

@ewebean / ewebean.tumblr.com

YES HELLO She/Her, Professional illustrator and full-time under-slept plant parent. ※ Please do not repost or use my artwork for profit without permission, thank you

A little update on me

Hi everyone, I’m back! You might have been seeing me answering some asks, posting art and reblogging (reblogging! What a concept!) but I just wanted to officially make a post to say – Hello! How are you? How have you been?

First a list of major life things:

  • You can call me Aprilyn or Ewe now! I’m she/her.
  • Frodo, my shiba inu, you might remember him as a puppy I adopted a while back is still with me and is now five years old and turning six this coming February.
  • I have moved out of my parents home, I am no longer based in Florida and now live in Burbank, California.
  • You might remember that I was going to school to earn my BFA in Animation and I’m happy to say, yes, eventually I got it.
  • I now work professionally in animation and I’m currently a background artist at WB Animation. Big yay!
  • Sometimes, I run into other artists that I knew from the Hobbit fandom who also went into animation and it’s always a delight to see that we ended up there!
  • I am not married or had a partner since I left – but this year I came out to my parents and family as a bisexual demi. It had a bit of some road bumps, but I think the dust is settled for now.
  • If you like, here are some links to some of my social media accounts:
  1. main professional twitter: aprilynacunanan
  2. Good Omens side twitter: ewezfell
  3. MXTX side twitter: eweiwuxian
  4. Kingdom Hearts side twitter | tumblr: ewepufruit | ewepufruit
  5. BNHA side twitter: eweboku
  6. main professional/everything instagram: sheeprilyn
  7. JUST artwork tumblr blog: eweart
  8. youtube channel: sheeprilyn

It’s been very nice to see some familiar names and I’m excited to be back! I hope everything has been well and you’ve been staying safe this past year!


the best lord of the rings thing ive seen is the headcanon that gimli is like Prince Tier of beauty for dwarves and is absolutely stunning and legolas is like, for an elf, absolute butt ugly like relatively and everyones always like gimli how could you marry such a shit tier ugly ass elf and gimli is like ach.. nae…i love him

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