
Home of the Original Mushroom Post

@yejimeatbun / yejimeatbun.tumblr.com

I'm a fucking mess. Don't come here expecting much How old do YOU think I am? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ follow me on insta: yejimeatbun39

We know that Facebook is brainscorching your parents and tiktok is brainscorching your cousins, but some of you refuse to admit that you got your brain scorched here. However unlike those sites there isn't an algorithm here you just make bad choices.


That's all we ever wanted. To arrive at Hell as a result of our own dubious navigation skills instead of as the result of Satan owning all the road sign companies.


This is.... Absurdly cute. What the fuck.

It's worth noting that the reason the beaver wants the water to be deeper in the first place is that the Beaver is using the deep water as a pantry:

All summer and fall, beavers gather up branches with the leaves they actually eat, and store it in the deep end of the Pond, where the cold water and limited oxygen keep the leaves fresh all winter, so when it's negative 20 outside, a beaver can take a dip out of it's lodge, grab some refrigerated leaves in the (relatively) warmer water and go back to it's cozy little nap hole while everything else is out there suffering and eating bark or the like.

So it's less "there's a leak in my house" and more "OH SHIT THE FRIDGE!!"


I feel like the logical solution to this is to simply not only date young women


shoutout to that one time i scrolled past chainmail at like 2-3 am as a kid and immediately heard an insanely loud thud outside. put the fear of god in me

hi chloe. it was very well-timed snow falling off the roof right after i scrolled past an image that said “if you dont repost this in 20 seconds he will be outside your window (png of a monster)”. once in a lifetime experience

Ah you see I thought you meant chainmail as in armor. My mistake

knight materializes outside of my house to beat the everloving shit out of 11 yr old me


Dude has a death wish


Delighted to announce this bird is real and is a corvid.

Truly the family that just keeps giving.


I haven’t seen it in the notes yet, so afaik, here’s the source of that video! So now you can see the funny poison bird much more clearly.

It was taken by a biologist that studies birds so it seems like he knows what he’s doing. For the most part. Here’s his caption:

You all know that he 100% licked his fingers after handling that bird

I can’t leave this in the tags, I’m sorry.


I really don’t feel like we as a society are talking enough about this



tiny fawn, determinedly approaching the camera on wobbly legs on an empty road: mee! mee! mee! mee!

deep human voice: I'm not mama, mama's over there!

fawn, plaintively, continuing to approach: mee!

deep human voice: there, little guy! you're teeny-tiny!

fawn: (continues to approach)

deep human voice: here, let me-- we'll put you next to my coffee cup, so we can see how little you are.

fawn: (wobbles forward, lies down next to a travel coffee tumbler set down on the road. the tumbler has pictures of cute woodland creatures on it)

deep human voice: *chuckling in wonderment* ohhh, you are teeny-teeny-tiny!

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