This is my Origami

@thisismyorigami /

I spend far too much time making origami, so I thought I would post them here. If you have any questions don't be afraid to ask.  FAQ   Master List

Rio Rita designed by Uniya Filonova

This is an alternate construction to the one shown in the instructions. With this post, I've also included a before picture to demonstrate how the model looks before curling. I'm always fascinated by how a model can change so much just with a little curling. 

It's been a huge year for me and thisismyorigami and I thank you for all the continued support! Who knows what next year has in store, but I'm certainly looking forward to it. 

I hope all of you had a happy holidays and I wish you all the best of luck in 2015!

Happy New Year!

Anonymous asked:

Hi there! First off, you have some lovely things on your blog. Second, (sorry if this has already been asked), where do you buy origami paper? I'm trying to find large quantities of patterned paper that won't hurt my wallet too much.

Hey, thank you very much kind stranger! I got most of my origami paper as gifts or payed an arm and a leg for it at Michaels, but I would try looking on Amazon or eBay. When it comes to cheap origami paper the internet is your best friend. If anyone has any other suggestions feel free to reblog and add to this! 


Gardenia (Curled) Designed by Natalia Romanenko | Instructions

Scheherazade Designed by Natalia Romanenko | Instructions

A friend of mine, Melissa Smith, recently designed a wallpaper pattern for one of her classes. When I saw it I fell in love and she was kind enough to let me use it for some of my origami. 

Check out this wallpaper pattern and other work by Melissa Smith on her Facebook and RedBubble

Anonymous asked:

How does a beginner get into origami? I've tried several times but I always get discouraged and give up. Are there special tricks or tools to making edges line up perfectly?

It's all about patience and practice. Make sure your paper is a square as possible (or what ever dimension you require). I've been doing this for several years and I still have issues when I rush and make messy cuts.

Start with a simple model. Starting with traditional origami could help you get the hang of things, but if you'd like to start with modular origami I would suggest trying the Sonobe module or making a Bascetta star (there are links to both in my master list). 

At the end of the day if you work slow and pay attention to detail you will get better with practice. Don't get discouraged and give up, just work at it one step at a time. If you would like more advice or have any other question I would be more than happy to help you off anon. I don't bite and I'm here to help.

Good luck and happy foldings!


Tumblr Tuesday: “Hands” (Karaoke Instrumental Track) [In the style of Jewel]

This is my Origami The origami artist’s natural enemies: toddlers, rain, toddlers with scissors.

Chrissy Nail Art The only thing that could make Chrissy’s nails spookier is if they fell off. 

Pics of Cats’ Paws Paws: the hands of cats.

Hands on Film Celebrity hands: they’re just like ours except they only have five fingers. 

Fuck You Party Photographer A cautionary tale of what happens when you flip off the photographer. You think it’s all fun and games, but there’s a human being with feelings behind that camera. 

Photo via thisismyorigami

Freaking out right now! My hand left hand has officially been featured on a Tumblr Tuesday! 

Thank you staff!!

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