
@mglouise97 /

she/they b. 1997

Nope. No. You’re wrong. Color photos have been around since the late 1800s there are a bunch of full color photos of MLK. The us govt and educational system just doesn’t show us because they want us to push back the civil rights movement and distance institutionalized racism from today’s society.

Here are just a few of many photos of MLK in FULL color. This wasn’t that long ago. This is RECENT history. Segregation, the terrorizing of black communities, the brutality isn’t old - it is still present.

When my dad was a little boy, my grandfather was one of the ministers who marched with MLK on Washington. He grew up hearing stories about the great Dr. king and the differences he made BUT he still saw the blatant discrimination against black folks and other people of color (hell he experienced it himself). My dad was a kid watching MLK. My DAD. My grandfather who only passed away about six years ago MARCHED with him. This isn’t twelve generations ago. THIS IS RECENT HISTORY.


Dean wore the road well.

The dashing white lines felt good rolling down his spine. He spoke of dust swirling through open windows, of the slick black of oil spills. His smirk was like sunlight at dusk, ricocheting through the car and fragmenting beautifully against the freckles of his nose, the creases at his eyes. “Just me and Baby and the road, Sammy,” he said once, in the dull between switching his cassettes. “Me and Baby and the road.”

Sometimes, miles stretching his tires thin, when night fell, Dean would ramble off a bit from the highway in the middle of nowhere, nothing but silence stretching an eternity on either side of him. He’d climb gingerly onto his hood, his boots toed off to prevent even the slightest scuff in the black paint, and he’d stretch out towards the stars. The colors were phenomenal most in the places people weren’t, in the open road that only whispered of population, a forgotten asphalt ribbon tossed by the giants of the world. Dean would trace constellations for hours in the gingered dark, his air visible in puffs like exhaust around his smile. 

It was his secret space, his favorite place to retreat to, when the road wore him down a bit too much, when he was less dusk and more headlight-frenzy, too much rush hour, not enough time. The stars always listened to the way he didn’t speak, shone bright and warm and waiting. They spilled so openly, akin to some poetry he’d never quite grown tired of, like melodic lines in Vonnegut, syllables strung together much in the way his stars were.

Dean wore the road well, but he was used to constellations.

Maybe that was why he fell so quickly for one of them.


I guess I’m finally jumping on the bandwagon


Things I can do to remind you of my love on Valentine’s Day

1. Send you flowers                                                                                           2. Give you chocolate                                                                                         3. Serenade you with guitar music                                                                       4. Send a fully armed battalion                                                                           5. Kill your friends and family


Response to mock trial pick up lines

Objection, lack of personal knowledge


Scientific Fact: The government plans to teleport 6,000 bees into every person at one point or another.

(Sent in by anon)


Okay, but imagine a medieval adventure fantasy where asexuals sell their services to parties who have to travel past sirens/incubi/succubi in order to fulfill their quests.

Imagine young witches and warlocks going through a final wizardry test where they have to square off against every magical creature they’ve ever learned about, and everyone is really confused as to how that one team just strolled past the sirens/incubi/succubi, and also as to why afterwards they high-fived, said “Aced it!” and then laughed for ten minutes straight.

Imagine a villain dousing a hero with a love potion and then unshackling her, expecting mindless devotion, only to have her then stab him and say “I’m aromantic, actually.”

Imagine an incubus carefully choosing a target and ending up on her couch with a tub of ice cream as she assures him that he is really good at his job and he can’t help it that he happened to pick an ace target.

Imagine an ace sailor who has to tie up his companions in the hold and sail the ship by himself whenever they encounter mermaids, and since it’s just him it’s really slow going, and he spends the entire time griping about allosexuals to the mermaids, who in turn gripe about how sick they are of having to target sailors before the sailors target them.

Imagine a love god trying to set up a pair of aro ace soulmates and putting them in increasingly romantic and/or risque situations, only to pull his hair out in frustration as they ignore or fix every situation and just become better and better friends.

Just like, fantasy asexuals, y’all.


OH MY GOD IM FREAKING OUT. So we were playing this hot seat game where basically people get to ask you all sorts of invasive questions and its supposed to be fun???? But I dont like sharing personal things so they got like 6 questions in and they asked a question that i did not want to answer so I was like ok bye guys see you tomorrow. Phew. I need some calming music right now.


Tfw your best friend is cute/dumb and ahhh theyre so cuteee. :3


Tfw you actually meet a real life trump supporter. And you ask them why they support trump and theyre like ah well i like his policies and you have to keep your composure.....

spn season 1: dean visits stanford to get his brother to help him battle some bugs and a ghost and dads not answering his phone
spn season 11: sam visits hell to get satan to help him battle gods own sister and gods not answering his phone
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