

@l-agallerrie / l-agallerrie.tumblr.com

Welcome to La Gallerrie! Here, you will find psds, actions of effect and sharpness, tutorials about Photoshop, fonts, templates and styles! Since 2012 ♡


PT: Recentemente, os psds que disponibilizo necessitam que se pague por eles ou que peça o link para download por ask, portanto vamos as regras para que sua ask pedindo por algum psd seja respondida, para isso você deve:

  1. Estar seguindo esta conta; ✅
  2. Reblogar ou dar like do post referente ao psd que irá pedir; ✅
  3. Nunca esquecer de ser educado, portanto asks sem “por favor” serão deletadas imediatamente; ✅
  4. Pedir o psd por ASK e não por chat; ✅
  5. Pedir o psd “logado” (sei que é óbvio porém ainda tem gente que pede psd no anônimo?). ✅


Depois de receber o psd que pediu você NÃO deve:

  1. Repassar meus psds;  ❌
  2. Pegar ajustes dos meus arquivos, colocar em um novo arquivo e disponibilizar como seu.  ❌

EN: Recently, the psds that I make available require you to pay for them or ask for the download link in the askbox, so, you must be following this rules for your ask to be answered:

  1. Follow this account; ✅
  2. Reblog or like the post referring to the psd you will request; ✅
  3. Never forget to be polite, so requests without "please" will be deleted immediately; ✅
  4. Order the psd by ASK and not by chat; ✅
  5. Ask for the psd logged (I know it is obvious but there are still people who ask for psd in anonymous?). ✅


After receiving the psd you requested you should NOT:

  1. Pass along my psds; ❌
  2. Take settings from my files, put in a new file and make it available as yours. ❌

(146. gilmore).psd coloring made by harupsds ©

This effect was made by me in photoshop cc and it works better on it. Before downloading read all the rules and follow them, be honest. Don't forget to leave your feedback or suggestion.

  • Like or reblog if you download and follow me for more content.
  • Don’t repost, reupload or put on pack/google drive.
  • Don’t claim as your own.
  • Don’t recreate, use as base or steal layers.
  • Adjust the layers or add new ones if needed.
  • Give me credit if you use it.
  • Free for personal/non-commercial use. For commercial use pay the download.
  • Before/After.
▸ Download: Follow me + like or reblog + ask (logged) “psd 146. gilmore, please?”  UNTIL October 20, 2023 or pay the download on deviantart.

Thank you @miniepsds for amazing template. || This is our work done with effort and time spent. Please do not copy do not violate, and do not sell it as if it were yours. The Preview was made by me, being my own. Please, if your photo is here, talk to me. It is not my intention to violate the copyright rules.

Source: harupsds


Hi friends! I know I said I would do this way back in April/May when this change was announced but I've been massively busy lately so thank you all for being patient with me :)

Based on the results of this poll, I will be trying my level best to help make a guide for gifmakers to best deal with any problems that have been present with the new editor. However, it's worth noting that I have personally not experienced any of these problems myself and I have no record of any problems from other people that I could send to staff and get guidance on, so for some of these issues I will unfortunately be a broken record.

That being said, I have been using the new editor for a few months now and it hasn't been too bad. So don't be discouraged by the new editor if you still love to make gifs and share them. You may need to adapt a bit, but it's doable!

This is meant to be comprehensive and will be explanation and image heavy. Full guide under the cut.

Anonymous asked:

Hi! Can I ask how you did the double exposure gifs for your merlin set? They're beautiful btw!

heyy, thank you!! of course!

it's actually not very hard, the trick is to find the right shots for this. here's how i did it (reference gifset), under the cut.

for this tutorial i will be: using photoshop cs5 on windows assuming you know how to make gifs using the timeline have basic coloring, sharpening, groups, and layer masks knowledge



hello! @kimmomi asked for a tutorial on how i made the letters "fall" in this gifset and so i figured i would make it and post here! this effect isn't hard to achieve but it might get a little tedious if you have a lot of letters.

note: you will need photoshop with a timeline!



rules: don’t copy or use as a base, don't modify or share and don't claim as yours. give credits, use #miniepsds in your posts or tag the blog. If you adjust or use with another psd or if you use on other social media, still give credits.

download: follow me + like or reblog and ask me (public) politely with the psd name. be an active editing blog to get the link. or get it on deviantart and buy to support me.


(134. malibu).psd coloring made bharupsds ©

This effect was made by me in photoshop cc and it works better on it. Before downloading read all the rules and follow them, be honest. Don't forget to leave your feedback or suggestion.

  • Like or reblog if you download and follow me for more content.
  • Don’t repost, reupload or put on pack/google drive.
  • Don’t claim as your own.
  • Don’t recreate, use as base or steal layers.
  • Adjust the layers or add new ones if needed.
  • Give me credit if you use it.
  • Free for personal/non-commercial use. For commercial use pay the download.
  • Before/After.
▸ Download: Follow me + like or reblog + ask (logged) “psd 134. malibu, please?”  UNTIL July 31, 2023 or pay the download on deviantart.

Thank you @miniepsds for amazing template. || This is our work done with effort and time spent. Please do not copy do not violate, and do not sell it as if it were yours. The Preview was made by me, being my own. Please, if your photo is here, talk to me. It is not my intention to violate the copyright rules.

Source: harupsds

PHOTOPEA BLENDING TUTORIAL by kai @heroeddiemunson​​

howdy! i’m back with another tutorial for photopea :) nobody asked for this one, but i have noticed people who have reblogged my gifsets commenting on my blending, and i thought it’d be cool to have a tutorial on how i do it!

what you need:


— UZIRE, psd coloring 80

(extra preview: x)

ENG.RULES: This psd is free for personal use, for commercial use you have the option to purchase from KO-FI or deviantart. It is forbidden to repost, use this psd as a base for any other you make to post or include this material in resource packs. Like or reblog if you like/download. (dl.link)

PT.REGRAS: Este psd é gratuito para uso pessoal, para uso comercial você tem a opção de comprar no KO-FI ou no deviantart. É proibido repostar, usar este psd como base para qualquer outro que você faça para postar ou incluir este material em packs de resources. like ou reblog se gostar/baixar. (dl.link)


83. EPIPHANY by © peachcoloring Compre este psd usando pontos no DeviantArt. Ou pode acessar nosso KO-FI com 50% de desconto em todas as compras. Para obter um filtro exclusivo, envie-nos uma mensagem. | Before - After |

This is our work done with effort and time spent. Please do not copy do not violate, and do not sell it as if it were yours. The Preview was made by me, being my own. Please, if your photo is here, talk to me. It is not my intention to violate the copyright rules.

tumblr mobile profile template.psd light and dark mode

hi! this template is made to resemble the profile account on the mobile version, it can be used with pictures and also in gifs, like the previews shown above.

  • If you want to know to use with gifs, you can watch this video.
  • Please, don’t claim this file as your own;
  • Don’t repost at ANY cost;
  • File width/height: 540x520px.
  • Like or reblog if you downloaded/liked;
  • Download here
  • BUY ME A KO-FI 💖
Anonymous asked:

How do you make your gifs?

Hello hello! I love talking about gifmaking, so thank you for giving me the chance to ramble.

Instead of a detailed step-by-step walkthrough, I will link tutorials and resources written by the wonderful Tumblr creators on here along the way. Everyone has their method and preferences, and there’s no right or wrong way to make gifs. I’m going to share techniques and resources I picked up along the way that work best for me—they may or may not be suited to your preferences, but I hope you’ll find some helpful things here.

(Warning: screenshot/image heavy)


Here are some tutorials and resources that I found very useful when I got back into gifmaking:

Anonymous asked:

Mor, então eu vi o esse tutorial aqui. Só que eu não tenho o Photoshop e parece que só serve em notebook ou computador. Então eu queria saber se serve para Photopea e para celular ou só assim mesmo.

Anjo pelo que eu sei só tem como por computador/notebook mesmo :(


74. HERSHEY`S by © peachcoloring Don’t share this psd and do not put in pack and do not use this resource as a basis for creation. You can adjust the layers if you need to. This resource contains ‘color lookup’. This psd was made using photoshop 2021. Please, don’t claim as your own. If there is any problem, send me a message. Compre este psd usando pontos no DeviantArt. Ou pode acessar nosso KO-FI com 50% de desconto em todas as compras. Para obter um filtro exclusivo, envie-nos uma mensagem. | Before - After |

This is our work done with effort and time spent. Please do not copy do not violate, and do not sell it as if it were yours. The Preview was made by me, being my own. Please, if your photo is here, talk to me. It is not my intention to violate the copyright rules.

Anonymous asked:


sdlfghrjefjdw que nada, muito obrigada meu anjo 💗💗💗💗


Feliz ano novo (bem) atrasado

Mais um aninho nessa plataforma 😅 (percebi que em setembro fez 10 anos 🥳)

Que esse ano seja cheio de realizações e que todos permaneçam saudáveis, felizes e seguros <3

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