

@penguinpower57 / penguinpower57.tumblr.com

"It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves."

I love girls who are proud and uninhibited about their intelligence and will brag about their accomplishments and take no shit from pretentious boys who look down on women in their field. girls who are outspoken and a bit arrogant and ambitious in a world where we are told that we must hide our intellect and to always put the needs of others (i.e. men) in front of our own are amazing


So when YOU sew a bunch of unmatched parts together, it is “a quilt” and “a beautiful gift” and “will assuredly become a family heirloom” but when I sew a bunch of unmatched parts together it is “A MONSTER” and “AN ABOMINATION, AN AFFRONT TO THE GODS” and goes on “A MURDEROUS KILLING SPREE.”



these are my parents talking to each other about me


Can u believe there are plants that are illegal Plants

Can you believe there is love that is illegal Love


can you believe it’s not butter butter

the fact that Tumblr can fit weed, bestiality and diary products all into one post doesn’t even phase me anymore

i really dont think they meant bestiality

Lmao somebody snitched on themselves


Aaaaaaaand I’m done.


Dumbledore, notorious for giving second chances Dumbledore, let Sirius rot in Azkaban for twelve years. 

He must have known Sirius well due to his time in the Order, he must have known what James meant to Sirius. Dumbledore was a member of the freaking Wizengamot yet he didn’t fight the Ministry’s horrifying trial-optional policy. 

This is a man who took back Death Eater!Snape at his word, shielded him from prison, and employed him at a school for children. 

But he didn’t have a use for Sirius, so he didn’t care about him.

I got 99 problems with Dumbledore and his treatment of Sirius Black accounts for like 64 of them.  

To be honest, Albus Dumbledore is one of the most disturbing, terrifying characters I’ve ever found in a book, because he thought he was a good guy and so did everyone else and the books don’t really challenge it either (given that Harry forgives him for everything he did), but when you look between the lines he was profoundly, profoundly immoral and unethical.


A couple of months ago, I was talking about HP characters with a friend, and he said that Dumbledore was one of his least favorite characters of all time.

Naturally, this took me back a bit since he’s one of the heroes of the series, misguided as he was at times. Still, I was curious and asked my friend why he hated him. His answer still strikes a chord with me.

“There is never, ever a reason to leave a child in an abusive home. Never.”


I don’t trust reddit because it’s the only social network whose users don’t hate the website they’re using. twitter users hate twitter. snapchat users hate snapchat. but reddit users will get a neck tattoo of the goofy little alien friend and name their first born son r/gaming


OP has never used Reddit


if you’re not committed to antiracism, you’re not a good doctor. 

I remember when I had pneumonia I was so sick and exhausted and in pain that I couldn’t get out of bed for *days* — I eventually pushed myself to walk across campus to the doctor’s office (it took me literally 45 minutes to walk there bc I had to walk so slow) and when I got there…the doctor made it seem I was only trying to get out of writing an exam lol. I was too embarrassed to tell her that I was going to be withdrawing from the class anyway bc I hadn’t had the energy to get to lectures at all that semester. She lectured me about how she sees students do this all the time and she can’t take a risk in trusting me when the only thing that was wrong with me was exhaustion. “We all have off days” is what she said lolol. 

I was so humiliated at her insinuation that I eventually just nodded when she said it “didn’t seem like I had any issues” and went back home. It wasn’t until I fainted walking down the hallway like 4 feet outside my apartment that I started panicking and called someone to take me to the hospital. When I got there even the receptionists looked genuinely pale to see how hard it was for me to walk and how much it hurt to breathe or talk.

It would take *6* different antibiotics for the really advanced pneumonia to finally die out, the last of which was delivered intravenously in my arm for 10 continuous days — I still have the scar where the initial IV was and I have another mark on my wrist. I *literally* couldn’t walk or lay on my back for 8-9 weeks. I would sleep sitting up with pillows on a chair and when my breath would involuntarily deepen as I started to fall asleep I would jerk awake bc of the sharp pain my lung where the pneumonia was.

That same doctor who thought I was lying about being sick would then call me like 34 times in a row when my blood test results came to her office and the hospital sent her my chest x rays lolol, obviously worried about looking bad and having called me a liar and sending me home when I had such a serious bout of pneumonia.

In the 3rd year of my premed degree I would learn that doctors in North America — and specifically white women in nursing lol — often see south Asian women as malingerers who exaggerate their pain. In a UK study there were neonatal nurses who went so far as to say that south Asian women also lack maternal instincts, care more about their pain meds than their child and “can’t handle” child birth.

Yosif al Hasnawi — an Iraqi Canadian teen — died at the hands of two paramedics who did not believe he had been shot and claimed he was “acting” when he was actually internally bleeding. They made him walk to the ambulance with a bullet in his stomach, from which he would later die after not being transported to the hospital for 38 minutes.

Just yesterday My cousin, totally healthy, just died of a brain hemorrhage and often complained about ongoing migraines that could’ve been telltale signs of hypertension that were totally ignored by her doctor for years.

and just a day before that Kim porter who was otherwise healthy just died of pneumonia while having expressed her symptoms and pain to doctors for days — I would say that I’m shocked by this but the implications faced by brown people and racism in the healthcare system is 10x worse for black women who are often seen as liars and in it for the meds as a result of historical anti blackness and systemic rejection of black patients’ pain.

doctors are literally trained to perceive racialized people as malingerers who are trying to scam for meds or medical attention instead of people in pain. It’s 100% systemic and actually integrated into medical education.


Yeah exactly this

Medicine is no less likely than any other field to have problems with racism. But when it’s someone’s life at stake (or at minimum someone’s comfort), it is really critical that this kind of prejudice is rooted out.

Most likely everyone’s seen this notorious page from a nursing textbook, but in case you haven’t, enjoy some piping hot medical racism:

…this is ….published in 2014….i don’t know what to say


All of them are talking about how we pray the pain away or overreact to the pain… amazing


John Mulaney quotes I identify with

on a deep, spiritual, personal level:

  • “I meant to learn about cars, and then I forgot.”
  • “I have a girlfriend now myself, which is weird because I’m probably gay based on the way I act and behave.”
  • “I could never dress goth, and don’t get me wrong. I’m unhappy, it’s not that.”
  • “It is 100% easier not to do things than to do them. And so much fun not to do them! Especially when you were supposed to do them.”
  • “Whoa! That tall child looks terrible! Get some rest, tall child! You can’t keep burning the candle at both ends!”
  • “I was raised Catholic. I don’t know if you can tell that from the everything about me.”
  • “I thought I was gonna be murdered my entire childhood!”
  • “What is college?” *incoherent babbling*
  • “I was sitting up in bed a few weeks ago like [groans]. You know, life?”
  • “When I walk down the street, I need everybody, all day long, to like me so much.”
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