what I’m going to do, but I’m 23, fighting fit and happy to put that motherfucker through a wall. I may have had a slight temper in my youth. But anyway.

I was halfway out of my chair when a hand came down on my shoulder and I look up to this mid-50s but super fit guy who says “Easy.. I’ve got this one son”. Absolute, total confidence in his voice.. so seeing as my current plan amounted to “stab him in the neck” and I’m already thinking maybe that’s not the best idea, I sit down.

He walks over, grabs a nearby chair, flips it around and sits down with the couple. Then.. he pulls out his police ID and puts it on the table. Now the guy doesn’t have any colour in his face.

Cop: “So, I’m quietly celebrating my daughters birthday with my family when I distinctly hear you threaten this young lady, would you care to explain yourself?”

Guy: “I, ah, well, um, you see..”

Cop: “That’s what I thought. Now see, we take a *very* dim view of that kind of thing, so right now I’m deciding if I want to have some of my buddies come pick you up.”

Guy: “oh no well that…”

Cop: “But that would disrupt everyone’s dinner, so how about you hand me your ID, because I wouldn’t want you running off on me, then you go see one of the staff here and settle your bill.. the full bill now, this young lady shouldn’t go hungry on account of your poor behaviour. Or we can go with the first option, I’ll leave it up to you.”

Guy: “No no! That’s perfectly fine!” \*hands over ID, gets up and walks very quickly in the direction of the counter\*

Cop: \*while writing down the guys details\* “Sorry about that miss, I hope I’m not intruding it just seemed like you could use some help. Oh and don’t worry, if you want to pursue this further I’ll have some of the boys pick him up on his way home, we can definitely take this further.”

Girl: “No, thank you so much, I wanted to run out 30 minutes ago but he drove me here”.

Cop: \*shifts from hardarse cop to comforting father figure in about half a second\* “Well I’m here with my daughter, she’s about your age, perhaps you’d like to finish your meal with us? We can run you home afterwards if you’d like, unless you’d prefer to call someone else?”

Girl: “Oh.. that would be really nice.. thankyou so much!”

\*guy returns, so does the hardarse cop\*

Guy: “Uh so, I’ve paid the bill, if I could have my ID back..”.

Cop: “There you go.. now I have your details right here so I *highly* recommend you don’t go near or contact this young lady ever again.”

Guy: “Yes yes of course, I’m so sorry!”

The guy pretty much fled the restaurant, the girl went and sat with the cop and his family and by the time we left they were still sitting around talking and laughing about random crap.

It was hands down the best way I have ever seen anybody handle any situation, ever. That cop is my hero.

I will always reblog this.

Will forever reblog this example of what cops should be like

Source: reddit.com

The best road rage I’ve ever seen was this girl screaming out of her car window “I hope you don’t fuck like you drive!” I still think about that sometimes.

“I think the highest forgiveness is to accept that creation is thoroughly tangled, with every possible quality given outlet for expression. People need to accept once and for all that there is only one life and each of us is free to shape it through the choices we make. Seeking can’t get anyone out of the tangle because everything is tangled up…it’s much easier to keep up the fight between good and evil, holy and profane, us and them. But as awareness grows, these opposites begin to calm down in their clashes, and something else emerges- a world you feel at home in.”

Deepak Chopra


Tenth Doctor / Rose touch trajectory through Series 2

This is what happens when a behavioural scientist gets tired of hearing ‘clingy girlfriend’ comments…

For notes and a longer description, see here

Bonus fact: the biggest difference in touch frequencies was in the Rise of the Cybermen / Age of Steel two-parter, where the Doctor initiated touching five times to her one.

I am bookmarking this, and probably printing it out. Because stuff like this is actually tremendously helpful as I write my fanfic. So thank you, Scientist Fangirl Extraordinaire, for taking the time to put this together.

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