

@viindicare-archive-blog / viindicare-archive-blog.tumblr.com

It is the Maker who creates mages. The Chantry was built by men, and it can be brought down by them.(Independant Dragon Age roleplay blog.) RL Claim:Tom Mison Private / selective

New World Investigation - Thedas

“I suppose it does…” The mage just might be more resilient than he gives himself credit for. That, or his status as one of the living might have something to do with the improved survivability of this place compared to the open areas outside that were home to the demons they had encountered in the past. They had been impressive in behavior and form, and were like nothing like any other creatures he had encountered. Still, impressive as they were, they weren’t heartless. If he didn’t find any on this trip, that would make two ventures to Thedas with nothing productive to report upon his return.

It was disappointing, but based on the blindingly obvious separation of classes and rampant strife in Kirkwall, there was plenty of darkness in this world that could be tapped into. Perhaps this world was on its way to sharing the fate of so many others, and only needed a nudge in the right direction for the creatures of darkness he knew so well to make their existence known.

But for now, one thing at a time. It was best to start small. 


“What is this place?” Looking from one end of the compound to the other, Saïx couldn’t help but notice their company. The sick and frail ambled about wearily and rested on cots along the walls. “My goal is only to observe, and learn more about this place.” It was an honest reply, and not totally unexpected, if the avant-garde appearance of his organization coat had anything to say. The diviner certainly wasn’t a local, and he didn’t look like it.

“Sanctuary and salvation for the needy and the poor… the forgotten of Kirkwall…” It was an automated response, one that came out almost on reflex nowadays. Tending to the townspeople had put him in this sort of routine. Except… for what was to come, he found a bit of himself nagging to abandon what was to come and continue with the work.

What was to come’ being what the mage was currently cleaning off his desk—or rather the remains, notes, and small debris of it.

“Observe and learn as you wish, I have no intention of stopping you. Nor the power, for that matter…” The bit of the holes of his mind that no longer existed as his own found it a tad amusing that someone might be able to record everything he went though. Maybe there might be some knowledge of whom Anders used to be in this world before he would do what was needed and spark what was needed in Kirkwall.

Anders might have actually been laughing at the thought then, but he had given up paying any mind.

“My… only suggestion is that you may want to press on to someplace more enjoyable…” Fingers idly brushed away the remains of a fine powder from his sleeve. “This town will soon collapse on itself.”


“And you still managed to slip away, even with all that tightened security-?” And a maleficar on the loose. More checks than needed- Nug knows the obfuscation necessary to survive in Kinloch Hold, and he knows that Templars don’t just stop at a few extra checks when threatened with maleficarum. His grin tightens around the edges, then with a nod, quickly dissolves into a light hum in the back of his throat. “That’s impressive- I might even be inclined to shake your hand.”

“Thank our tower mouser for that one. Apparently the ‘devil cat’ as my dear—I mean as my friend would call it was actually possessed by a demon. A particularly hungry demon at that, took quick likings to most of my guards and all.” It probably should be a little disturbing just how casual Anders was about that bit of history. “Wasn’t that hard, to be honest. You catch the last ship out, apparently find the rower’s more than happy to, and I quote, ‘Get the bloody Void off this Maker –forsaken rock of death’ and suddenly the world is your oyster.”


“Who knows?” She is amused, to say the least, by the possibility of the same pirate wreaking havoc in the Pearl – an interesting afternoon, spent learning things she couldn’t possibly use herself, though Zevran had seemed to get something out of it, at the very least. “She was formidable, my pirate. Formidable and terrifying. I rather liked her.”

     The mention of the Tevinter slavers prompts a frown, and Aelith presses her lips together in a thin line, before letting her lips curl up into a smile that doesn’t meet her eyes. “And you took everything he had, I assume? Good. I thought I’d gotten rid of all of them left there but – good to know they’ve been dealt with, regardless.” And she rather likes the idea of the remaining Tevinter slavers being humiliated and robbed blind.

     “So – how’d you find your way to Amaranthine? Not that I’m complaining, mind you; the help with the darkspawn was very much appreciated, but it seems you got far, this time around with escaping. What happened here to slow you down?”


“Formidable and terrifying? Maker am I glad I never crossed her…” In all honesty, that just seemed like a really bad idea in his head. Seriously, the mess that they were currently cleaning up seemed like a lot better of a thing to experience twice over when compared to an angry pirate.

Though the mood did seem to change rather quickly, and Anders could hardly help a wider grin himself. “I did one better. Since I technically ‘lost’ our little game, he wanted to carry the party back into his room at the tavern, wanting to ‘test the new merchandise’ as I recall. Bastard was so bloody drunk he wound up blacking out as soon as he got the door open, which lead me to not only pocket his things but also stripping him bare, tie his hands to the doorknob with his smalls, and tell the bartender downstairs that he should alert the guard because some deranged sex addict thought it smart to expose himself to the old lady who stayed down the hall. Last I heard he went kicking and screaming into the deepest part of Fort Drakon before I left.”

The memory left him doubled over laughing, clutching against his stave, but it quickly dissipated. The question was… well… not exactly something he expected, but then again he figured it would come up eventually.

“Not the first time I’ve been here. The ports in the city were familiar, so I knew what to seek out.” He made himself laugh off a few stray thoughts, including recalling a particularly angry letter that had come in reply barely a week after his official initiation. “Apparently the Templars figured the same thing so they were ready and waiting with their prettiest recruits. And I do mean pretty, I mean if you looked at her you’d also want to do whatever she asked of you.”


submitted by @littleoctopushead

[After the Chantry explosion] Hawke: You took out all those guys at once? Was that necessary? Anders: Eh, they’ll live. Hawke: Uh, no, they won’t. Anders: Oh, yeah, I can see your point…

“Huh. I guess in that aspect, we might actually come to understand each other. For once.” Wishing for things that could probably never happen. Wondering what things would have been like should their twist of fate been just a bit different. “At least you actually remember your father though. I can’t even recall a face or name let alone whether I should resent him bringing my into this world.”


“If I didn’t know any better I’d say you were almost pleased with yourself.” Which might have been surprising if it wasn’t for the fact that Anders was sure the world might actually end. “... In all honesty, I’d rather not be able to myself. He was... far too happy when the Templars took me away. Our relationship was never good but until that moment I suppose I never really considered he would down right despise me...”


“She might have been a pirate. Who knows? I met a pirate at the Pearl once. She taught me the basics of dueling – lovely woman. Terrifying woman. I’d hate to meet her in a dark alley. I wonder if it was the same pirate…?”

     She flashed him a quick grin, bowing down to collect as many arrows as she could from the corpses – no point in wasting weapons – before looking back at him.

     “Careful with this. If it gets in your clothes, you’ll never get the stench out.” ( She liked hearing the tales of his escapes – he had Alistair’s good humor and Zevran’s charm, and that would be enough to ensure they got along splendidly. ) “Dare I ask how you came across Tevinter robes? Was this an effort to throw the Templars off your trail, or an aesthetic preference?”


“Well... considering it was a brothel, people claim to be a lot of things. Probably the same woman though. Mean with a blade and seemed to be there drinking, gambling, and making sweet on the girl with the griffon tattoos, yes? Remember her being one of the Pearl’s best customers.”

Among other things but he knew better than to go talking about that. Maker knows what kind of possible wrath he may incur...

“It’d be a fitting fate for these robes if I do say so myself.” A laugh sounded just as he finished batting off a few remaining entrails from his staff. “Call it a trophy of my excellent cleverness if you must. See, I heard of some slaver remnants hanging about the alienage in Denirem and--well, being an escaped mage didn’t exactly mean I could go to the guard so I did the next best thing: found one of the blokes and challenged him to a drinking game.”


New World Investigation - Thedas

Yes, him. How lucky Anders was, to be reunited with someone so pleasant~


“It would be a pity to lose a familiar face in a world like this one.” It was the truth, for what it was worth. The diviner knew so little about the vastness of Thedas and the many things within it. It was a shame, because for as long as that condition persisted, much of his surroundings held very little significance. 

Oh, but he was aware of it. Ignorance was a terrible thing, and in regards to his own, he hoped to eliminate it quickly. To do that, a connection would be most helpful.

Because even if there was no promise of heartless on this world, it could serve other uses for him. 

While he spoke of the mage’s face—which appeared to be fine, all things considered—he couldn’t help but notice that his movements looked guarded. Something wasn’t right, but given their last interaction, he couldn’t say he would have been surprised if the capability were there. “I take it that the answer is no, then?”

He wasn’t sure if he should feel glad or offended by that little comment…

It was tempting to mention something about talking to people and becoming convinced to just get a new familiar face, but Anders decided to keep that little thought to himself. Maker knows what kind of a problem he’d end up causing.

Not to mention he really didn’t fancy the thought of this guy becoming the epicenter of one of the more unstable compounds that the mage still had lying around his little sewer hole.

“Well… I’m not dead yet, so that has to stand for something.” He tried his best to make himself sound as casual as possible, but that seemed to be too much effort for even his mind at the moment. Maker, he wasn’t sure if this guy could be trusted yet and he just appeared while he was—

Something told Anders it would just be best to not think so hard.

He made a bit of a face. “Well… I’d tell you get comfortable but you really don’t want to do that here… just um… sort of watch where you go.” Maker willing this guy would listen to him…

“Unless you have a reason for being here?”

Anonymous asked:

"You kill me!" A angry ghost of a young boy look at at him "it was my first year as a templer and you kill me!! I try to help you but you kill me!!"


“... What? I’ve killed a lot of people in my time, so you’re going to have to be a bit more specific...”


Destroy My Muse On Anon

Provoke them, upset them, frighten them, make them cry! I want tears and regret and pain and just plain oodles of angst.

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