
It's Time

I think I’m at a point in my life where accepting friendships I deserve is crucial. I’m so tired of pretending to give a shit about people who don’t even know what happened to me not so long ago. They haven’t even bothered to ask, but they know as soon as they need me, I’d be there without question.

Not anymore.

It’s time to pursue passionate people. The ones who get worked up over what they want out of life or what they believe in.

It’s time to uproot the ignorant people and send them packing because ignorance is contagious.

It’s time to love myself before getting a false sense of love from someone else.

It’s time to put down the social barriers fed to us by a broken society, and decide on our own what beauty is.

It’s time to live in the moment because right now is all we have.

It’s time.


Ontheroofs is a joint project of Vitaliy Raskalov and Vadim Makhorov 21 and 25 years old photographers from Ukraine and Russia. Their project is dedicated to urban exploration.

For us, photography and urban exploration have been inseparable since the very beginning of our career. The list of the tops which we are climbed features the Pyramid of Cheops, Cologne Cathedral, the Shanghai Tower, the top star of one of the Stalin’s high-rises – the Seven Sisters buildings, and others.

Enjoy taking photos? Check us out on Flickr!

posted by Margaret.


Sometimes the urge to pack up my stuff and just leave is over powering. I can’t think about anything else but escaping the familiarity of everthing. I want to fall in love with new places. Get lost trying to find myself. I wish I had someone to take with me, to make such a journey a path to enlightenment. One thing I’m finally able to admit is that I am truly scared of ending up alone. Which is a selfish and unrealistic fear because when we die, we go at it alone. In reality, I love spending time with myself, but it’s those brief times when I’m alone that the loneliness creeps in. That is my true fear, loneliness. A boogeyman in my closet of life.


I used to hate sleeping because it’s just like being unconscious for eight hours but now I love sleeping because it’s just like being unconscious for eight hours


Fun fact: This is Orlando’s legit impression of Johnny; it wasn’t originally scripted.

Was there even a script for this film. Every time I see a post about PotC they are like ‘this wasn’t scripted’

by now I’m like 70% sure they just released Orlando, Kiera, and Johnny into the Caribbean and told them to pretend it was the 1700’s


How to Care for an Introvert

1. Respect their need for privacy and to spend time on their own.

2. Be careful never to embarrass them in public.

3. When they are in a new situation, allow them to stand back, and watch what’s going on.

4. Allow them time to process what you’re asking or saying. Don’t demand an answer right away.

5. Be patient if they hesitate to find the right words – and never interrupt while they are speaking.


Silence. Cold, sterile, piercing silence. The kind that one encounters among hostpital patrons after a sudden unexpected loss. When a life seems to have slipped through unnoticed. Incapable of salvation. It forces people to become isolated in their own personal hell. Everything around them stops,...

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