
Shining Brightly Over You

@auntyshark / auntyshark.tumblr.com

Hey! I'm Sunny and I like sharks, feminism, cute things, shipping fictional characters, anime/manga, reading, writing, video games, and shopping. I like to think I'm funny and I hope you will too. Feel free to contact me, I promise I'm friendly.



If you need an example of this: A writer who goes by 'One' started out drawing comics and posting them online. The art was... charming, but far from matching up to what was MASTERFUL storytelling. So he gets noticed. His work gets adapted. We now have 2 beloved series that have worldwide acclaim: One Punch Man and Mob Psycho 100.

Started with this:

And now we’re here:

As well as starting here here:

To getting here:


(The live action isn’t quite quality so much as to say “LOOK! IT’S SO POPULAR IT GOT A LIVE ACTION!!!”)

One wrote these masterpieces and adapted them to comics with an art style that wasn’t what he envisioned, but was still good enough to be adapted, circulated, merchandised, and received (well-deserved) critical acclaim.

Bravery is not the absence of fear: It is acting despite it. If it’s your vision, your dream? Be scared, but do it anyway up to whatever level you can reach. Keep going (with responsible stops for breaks), keep creating. Get the art out and worry about the details when they actually begin to matter.

You’ve got this.


A writer trying to write a book (have been for years, thanks) that feels so much bigger than her own level of skill


Choose a bookshop. Any independent bookshop. Your local bookshop.

Any time you recommend a book, link to your local bookshop's page instead of amazon. Stop recommending people buy books on amazon as the default.

It is worth taking 2 minutes to find a bookshop that isn't amazon - and it could make a huge difference to not only that one store, but the survival of the book industry.

e.g. my go to is Blackwell's, because a) I used to work there, b) they're an independent UK chain and c) they ship globally

some other Scottish independent bookshops include:

If amazon is the only place that will ship books to you/ your only option to buy books - no worries! This post is not aimed at you!

(Also, please support your local libraries - I'm currently reading a bunch of ebooks for free through my local library. And in the UK, authors get paid when readers borrow their books)

If you are in the United States, Bookshop.org acts as a marketplace that will let you support independent bookstores (including your local bookstore if they're partnered!) with your purchase. They also have UK based and Spain based marketplaces.

Libro.fm acts in a very similar way if you prefer audiobooks over physical books. It is accessible worldwide when purchasing books directly; its monthly memberships are only available in the United States and Canada.


"Walkable city" is not "City where to have to walk everywhere."

"Walkable city" is.

  1. Sidewalks big enough to fit you, your stroller, your wheelchair, your guide dog, or anything else you need when you're getting from one place to another.
  2. Safe crosswalks frequent enough so you don't need to walk in traffic.
  3. Bike lanes to keep bikes out of foot traffic and car traffic.
  4. Accessible and affordable public transit.
  5. Cities where the essentials are close enough you can travel on foot (or in wheelchair)
  6. Cities where it's reasonable to be able to get from point a to point b without requiring you, yourself, to drive

People get so caught up in the "Walkable" part of the term and like to spout "Walkable cities are abelist because not everyone can walk".

Bitch. The modern city structure is abelist because not everyone can drive. And classist because not everyone can afford a car and it's pretty damn impossible to get a job if you don't have a car.

Walkable cities are cities where people can reasonably get from pointA to pointB without requiring a motor vehicle.

"But fae. Disabled people have issues using the paths in modern cities." Bitch abled people can barely use the paths in modern cities. That's kind of the fucking problem.

Also walkable cities have fucking benches. Not only for disabled people. But sometimes you just twist your ankle and need to sit for a moment.

"Put fae. If you have benches, homeless people will sleep on them."

Then get fucking housing for the homeless. Problem solved. They'll sleep in their nice warm homes instead of on the benches.



I reblogged this last month, tagged it, and said “might as well see if it works.” I used this video as a reference to find all the forms that i needed (which is A LOT, especially if you’re a dependent) and sent them through the mail, not really allowing myself to hope.


$2,714 of medical debt from my top surgery - gone. im shaking this was such a weight on me for 2 years and it fucking worked. what the fuck.

This is huge. Sharing for my US friendos.


Hospitals like to hide these policies under a lot of successive links in obscure places, so if you don't see anything right away, keep looking! Get friends to help! Make it a scavenger hunt. A game where you're assassins sent to slit capitalism's throat


Copaganda does three main things.

First, it narrows our understanding of safety. Police get us to focus on crimes committed by the poorest, most vulnerable people in our society and not on bigger threats to our safety caused by people with wealth and power.

For example, wage theft by employers dwarfs all other property crime combined — from burglaries, to retail theft, to robberies — costing some $50 billion every year. Tax evasion steals about $1 trillion each year. There are hundreds of thousands of Clean Water Act violations each year, causing cancer, kidney failure, rotting teeth, and damage to the nervous system. Over 100,000 people in the United States die every year from air pollution, five times the number of all homicides.

But through the stories cops feed reporters, the public is encouraged to measure a city’s safety by whether it saw an annual increase or decrease of three homicides or fourteen robberies — rather than by how many people died from lack of access to health care, how many children suffered lead poisoning, how many families were rendered homeless by illegal eviction or foreclosure, or how many thousands of illegal assaults police committed.

The second function of copaganda is to manufacture crises or “crime surges.” For example, if you watch the news, you’ve probably been bombarded with stories about the rise of retail theft. Yet the actual data shows there has been no significant increase. Instead, corporate retailers, police, and PR firms fabricated talking points and fed them to the media. The same is true of what the FBI categorizes as “violent crime.” All told, major “index crimes” tracked by the FBI are at nearly forty-year lows.

The third and most pernicious function of copaganda is to manipulate our understanding of what solutions actually work to make us safer. A primary goal of copaganda is to convince the public to spend even more money on police and prisons. If safety is defined by street crime, and street crime is dangerously high, then funding the carceral state leaps out to many people as a natural solution.

The evidence shows otherwise.

— Alec Karakatsanis, “Police Departments Spend Vast Sums of Money Creating “Copaganda” | Jacobin, July 2022


More relevant resources about destroying the myths of policing as a positive institution:


velma and wednesday shows have proven to me that network executives cannot be trusted with our weird girls we need to take them back by force if neccessary


Let’s be honest - Everest should be cut off from climbers, and the only people that should be allowed up there are ppl who volunteer to clean up all the garbage and human excrement adrenaline junkies have left up there over the decades, and anyone who volunteers to attempt to bring down any bodies of those who died.

The ascent is too dangerous, too many ill-equipped and unprepared climbers try to make the climb, and too much garbage is piling up and poisoning the run off that communities around Everest rely on to live.


Reminder that:


this is another reason why land back / indigenous sovereignty is so important. give the mountain back to the people who’ve been taking care of it for centuries and let them have full control over it legally. let them decide if it should or shouldn’t be a tourist attraction or if people should be allowed to climb it. just defer to Sherpa people when it comes to anything to do with Sagarmāthā


as a general rule. if what we’re calling ‘cultural appropriation’ sounds like nazi ideology (i.e. ‘white people should only do white people things and black people should only do black people things’) with progressive language, we are performing a very very poor application of what ‘cultural appropriation’ means. this is troublingly popular in the blogosphere right now and i think we all need to be more critical of what it is we may be saying or implying, even unintentionally.

There is nothing wrong with everyone enjoying each other’s cultures so long as those cultures have been shared

Eating Chinese food, watching Bollywood movies, going to see Cambodian dancers, or learning to speak Korean so you can watch every K drama in existence is totally fine. The invitation to participate in those things came from within those cultures. The Mexican family that owns the place where I get fajitas wants me to eat fajitas. Their whole business model kind of depends on it, actually. 

If you see something from another culture you think you might want to participate in, but you don’t know if that would be disrespectful or appropriative, you can just…ask. Like. A Jewish friend explained what a mezuzah was to me, recently. (It’s the little scroll-thing near their front doors that they touch when they come into their house. It basically means “this is a Jewish household.”)

“Oh, cool,” I said. “Can I touch it? Or is it only for Jewish people?”

“You can touch it or you can not touch it,” she said. “I don’t care.”

“Cool, I’m gonna touch it, then.”


It’s not hard.

You want to twerk, twerk. I’ve never heard a black person say they didn’t think anybody else should be allowed to twerk. Just that they want us to acknowledge that they invented that shit, not Miley fucking Cyrus.

It really boils down to three simple things:

  1. Consent. Is the culture open to sharing this thing? (& don’t cheat by finding one person who consents while most of the culture disagrees.)
  2. Context. If a culture is open to sharing a thing but it is a thing of great religious significance, take the time to learn what is a respectful way to treat the thing. Probably don’t use it as random decoration or sexualize it unless that’s what it’s for. 
  3. Credit. Give credit and if possible, buy from the original creators so the money goes where the credit should be.

This is really useful to me personally because I’ve definitely caught myself losing sight of what cultural appropriation actually is, and why it matters, so thank you, and everybody else pay attention too


One of those fandom things that I love is when there’s new characters around and, with the unwavering confidence of an old farmer appraising cattle, fanfic authors take one good look at them, tilt their imaginary hat, and go “Aye. Praise kink, that one. Mighty case of praise kink if I ever saw one.” And everyone else just “aye.”

Not to mention the plot tropes.

“I don’t think the Highschool AU is going to come in too strong this year. Fandoms a touch jaded for that. But the hurt/comfort is growin’ thick as weeds and twice as fast. It’ll be a good harvest, fer sure.”


“I hear over at [neighbouring fandom] they’re putting the top field into fix-it fics.”

“Yes, ‘twould be.  They had a hard season last year, a right hard season.” 

“You think I ought to plant a little Sailor Moon Wild West AU? Don’t know if anything would come of it. Might not make it to harvest.”

“Won’t know until you plant it, will you?”


“Ah, a heritage crop.”

The shipping forecast.

The Fandom Almanac


There is no joy like the joy of a writer who has just figured out that a throwaway line they put into the first few paragraphs of a story is actually the key to a major plot point and possibly even the theme underlying the entire thing.


like to charge rb to cast


For Indigenous People’s Day I’d also like to throw out my own tribe’s water project - it’s becoming increasingly vital as protections surrounding Navajo land get stripped away & reservations are stripped of sovereignty, as the US government has poisoned our water before and will likely do so again without a second thought. Please consider donating to the Navajo Water Project, or giving this a reblog if you’d like. A’he’ee, thank you!


So I’m on AO3 and I see a lot of people who put “I do not own [insert fandom here]” before their story.

Like, I came on this site to read FAN fiction. This is a FAN fiction site. I’m fully aware that you don’t own the fandom or the characters. That’s why it’s called FAN FICTION.


Oh you youngins… How quickly they forget.

Back in the day, before fan fiction was mainstream and even encouraged by creators… This was your “please don’t sue me, I’m poor and just here for a good time” plea.

Cause guess what? That shit used to happen.

how soon they forget ann rice’s lawyers.

What happened with her lawyers.

History became legend. Legend became myth….  And some things that should not have been forgotten were lost.

I worked with one of the women that got contacted by Rice’s lawyers. Scared the hell out of her and she never touched fandom again. The first time I saw a commission post on tumblr for fanart, I was shocked.


One of the reasons I fell out of love with her writing was her treatment of the fans… (that and the opening chapter of Lasher gave me such heebie-jeebies with the whole underage sex thing I felt unclean just reading it.)

I have zero problem with fanart/fic so long as the creators aren’t making money off of it. It is someone else’s intellectual property and people who create fan related works need to respect that (and a solid 98% of them do.)

The remaining 2% are either easily swayed by being gently prompted to not cash in on someone else’s IP. Or they DGAF… and they are the ones who will eventually land themselves in hot water. Either way: this isn’t much of an excuse to persecute your entire fanbase.

But Anne Rice went off the deep end with this stuff by actively attacking people who were expressing their love for her work and were not profiteering from it.

The Vampire Chronicles was a dangerous fandom to be in back in the day. Most of the works I read/saw were hidden away in the dark recesses of the internet and covered by disclaimers (a lot of them reading like thoroughly researched legal documents.)

And woe betide anyone who was into shipping anyone with ANYONE in that fandom. You were most at risk, it seemed, if your vision of the characters deviated from the creators ‘original intentions.’ (Hypocritical of a woman who made most of her living writing erotica.)

Imagine getting sued over a headcanon…

Put simply: we all lived in fear of her team of highly paid lawyers descending from the heavens and taking us to court over a slashfic less than 500 words long.


all of this

Reblogging because I can’t believe there are people out there who don’t know the story behind fan fiction disclaimers. 


Yep I used to have disclaimers on all my Buffy fic back in the day. The Buffy creators were mostly pretty chill about fandom but it’s not like it is now. You did NOT talk about fandom with anyone except other fandom people and bringing it up at cons was a massive no no because of stuff like this.

I think Supernatural (and Misha Collins specifically) was when that wall between fandom and creators started to break down. It’s a relatively new thing.

I remember going to a Merlin panel down in London and a girl sitting next to me asked the cast about slash and I thought she was going to get kicked out!

Fandom history is important.

Oh, this brings back some not so-awesome ‘90s fandom memories! 


Oh man, let me tell you about the X-Files fandom. Lawyers for FOX sued, threatened, and generally terrified the owners of fan websites on a regular basis. God help you if you wrote or created original art set in their (expansive) universe or worse - dared to write about their characters. Even people who weren’t creating fanworks, just hosting Geocities pages about how much people liked the show would be sent C&D orders or actually fined. When I was first discovering the concept, the first rule of fandom was you do not talk about fandom because the consequences could be devastating.

It was such a strange and uncomfortable experience for me when fans in LOTR and Potter fandoms suddenly started shoving their work in people’s faces speaking publicly about fandom and wanting to engage in dialogue with the creators and actors of the Thing they were into. Fan stuff was supposed to stay online, in archives and list-serves and zines we passed around because it just wasn’t cool to talk about it and it could get you in a boatload of trouble. The freedom we have to create and gather together in a shared space, or actually be acknowledged in any way by people outside the fandom was inconceivable to my fannish, teenaged self. I want fans these days to understand how amazing modern fandom really is, cherish the community, and appreciate what it took to get us here. 

“if you found this by googling yourself, hit back now. this means you, pete wentz”


Oh hey, even more blasts from the past.

I was one of the ones who got a love letter from Anne Rice’s lawyers. Bear in mind that up until that point her publisher had encouraged fanfic and worked with the archive keeper (one of my roommates at the time) to drum up publicity for upcoming books and so on.

I could tell such tales of how much Anne screwed over her fans back then. The tl;dr version is that she and her peeps would use fan projects as free market research and then bring in the lawyers once it was felt Anne could make money off of it herself. (Talismanic Tours being one of the most offensive examples of this.)

But where fanfic is concerned not only did we get nastygrams but one of my friends had Anne’s lawyer trying to fuck up her own privately owned business which had NOTHING TO DO WITH ANYTHING ANNE RELATED. Said friend was a small business owner with health issues who wasn’t exactly rolling in money, so guess how well that went?

On top of that when yours truly tried to speak out about it I discovered that someone in Anne’s camp had been cyber stalking me to the point where they took all the tiny crumbs of personal information I had posted over the course of five years or so and used it to doxx me (before that was even a term and in early enough days of the WWW that this wasn’t an easy task) and post VERY personal information about me on the main fandom message board of the time. Luckily for me the mod was my friend and she took that down post haste, but it was still oodles of fun feeling that violated and why to this day I am very strict about keeping my fandom and personal lives separate online.

Hence why those of us in the fandom at the time who still gave enough of a shit to want to keep writing fic DID keep writing fic, but shoved it so far underground and slapped it with so many disclaimers they could’ve outweighed the word count of War & Peace. It wasn’t just for the purpose of protecting fic but for trying to protect our personal lives as well.

(Also would love to know who @tiger-in-the-flightdeck knew. Life paths crossing after so many years….)

Lucasfilm also sent cease-and-desist letters to Star Wars fanzines publishing slash.

My favourite bit I read from one included the idea that you weren’t allowed to have any explicit content, of which anything queer, no matter how tame, was included, to “preserve that innocence even Imperial crew members must be imagined to have”.

Yeah. The same Imperial crew members who helped build the Death Star to commit planetary genocide.

(It’s one reason Sinjir Velus, while I still have some issues with him, feels like such a delicious ‘f*** you’.)

Later on, they were apparently persuaded to ‘allow’ fans to write slash, provided in ‘remained within the nebulous bounds of good taste’.

(On a related note, if I wasn’t quite so attached to my URL, I would 100% change it to ‘Nebulous Bounds’, because that’s just downright catchy)


Anne McCaffrey had this huge long set of rules about how exactly you were allowed to play in her sandbox. Dragonriders of Pern was my first online fandom, and I was big into the Pern RP scene - and just about every fan-Weyr had a copy of these lists of rules McCaffrey wanted enforced. One of which was ‘no porn’ and another was basically ‘it can’t be gay’ (and for a while ‘no fanfiction posted online’? which??? anyway.)

She relaxed a little as time went on, but still. 


Let’s not forget: the reason AO3 is called ‘Archive of our own’  is because it was created in response to some bullshit that assholes were trying to play with fan creators. Basically (if I remember the fiasco correctly) trying to mine fandom creators for content which they could then use to generate ad profit on their shitty websites. When the series creators objected, the fans tried to pull their content, only to find that the website hoster resisted, claiming their content was all his now.

That wasn’t even all that long ago…

fandom history class


To this day, *talking* about writing or reading fanfiction - just acknowledging that it exists - to anyone other than people I know are in fandom as well, feels like a dangerous act. The strict separation I maintained between my real life identity, my online identity, and my fandom identity (yes, they were separate, because some of the most vicious and mocking people were fellow nerds) has broken down a bit these days, but I don’t think I’ll ever be able to integrate them as freely as some younger fans do.

Everybody should know that AO3 is just one project of the Organization for Transformative Works. Their mission is much broader than just hosting a (very good) fanfic site. They do all kinds of fandom history archiving and publish an academic journal, but most importantly, they perform legal advocacy to protect the fair use rights of people who make fanfic or fanart.

The OTW Legal Committee’s mission includes education, assistance, and advocacy.

  • We create and post educational materials about developments in fandom-related law on transformativeworks.org and on archiveofourown.org.
  • We assist individual fans when their fanworks are challenged, we answer fans’ questions about law relevant to fanworks, and we help fans find legal representation.
  • We partner with other advocacy organizations and coalitions in the U.S. and around the world.
  • We advocate for laws and policies that promote balance and protect fanworks and fandom.
  • And much more!

I haven’t been involved in fandom stuff all that long, but I find this stuff so fascinating!


whew, i feel old, but that’s mostly bc i was on forums way way waaaaay too young. but this? yes. all the way. people had password protected forums on the weirdest, most unconventional websites. before you could even be approved by the mods they would search your blog, your other accounts, question you, everything, all because we were broke teens and preteens trying to do something for fun and if someone got in who could doxx you or send your work over to a lawyer? that was it, you were OVER. that’s also part of where fandom wars and the defense of fandom came from: quote unquote “enemy” fandoms would infiltrate just to hurt you. @theglintoftherail makes a very good point: ao3 is a goddamn haven. and they’re a great team of lawyers and people dedicated to protecting fanworks! part of the reason it’s so great is because they know there’s no one like them out there. they also go to the ends of the damned earth to protect you and to be inclusive, which is why there’s shit like tentacle porn and underage and dubcon. because they’re dedicated to protecting readers and creators to the death. they don’t advocate for it and they have the extensive rating and tagging system because of that (legit the best tagging system i’ve ever seen) but they don’t know if you’re dealing with trauma or if you need to get something out. do not forget your fandom, kids. jesus

Who else knew nothing about this? A show of hands


I’m just the right age to remember the disclaimers and to have HEARD about the Anne Rice, Anne McCaffrey, and X-Files fiascos, but I was never in any of those fandoms and I was more or less on the tail end of that. I can’t imagine having to be scared to tell people I write fanfic. So glad we’ve come so far.

Every time I start reading fanfics, I thank all of you people whose neverending resilience and the drive to be creative made it possible for me to consume content freely and without worry 🖤


Those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it. Attitudes from the owners of copyrights have become more lenient as they have understood how futile and brand-harming it is to combat fanworks, but the risk for crackdowns is still there. Thankfully, the BBC Sherlock fandom is based on a reimagining of a reimagining of literary works most of which have expired copyrights.

There are still plenty of reasons to actively prevent creators and fic from mixing. Fic is for us, and for litigatory reasons they cannot safely look at it. I bet many of them do, though. 

Here’s an overview of fic-related court cases.


Know your history.


just found out white baneberry is also called dolls eyes and im scared of it now

bro waht kind of doll IS this

These are also highly poisonous and can cause cardiac arrest if ingested so being scared is a very reasonable response


Hi, um, honest question here when I ask... WHO THE FUCK SAW THIS AND THOUGHT IT LOOKED GOOD ENOUGH TO EAT?! I get maybe if you’re starving and options were limited but this looks to be growing in a forest where I’m sure there were many other far less fucked up looking options.


Children will put anything in their mouths.

Also these dolls eyes look a lot like old-timey candy.

These are sugar coated anise seeds and they look a lot like dolls eyes. This kind of candy is still a thing nowadays, but nowadays there tend to be pastel colored whereas back in ye olden days they were just white.

Also doll's eyes tend to look a lot like creeping snowberry and white currants both of which are edible.

So it makes sense when you know the history.

I’m gonna be real with you:

I immensely appreciate you taking the time to be so kind and informational with your explanation and I’m so happy I learned new things! Really, that was awesome. It was really well put and you even added comparative imagery! That was just so nice of you and you get a big gold star (not sarcasm btw, truly welcoming of your addition).

But I also had what can only be described as an ‘Epic Oof’ of a brainfart because for a while there I forgot that children do that. Pretty sure I forgot children were a thing entirely.


just found out white baneberry is also called dolls eyes and im scared of it now

bro waht kind of doll IS this

These are also highly poisonous and can cause cardiac arrest if ingested so being scared is a very reasonable response


Hi, um, honest question here when I ask... WHO THE FUCK SAW THIS AND THOUGHT IT LOOKED GOOD ENOUGH TO EAT?! I get maybe if you’re starving and options were limited but this looks to be growing in a forest where I’m sure there were many other far less fucked up looking options.


Shark Convention Happening on Cape Cod

Some of the presenters include:


May I just say that off-the-wall naming conventions for animals is one of my favorite things ever? From shelter kittens to sharks, it’s always delightful.

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