

@lostalive / lostalive.tumblr.com

27|She/Her|Gay|NJ|RN:||: Lots of fandoms, art, writing, snakes, cats, and anything else

ok very funny guys. you got me. now seriously who left all these neurotypicals in charge of the mental health field

who left all these healthy doctors in charge of the hospital

is literally what this sounds like

God, can you imagine how awful that would be? People with amputations consulting on things like prosthesis?

People in wheelchairs designing living and working spaces for people with mobility issues?

Autistic people actually trying to help other autistic people?

OMG, just thing – wouldn’t ti be awful if people who are now in remission actually helped manage the pain and other symptoms that come with having and treating cancer?

I mean seriously, what on Earth do any of those people really have to add to the discussion? What could they possibly know that an able-bodied neurotypical wouldn’t already know? I mean, experience doesn’t teach all that much!

/end sarcasm.


My care for EDS got radically better when my doctor’s kid was diagnosed. 

Dr. Marsha M. Linehan more or less reinvented the field of behavioral therapy after spending years being treated to the worst 1950-60s psychiatry had to offer. She created the system now known as Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, now considered one of the most effective treatments for suicidal and self-destructive behaviors, as well as pretty much any other form of mental illness or mood/behavior disorders. She was able to do all of this BECAUSE she’s self-diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, not in spite of it.


The only therapist, out of the many I have seen over the past 30 years, to succesfuly treat my anxiety?  The one who had anxiety herself.  Not a coincidence.  


A woman traveling into the dark woods to an evil witch’s house to trade her firstborn child for selfish desires sounds a lot like a demonized version of a woman traveling to see a cunning woman to aid her with an unwanted pregnancy js


Holy shit….. this post is life changing


The fact that oppressed people can’t make a single angry statement about their oppressors without being asked to clarify they didn’t mean literally everyone in that group just in case they hurt someone’s feelings blows my fucking mind.

Sorry if I hurt your feelings by pointing out that you’re part of a group that benefits from the dehumanisation of others.

I guess I was just too busy being actively dehumanised to care.


I’m kinda meh about roof gardens/ grass roofs bc they can accumulate a lot of weight and collapse/ cause leaks

But living walls? Mighty sexy

They provide natural insulation, which not only keeps the heat in during cold days, but keeps the heat out during hot ones. It’s better planned and maintained than vines (depending on the plant ofc).

Flooding in urban areas can be reduced since the roots and the growing medium will hold in moisture. Air can be purified, and heat can be reduced because of evaporation.

I just love living walls

Imagine cities that are also forests and prairies because they actually make an effort to integrate nature into all of their surroundings


This solves the problem of loving vines but knowing theyre bad for the infastructure while also being super eco friendly and ALSO really witchy and I love it


The sensation of being American is just hating your country and then hearing a white British liberal call America imperialist swine and briefly astral projecting out of your body because they’re not wrong but it feels like there’s maybe some imperialist swine a little closer to them they could be working on 


the sensation of hating america as someone from s third world country and then hearing a white British liberal call Americans imperialist swine and suddenly feeling solidarity with the Boston tea party


Stop reducing native issues to “they had their land taken”.

Our sisters are still murdered and missing. Our children go hungry and cold. Our elders can’t afford health care. Our parents suffer from untreated mental illness and have addictions because they self medicate.

And thats not even on the reservations. Thats just in farming communities of the Lumbee. And we are doing well by comparison to other groups.

Stop reducing us to stolen land and erasing our real struggles.

Natives have the highest suicide rates. Natives have the most unsafe school conditions. 75% of sex trafficking victims in Canada are First Nations. Natives are the most likely to be shot by police according to some studies and just as likely to be shot as black brothers and sisters according to others. Half of the homes on reservations in the US are legally deemed “uninhabitable” despite families and children living in them. Non native people can still commit crimes against us and not even be tried under native law, usually meaning not at all. Reservations flood often, they are stricken with drought. Most urban native kids carry the weight of being the only native their classmates and other townspeople will ever know. There are no college classes for us or about us. We are struggling, y'all. We have had our land, languages, and family ripped from us, it’s more than just history, it’s 500+ years of ongoing genocide.

you know ive hit quality blogging when i post a picture of 16 vicars riding oblivion

That’s what they said

I love how many of them are praying

man that one in the front right corner just does not give a fuck


And by looking at that picture, you can experience the roller coaster… vicariously.


even better than the one in the front right corner: the one in the front middle who’s like HELL YEAH HELL YEAH HELL YEAH



Wait but there are more! 


Now this is the sort of quality religious content I want to see on my dashboard


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