
you know when you @ someone in a groupchat so that they get the extra push notification and then they appear? modern day summoning ritual


Concept: immortal vampire scion of a dying royal line going to increasingly desperate lengths to get their various relations married off in a way that keeps themselves as far from the line of succession as possible, because the peculiar interaction between holy symbols and the vampiric condition means that if they ever actually inherit the divine right of kings, they’ll immediately explode.

So just… A really old guy forcing all of his grandkids to marry each other?

Precisely the opposite. Keeping it all in the family (so to speak) is a strategy for minimising competing claims to the succession; our hypothetical vampire wants there to be as many competing claims as possible, so that if one cadet branch dies out or gets delegitimised, there will be others to take up the slack.

If they’re the scion, they’ll have to go to some lengths to avoid it… depending on where they fall in the lineage. But, if it’s the English monarchy, they can just profess Roman Catholicism. Immediate disqualification.

I was about to propose some complicated metaphysical reason that option isn’t on the table; upon consideration, however, it’s much funnier if there’s no reason it wouldn’t work, but the vampire would literally rather die than become Catholic.


So in russian, nouns are either animate or inanimate gramatically, depending on whether they move.

Well, the russian word for corpse, мертвец, is animate, which raises quite a few terrifying questions about russia’s past

Rasputin’s influence was extensive.


Rasputin? Koschei didn’t hide his heart in a needle in an egg in a duck on a island in a lake in a forest to get ignored like this.

Zuko: my dad and sister are mean but at least my mom loves me :D
Ursa, who lied to Ozai about the true identity of Zuko’s father for selfish reasons, causing Ozai to hate Zuko and then she poisoned and killed Firelord Azulon before running away, leaving Ozai as the new Firelord of the most powerful nation in the world and then used a spirit to change her face and have all her memories of Zuko removed so she wouldn’t have to live with the knowledge that she left her children with an abusive parent and then married her ex boyfriend who she had an emotional affair with and now has a child with all while Zuko is now banished and living his worst life:

the canon atla comics spill so much tea


tfw you can’t say sike 😔🙏


Most of this isn't true. Ursa suspected that Ozai was intercepting her letters to home, so she wrote a fake letter saying that Ozai wasn't Zuko's father. When Ozai confronted her about it, she knew that he really was spying on her and explained it was just a trick. Ozai really is Zuko's father. She never had an affair, emotional or otherwise.

And she didn't run away on purpose, she was banished for treason after killing Fire Lord Azulon. It's not like she had a choice. So she returned to her hometown and started a new life with her old boyfriend, but her pain was so great that the Lady of Faces (a spirit from the spirit world) offered to give her a new face and erase her old memories, which she accepted.

Ursa's story is great because, like all of ATLA, she's a full character who makes tough decisions that have real ramifications. She loved Zuko enough to kill Azulon (because he'd ordered Zuko executed) and save his life, even though it would mean leaving her favorite child. Everything she does after that is an understandable choice for a grieving mother. Could you really blame her for accepting a new face and new memories after all she'd been through? Maybe it wasn't the right choice, but I understand it and that's what makes ATLA so special


zuko rly thought the avatar was 100 years old, and he was still fully prepared to fucking kidnap him. imagine if that had actually gone down like zuko thought it would. you’re a fully-realized avatar and you’ve been hiding out for over a century and all of a sudden you get approached by this 13 year old kid who’s like “WHATS GOOD I’VE GOT NO DEPTH PERCEPTION AND I’M READY TO FIGHT GOD” 


the whole “i’m an evil monster because i have to kill and eat innocent people to survive :’(” angst in ‘regular human gets turned into supernatural monster’ stories is so stupid. like how is that even a problem??? there are also plenty of corrupt billionaires, abusers and cops out there for you to snack on

everybody’s like “eating the rich is the only ethical consumption under capitalism” until they actually have the opportunity to actually eat the rich 🙄 smh

what we do in the shadows is the only one that Gets It


You wake in the night with your arm hanging over the side of your bed. It is still dark, and your bedroom is shrouded in deep shadow. Something unseen seizes your hand.

You grasp it tightly, knowing that first impressions are important and a firm, confident handshake will establish dominance.

A hollow voice echos under your bed, shaking you to your core, “You’re hired.”


we stan a legend. 

I don’t even play this game or know who she is, but this is such peak cat energy I have to reblog it.

life imitates art

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