
Kitty Cat

@ivegotthetriforce / ivegotthetriforce.tumblr.com

Hello! I'm Triforce. Lover of Zelda, cats, music, and more. Bigender (they/their/them pronouns) aromantic asexual with the ultimate extreme fear of blood and needles. If I see either, it means unfollowing, so don't expect to see any of it from me ever.

you do know that when jewish and romani people say “never forget” we mean “learn about the holocaust so you can recognize the warning signs of facism and genocide” not “repeatedly bring up the holocaust whenever anything bad happens and exploit our pain and trauma to make people care about your cause” and when we say “never again” we mean “take action to prevent any stage of genocide on any scale by any means, hold collaborators responsible and don’t be complicit” not “only care about genocide when it’s too late”, right? or did you think it was just a fun catchphrase?

no actually reblog this


We owe fat LGBT people everything

Being fat and "attractive" always comes with an addendum of gender hyper performance- literally think about how many fat guys you've found attractive unless they were big bearded lumberjack flannel wearing daddies and think many fat chicks you've found attractive unless they were pompadour having poodle skirt wearing 50s pinup dolls.

Big unabashedly fat GNC homos are the lifeblood of our community I love big fat obtrusive butch bulldykes who sit with their legs spread and take up space and I love effeminate fruity limp wristed fat bears that wear short shorts and feather boas. Stupendous magnificent showstopping


when im listening to my own library and playlists i feel like a powerful wizard but when im trying to show my music taste to anyone it feels like i have a shame cone on

The only difference between a wizard hat and a dunce cap is the wide brim of privacy


I saw a post the other day from someone who was distressed that a parent had found their system tiktok and I can’t stop thinking about it

If you are scared about someone, particularly an abuser, finding an account, don’t share identifying information, especially not videos of yourself.

I grew up in the early days of the internet and online safety PSAs which were often laughable but deeply ingrained the idea that the internet can be dangerous so never give out identifying information.

And while I think some of those ideas are rather extreme, it’s really jarring to see how much things have swung in the opposite direction.

If you are posting things you don’t want people in your life to see, don’t post things on an open platform with identifying information such as your face, your name, or where you live.

This is especially important if you’re concerned about abusers finding what you post.

I know the internet has changed drastically and it’s a lot more common for people to post identifying info, but if you’re still in a position where people in your life seeing what you post could be dangerous, please be careful. Find places or ways to post that are separate from your IRL identity. Keep yourself safe.

tiktok is also extremely dangerous for things like this because the algorithm shares videos with people who are geographically close to you. so even if someone isn’t a part of your side of tiktok, your video could end up on their for you page anyways because of location.

You probably shouldn’t talk about your private mental health information - particularly with more stigmatized mental illnesses - on accounts that have your actual face on them. Beyond just parents, employers and schools and stuff can find that, too. (Is it illegal in the US to discriminate based on mental health? Yes. Does that, realistically, stop anybody if you can’t PROVE that’s why you got fired/didn’t get hired? No. Particularly not in states with at-will employment laws.) Some random person on the street who recognizes your face doesn’t need to know the specifics of your trauma and mental health. It’s none of their business, and it could be dangerous for you.


I just think it's important that Tumblr knows a man is cosplaying as the Ever Given and is blocking doorways at Dragon Con 2021.

Here is a screenshot of the post he made that the DC Instagram page shared:

Sir, you are my hero.


one of the attorneys at work just walked into another one's office and I faintly heard him go "is that a SKELETON?"

They have named her Rose

Two of the other attorneys have now dressed her up in clothing

I came in this morning and someone had positioned her right outside my cubicle...


hilarious update: it turns out that the attorney was on an important zoom call all morning, so she put the skeleton under the proximity sensor that controls the lights for this section of the office so they wouldn't turn off mid-call

attorney: [places a six foot tall plastic skeleton under the proximity sensor]
the sensor:
“I’ve been a massage therapist for many years, now. I know what people look like. People have been undressing for me for a long time. I know what you look like: a glance at you, and I can picture pretty well what you’d look like on my table. Let’s start here with what nobody looks like: nobody looks like the people in magazines or movies. Not even models. Nobody. Lean people have a kind of rawboned, unfinished look about them that is very appealing. But they don’t have plump round breasts and plump round asses. You have plump round breasts and a plump round ass, you have a plump round belly and plump round thighs as well. That’s how it works. And that’s very appealing too. Woman have cellulite. All of them. It’s dimply and cute. It’s not a defect. It’s not a health problem. It’s the natural consequence of not consisting of photoshopped pixels, and not having emerged from an airbrush. Men have silly buttocks. Well, if most of your clients are women, anyway. You come to male buttocks and you say – what, this is it? They’re kind of scrawny and the tissue is jumpy because it’s unpadded; you have to dial back the pressure, or they’ll yelp. Adults sag. It doesn’t matter how fit they are. Every decade, an adult sags a little more. All of the tissue hangs a little looser. They wrinkle, too. I don’t know who put about the rumor that just old people wrinkle. You start wrinkling when you start sagging, as soon as you’re all grown up, and the process goes its merry way as long as you live. Which is hopefully a long, long time, right? Everybody on a massage table is beautiful. There are really no exceptions to this rule. At that first long sigh, at that first thought that “I can stop hanging on now, I’m safe” – a luminosity, a glow, begins. Within a few minutes the whole body is radiant with it. It suffuses the room: it suffuses the massage therapist too. People talk about massage therapists being caretakers, and I suppose we are: we like to look after people, and we’re easily moved to tenderness. But to let you in on a secret: I’m in it for the glow. I’ll tell you what people look like, really: they look like flames. Or like the stars, on a clear night in the wilderness.”

God, as somebody that grew up in a largely jewish community, holocaust denial is like... so fucking weird.

Because I don’t remember a time in my life when I wasn’t terrified of swastika’s, including when I was so young that I didn’t even know what a swastika was.

Because it’s such a strangely specific feeling to be born in the wake of a tragedy so massive that you can still feel it’s reverberations and were born with a weird sense of survivors guilt that will shadow you forever

Because when we were younger and our parents refused to tell us exactly what the holocaust was, we would trade our grandparents horrific experiences like they were scary stories across the camp fire, repeating them over and over to ourselves and eachother so we could figure out what it all meant.

Because I’d see those books with grey photos of Auschtwitz prisoners on the cover and feel like they were looking straight fucking at me.

Because every single Yom HaShoah you’d hear grade school children get up and say “my grandmother was the only one left of her family” or “they barely got out before it started” or “they managed to hide in an attic for months on end” or “my great grandmother managed to jump off one of the trains with her daughter in her arms” or “my grandfather has numbers on his arms but he won’t talk about it” or “my great aunt was shot just before the liberation so she couldn’t get out,” like it was normal.

Because we were always taught to run if we were in a group of non-jews that started making nazi jokes, to laugh along and then take the fuck off to stay safe.

Because the question always lingered over our heads, “what if it happens again? what if it happens to us?”

.... and them some stupid fucking college age white trash dickhead stands up and says “it didn’t happen” or “it wasn’t that bad” and I just can’t... fathom that? Like how the fuck wasn’t this part of your life? How is this not etched into your bones?

And its because it’s not. Like people didn’t grow up with this shit, some people can afford to deny the holocaust and deny antisemitism because it won’t hurt them.

It’s just... fucking wild.

(please reblog)


“Awww, he’s mad!” 

Some of the sketch dump that I made before finally choosing to paint the loaf Link. Also, the bottom one supposedly just him pouncing but I added Ghirahim –probably going to paint that one too :D

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