

@pertifity / pertifity.tumblr.com

Nel, she/her, back on tumblr after having been bitten by the Critical role bug. Ships everyone/happiness.

It’s that time of the year again :)

Lol this made me laugh so much. I want it on repeat this Christmas.


It isn’t a proper holiday season until you hear this.


According to Know Your Meme, on August 18th, 2005, Erwin Beekveld brought forth this work into the world. HAPPY TEN YEAR ANNIVERSARY, THEY’RE TAKING THE HOBBITS TO ISENGARD.

sheds a single tear

every august 18th my notifications break and i go, fuck, tumblr has failed me once again, but it hasn’t. it hasn’t failed me. it’s just the taking the hobbits to isengard-iversary. happy 12 years


Lil Early, but fuck it! I’m not missing it this year.


But it does.

It does… one at a time.  It’d be useful to be able to select more than one. G&T but not higher, M&E only, everything but E for those who just don’t like smut. (btw I just checked and there is none of the exclusion filters showing on the search page at least in my computer)

AO3 does ‘and’ filters.

You don’t filter for M&E. You filter for not the other stuff.


I have never seen so many users clearly baffled by and too skittish to push buttons/toggles that are very clearly meant to be used.

If a trusted website has a button and you don’t immediately know or understand what it does, push it. Check out every drop down, every link, every configuration imaginable. Be adventurous. Fuck around and find out. If it breaks the website, they shouldn’t have had that button in the first place. Not on you. Indulge your curiosity instead of complaining it doesn’t do something it absolutely does if you poke around a little.

You’re not going to get a bad grade in filtering by using interface features from AO3, I promise.

Look, there are library systems that don’t have filters as good as AO3. You have to learn how to use Boolean operators (AND OR NOT) and construct a proper query to exclude in several academic databases, and AO3 just performs “NOT” for you by clicking a button.

Do you know how many grad students would love to have the kind of power you have with AO3 in filters?


Ao3 filters are amazing. You can filter out ratings, you can filter out characters or pairings, you can filter out specific tags (as long as it’s an official tag)! (Type it in under “other tags to exclude”)

This is why the antis complaining about seeing content they don’t like on Ao3 is so frustrating. If something squicks you out, filter it, and you never have to see it again! Voila! Or even if it is just something you don’t like. I have High School AUs filtered out because I just don’t like them! It’s an amazing system and makes it so easy to curate your experience.

I am so spoiled by the Ao3 filters. Every time I encounter a particularly terrible search system at work I sigh wistfully about them.


A bird explaining to a hedgehog crossing so it doesn’t die.

!!! ok but that’s legitimately what it’s doing!! That’s a corvid right there (looks like a hooded crow, to be precise), which means it’s intelligent enough to recognize, a) cars are dangerous and streets should be treated with a certain degree of caution, b) this car’s slowing down for them–cars do that sometimes–which means they’re not in imminent danger, so it doesn’t have to fly away just yet, c) that hedgehog’s still gonna get killed if it doesn’t MOVE, FAST (cars can change speed very quickly and the hedgehog’s still in the way), and almost certainly also d) if the bird does nothing it gets a free lunch.

Y’all, Y’ALL. This bird is consciously deciding to put itself in danger in order to save the life of a very stupid creature. A creature which, if the bird did nothing, could be free food

i can’t - look if you follow me you know I have a thing for corvids, but this is - like!!! People are always saying “ah yes they have sub-human intelligence and don’t consider anything that isn’t immediately necessary for their own survival/pleasure,” but! Whether or not it can do philosophy, this crow is clearly demonstrating compassion. Even if it’s just the kind of compassion a toddler shows to a snail, a social creature that instinctively recognizes the potential for emotion in other beings, that’s still huge and cool and important and corvids!!! are! neat!!! 

They’re incredibly smart! And kind!!!


Hey. Why isn’t the moon landing a national holiday in the US. Isn’t that fucked up? Does anyone else think that’s absurd?

It was a huge milestone of scientific and technological advancement. (Plus, at the time, politically significant). Humanity went to space! We set foot on a celestial body that was not earth for the first time in human history! That’s a big deal! I’ve never thought about it before but now that I have, it’s ridiculous to me that that’s not part of our everyday lives and the public consciousness anymore. Why don’t we have a public holiday and a family barbecue about it. Why have I never seen the original broadcast of the moon landing? It should be all over the news every year!

It’s July 20th. That’s the day of the moon landing. Next year is going to be the 54th anniversary. I’m ordering astronaut shaped cookie cutters on Etsy and I’m going to have a goddamn potluck. You’re all invited.

Hey. Hey. Tumblr. Ides of March ppl. We can do this


Hell yeah moon holiday


July 20: Moon Day.


OP is following an incense recipe "Goose Pear Curtain Incense". It is named as such because in ancient times the bed is generally separated from the rest of the room with a bed curtain, and the incense is meant to be used behind the curtain at night.


  • Some say the modern equivalent of "goose pears" (鹅梨) are quinces. Others say the closest equivalents are Chinese white pears, etc.
  • OP is likely using the modern definitions of liang/qian, but the amounts these measurements refer to have changed over time, referring to more and more. In general it's just a 10:1 ratio and however many number of pears you wish. (The recipe states 10 pears for 1 liang agarwood and 1 qian sandalwood.)
  • People interpret the steaming instruction differently. Some say the recipe says to steam three times, others say to steam until just after it boils.
  • The "dryness" mentioned in the video is a concept in traditional Chinese medicine. It is one of the six factors in nature and an excess of it hurts the lungs etc.

[eng by me]


the pronunciation of "Data"

Star Trek TNG: The Child

i know many people hate her forever for this scene from her first episode, but armed with the knowledge that she very quickly comes around to be one of data’s big defenders as early as “pen pals,” there’s something about how like… charmed she is to encounter a machine with strong feelings about his name. she doesn’t know data like we do and has the usual “he’s not a real boy” attitude that essentially all outsiders have about him for the entire series (i just watched the one where that guy tries to refuse to serve under him during that episode with the romulan blockade), but pulaski still likes him, which is why i enjoy watching her journey.


once you hit adulthood a day will come when you’re suddenly like VEGETABLES 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 and it never goes away


ICYMI, there was fear that companies were scraping public AO3 fics to train their AI without the consent of AO3 or its users. That fear has been confirmed.

AO3 has written about what they’re doing (and what they’re not able to do), and they recommend restricting your work to AO3 registered users only. [Instructions here]

This gross misuse of the archive by techbros is why I’ve locked down my fics for the foreseeable future. I recommend the rest of you do the same.


@lordoftherazzles made a quick guide for ao3 authors to lock all their works at once for registered users only here!


Someone recently messaged me worried I’d deleted all my fic - it’s all still there, it’s just locked to A03 because of this and other skimming instances.

Please note that many fanfic authors are locking their stories so that they are only accessible to registered Ao3 users.

They’re still there at Ao3. The authors have made this choice to protect their work from misuse/AI scanning.

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