
Carry On My Wayward Son

@myfandomchangesalot / myfandomchangesalot.tumblr.com

We are the champions my friends

Absolutely AMAZING response by Watcher imo.

They acknowledged that they made a mistake, made the wider context more clear, and addressed basically all of the criticisms brought forward by the community as far as I know.

  • Anyone who already subscribed to the streaming service who no longer wants it gets a refund.
  • Patrons get a free subscription to the streaming service.
  • The service now only offers early, ad-free episodes that will still be released on YouTube.
  • They acknowledged the insensitivity of the original pitch and how the price is not something that everyone can afford.

THIS is how you respond to backlash, especially this widespread. Take time to collect your thoughts, take the criticism into account, and change your actions going forward.

Great job Watcher 👏


It’s crazy how low self-worth fucks with peoples lives

“What will I be if I don’t graduate/don’t get a promotion/don’t get my shit together/don’t make this relationship work?” You would be a perfectly normal human being who is inherently valuable and who possesses many talents and good traits

“What if I fail even when I tried my very best?” The world keeps turning and you will find many other things you will succeed at.


i don’t think the guy from 1759 wrecked taylor swift in two months, i think if anything their relationship opened her eyes to patterns and made her face harsh truths and THAT is what “wrecked her”


Me approaching a trans geologist: "hey, that's a really cool rock pick you have there, what is that, the Estwing Special Edition with the leather handle? Cool cool... So, you wanna fuck?"


but being genuine & not jokey for a second you Need to make yourself a safe person for transfems. every time you support the witch-hunt of a trans girl you are signaling to every other trans girl you know that you will ruin their life if they say something you don't like. you have to put aside kneejerk disgust reactions and simply block people if they post something that upsets you. this is not worth risking their safety


I can’t believe “fake gamer girl” was an actual concept guys thought existed literally the most unfuckable guys who have ever lived were convinced girls were faking being interested in loser nerd hobbies to impress them

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