
tumblr?? in the year of your lord 2k23???

@400barrels / 400barrels.tumblr.com

apparently so!! writer, reader, jewish, 30s, temporarily antipodean.

Recently, while staring far too long at a potato chip, it occurred to me that the ridges could possibly be used to create a lenticular effect. So I got out some chip dip (and the smallest paint brush I have) to test it out. I started with a simple 2-frame illustration of a football and a basketball, then I painted a little sour cream and onion dip bird. 🥔🕊️ - via my new @brockdavisart instagram


A hummingbird thought a man’s orange hat was a flower [x]

Iv never seen a hummingbird sit before lol


i wasn’t going to reblog until he sat 







that look when he sat tho.

“the fuck is wrong with this fuckin flower??”


i'm sorry but this is the only submission to this trend that i'll consider giving any thought to

i say this with 100% sincerity: if you want to know who monica lewkinsky is, she's the person who deserves to be back in the white house more than any person alive and she should get full rights to execute any 1990s comedians of her choice by firing squad. she deserves to be on the $20 bill and have her own monument on the national mall, but instead she's happy with reclaiming the narrative. she should have been america's people's princess instead of diana. we don't deserve her.


Okay, so I did google her and the scandal you mentioned in the tags, and I have two things to say

1. Holy shit

2. Yeah, I think she has the best one for the trend


Somehow, it is one thing to know that people born after 9/11 are now adults, but it is another entirely to understand that there is a cohort of adults who don’t know who Monica Lewinsky is.




Please correct me if I'm wrong but didn't she get famous for blowing the president? That's about as much as I was ever told about her


Yup. She was perfectly willing and able to walk away. She chose to take part. She's been riding that train ever since.


… she was an intern at the White House. Imagine being an intern at the White House right out of college decades before the current wave of feminism. And the *president of the nation* asks you to blow him in the Oval Office. And you want to work in the white house as your full-time job. Do you deny him? Suppose you don’t want to do it. Can you deny him?

I’m thrilled by the modern-day attitudes about this. Genuinely, the way this would go in 2024 is that the intern could say no and tell the press what happened and half of America would support them. But when I was a kid? No way!

And Monica Lewinsky didn’t ride a train to fame from this situation. She was America’s laughingstock and punching bag for twenty years. She was the butt of every sex joke and the least respected person that everyone knew the name of. She couldn’t live any sort of remotely normal life or do the things that she wanted to do because every single person, including all members of the press and every comedian, was out to get her. Every “cancelled” celebrity nowadays pretends they’ve been treated the way Monica Lewinsky was and you know what, she’s right that they wouldn’t last an hour in her shoes.

I’m very happy about the cultural shift that has allowed her to come back into the public again. You have to understand how recent this shift was.

She was 22, he was 49, he was her boss AND HE WAS THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED FUCKING STATES. Come ON, I know the site that gets freaked out about a 27-year-old dating a 34-year-old can figure this out.

Lewinsky has repeatedly stated that she propositioned Clinton, not the other way around. And while obviously the significant age gap and massive power differential between them both mean that it was up to him to have known better, the scenario where he asks for a blow job and she doesn't feel comfortable saying no simply doesn't track with any version of the story she has told over the last thirty years.

(To be clear, "known better" in this context almost certainly should have included firing Lewinsky, or at the very least transferring her.)

The people who victimized Lewinsky, who ruined her life, turned her into an international laughingstock, and made it impossible for her to live normally going forward, were the Republicans in congress who used her as a cudgel against Clinton, the tabloid press who hounded her nearly to suicide (and her so-called friends who sold information about her to them), and the entertainment industry that dined on her for years. All of them apparently driven by the belief that a woman who has made a foolish, salacious choice in sexual partners has forfeited any right to privacy and dignity, in perpetuity. We can acknowledge the awfulness of that belief without needing to see her as a perfect, blameless victim.


Pedro Pascal wins Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Drama Series for The Last of Us at the 2024 Screen Actors Guild Awards


Rules regarding when, where and for whom to play and not to play the qin

Appropriate times for playing the qin

  1. Meeting someone who understands music.
  2. Meeting a suitable person.
  3. For a Daoist recluse.
  4. In a high hall.
  5. Having ascended a storied pavilion.
  6. In a Daoist cloister.
  7. Having climbed a mountain.
  8. Resting in a valley.
  9. Sitting on a stone.
  10. Roaming along the waterside.
  11. In a boat.
  12. Resting in the shadow of a forest.
  13. When the two essences of nature are bright and clear.
  14. In a cool breeze and when there is a bright moon.

Inappropriate times for playing the qin

  1. When there is wind and thunder, and in rainy weather.
  2. When there is a sun or moon eclipse.
  3. In a court room; in prison.
  4. In a market or shop.
  5. For a barbarian.
  6. For a vulgar person.
  7. For a merchant.
  8. For courtesans or actors.
  9. After inebriation.
  10. After fierce anger; in loud and noisy surroundings.
  11. After having had sexual intercourse.
  12. When formal dress is not in order; not having washed one’s hands and rinsed ones mouth.
  13. In disheveled and strange clothes.
  14. When flushed and covered with perspiration.

From a qin handbook of the Ming Dynasty  (Source)

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