
Breathing Water

@par-for-the-curse / par-for-the-curse.tumblr.com

"You spend so much time building walls, that you become one. Brick and mortar. Blood and bone. A fragile thing, pretending to be strong. But with just one touch--a moment of tenderness, seeping in like water through the cracking cement--you would shatter, break, crumble to the ground."

Leonard Cohen


Going to be taking a break from tumblr for a while

Just thought I'd let it be known, so none of you would get the impression that you were being ignored. I've got some projects that have been piling up that I am going to tend to; some books I want to read; and a few other things that I'm going to get sorted out before coming back. Hope you all have a great time while I'm away :) Cheers!



-Bernie Sanders will win the election

-The Imperial-Corporatist government of the United States will continue its unchecked reign of terror and tumult throughout the Middle East

-Unarmed black people will continue to be slaughtered by state terrorists without any legal recourse

-American women will continue to be arrested for simply attempting to exercise the same rights as American men

-The rich will continue to amass their billions in blood money, and the poor will continue to adjust their sense of “normality” to new lows and blame themselves for their disparity

-People will experience a galvanizing moment of tragedy–one that could unite all peoples against their worldwide oppressors–but cowardice and wage slave mentality will cause them to abandon the call for direct action and call for “hopes and prayers” instead

-Things will continue to get worse

-People will continue to look forward to 2017 (a NEW year), when things will somehow magically get better on their own


And that last ask is meant to be completely respectful, I'm just voicing my beliefs. I don't see how participating in the food chain ethically is wrong. Other animals that eat meat do it. Are you meaning to say that tigers are evil for eating?


Well, I recorded a 54 minute audio response to this question, haha, but can't figure out how to share it. Tumblr says the file is too large to share...Anyone know of another way I could share it?

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