
Alexis Davis

@thealexisdavis / thealexisdavis.tumblr.com

"I am one with infinite missions. My workplace is the entire world"-Itochu

When I think about what my ancestors had to endure to gain the Right To Vote itā€™s imperative that I continue to make my vote & voice count. From Jelly Bean Test to unrealistic ā€œliteracyā€ test they persevered and conquered against tremendous odds. #Vote


knowlĀ·edge /ĖˆnƤləj/ noun 1. facts, information, and skills acquired by a person through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject. "a thirst for knowledge"

Never judge your clarity based on someone elseā€™s response. When you have a vision stand for it, stand in it, stand with it even if you have to stand by yourself. Lead the way, others will catch up.
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