@studentvoicescampaign / studentvoicescampaign.tumblr.com

HOW WILL YOU USE YOUR CREATIVITY TO IMPACT YOUR SCHOOL AND COMMUNITY? We're celebrating student voice on April 16 at Grid: Student Voice with inspiring student speakers, an industry panel, workshops with Emmy award winners and activists, music, movement, and more!

The Student Voices Campaign has some exciting changes in the works! See you Friday, October 9th at the Grid and you’ll get a sneak peek of those changes!


The Student Voices Campaign is an annual statewide creative arts challenge for students (grades 7-12) to make their voices heard! Advocate for the change you want to see in your schools and communities!  This year, the Student Voices Campaign asks students from across arts disciplines to demonstrate how the power of the arts can draw attention to and address important community issues. The purpose of the campaign is to demonstrate how arts education empowers student voice and to show school and community leaders why it is important to advocate for arts education funding in public schools.


DID YOU KNOW? In California, students are guaranteed a voice in planning and budgeting for their school. The Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) requires that districts consult with students, along with parents, teachers, and other community members to create the district plan, known as the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP).

By entering the Student Voices Campaign, you are making YOUR VOICE heard in YOUR SCHOOL! Learn more at http://studentvoicescampaign.org/enter


Register now for the Grid student summit on October 7-9. The California Alliance for Arts Education is proud to be collaborating with the Grid by inviting students to submit original art work answering the question: “How Will You Use your Creativity to Impact Your School and Community?” Register https://creativitymatters.com/grid-summits

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