@0roro-munroe / 0roro-munroe.tumblr.com

21|| he/him

OPHELIA (details)

But long it could not be Till that her garments, heavy with their drink, Pull’d the poor wretch from her melodious lay To muddy death.

It’s still happening. The genocide is still happening and we as humans can’t continue to let this slide by, while everyday lives are taken. Something must give.

[ID: A six-panel comic showing a watermelon.

1. The watermelon on its own against a white background. Text reads, "It's been over 110 days of genocide."

2. The watermelon viewed from above, with sharp knives pointing down at it. Text reads, "And the death toll climbs on."

3. One knife has sliced the watermelon in half, and is now coated with red. Text reads, "If those in power want to look away"

4. Two quarter slices of watermelon. Text reads, "we must keep our eyes and ears resolute."

5. A hand reaching to take a thick slice of the fruit. Text reads, "So say it with me"

6. The hand holding up the slice ti the viewer. Text reads, "Ceasefire now!"

/end ID]


btw things or people leaving your life is the same as them clearing up space for other, better things to occupy your time instead. u will find what you are looking for no matter what. it will come. i love u

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