
Midnight Melody

@midnight-melody93 / midnight-melody93.tumblr.com

My random blog. Mostly brony, music, and video game shtuffs.


“like, what about myy-yyy Scrunchies?”

If you all keep doing this, you will explode! that’s what mum taught me…


This is what it should mean to be a police officer. Everyone deserves to feel safe and protected, no matter their skin tone or cultural background.  If the officers currently serving aren’t like this, then something needs to be done now to make that change. 


This is nice to see. There’s so much negativity about police officers and law enforcement lately, which I completely understand given the circumstances. But these guys here, these are real officers. Officers with compassion who actually do protect and serve the community however they can. When people say “not all cops” they are talking about the ones like this.

Can I suggest that two things should happen?

I think cameras to be placed on police uniforms and vehicle at all times and citizens to record arrests to be allowed if not recommended during any and all procedures done, to prevent anymore hear-say arrests.. And also, psychiatric tests to be put in place within every police station with any said official complaints. To make sure each officer is in the right of their own head before they ever put a badge on?.. Just a thought I had for a while now.

This makes me remember how much I used to absolutely admire police officers when I was a kid.

When I was around 10 or 11, I was in a car accident. It was a minor one, the car I was in rammed the car in front of us. I was crying, and an officer asked if I was okay

I was kinda dumb as a kid, I sobbed out “We’re going to miss the premier of the First Pokemon Movie!” Because that’s where we were going, to see the Pokemon movie opening in theaters where I wanted to meet other kids and get the special mew card.

The officer took us to the theater to see the movie and said not to worry as they took care of things.

I used to ask every officer I ever met for a sticker, too.

But as the years went by, things just started changing and people were being killed. People like me who had mental illnesses for example were beat down to death, officers would charge in to peaceful marches on horses. I miss the days where I felt safe. Where I could admire these people. I really really miss them.

Hell, for a good portion of my life I wanted to work with police as a criminal investigator of some sort.


Working on a not-so-little Zelda piece! Sneaky peaky! Sorry for the weird watermark, I’m on my phone

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