

@cherrry-b0mb / cherrry-b0mb.tumblr.com

My name is Nikki and i fall up the stairs on a daily basis.

apparently some people who sold hacks for the switch are being charged with 11 felonies. what a complete fucking joke. this is so fucking emblematic of the fact corporations want to destroy our ability to own things that we buy. if you buy something, it can only be sold once. but if you lease it. if you rent it. if you have a subscription service. if your video game is a live service. that's steady income, that's continuous, and that's good for investors, which is good for your stock price, which is the sole reason you exist as a corporation. to raise that line and divy out money to investors.

why shouldn't I be allowed to flash custom software onto a piece of hardware I purchased? because they own the rights to the hardware? okay but I bought it. it's mine. I'm not editing every single one, I'm not reselling a switch with a custom OS, I'm editing something which is MINE.

this is just like how John Deere tried to make the argument that people can't own property, only lease it, and that only companies can truly own property. they did this to justify their tight controls over farmers being ALLOWED to REPAIR their FARM EQUIPMENT.

corporations want you to be a constant supply of money, they want every fucking dollar you have, and then they want more next quarter. it is not, never will be, and can never be enough for these institutions, and this economic system.


“starry night” this, “café terrace at night” that, when are we going to talk about “two rats” by vincent van gogh?


are you gonna pick those penne noodles out of the boiling water one by one like a man, or are you gonna use a strainer like some kind of democrat?


as part of my reform package, i promise to turn all rich people into furries, so instead of spending all their money on superyachts they spend it on commissions, which have a significantly higher rate of economic recirculation and a significantly lower carbon pawpr

but theres gonna be a lot of inflation

you put that sentence back in your mouth


I had a dream about a cowboy movie last night and I woke up to write it down so I would remember

its been 2 years since hear it hurgling has changed my life forever


boot up, Bitch

Boot up, Bitch!
MOOD! #2019goals

“Boot up, bitch!” is an affirmation

Y'all better take that energy into 2020 and stop playing



in case anyone thinks this means “toughen up” Those boot covers are tools. those spikes aren’t an inherent part of the boots your friends, your family, meds if you need them, therapy, healthy life changes when you can, these things are your boots get your boots on and climb those stairs at your own pace, aka: Boot Up, Bitches! We’re making 2020 the year we recover

Thank you for that last addition. I always disliked the flippant nature of this post, but that’s a really good take.

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