
Chaos In Progress

@allesandraq / allesandraq.tumblr.com

Current obsession: The Wayhaven Chronicles. It's lovely and awesome. I am a fandom and random other stuff blog. I can be a bit of a ranter and very opinionated about things regarding my shows and ships if you ask me about them. I used to have other shows: Glee, SPN, Teen Wolf, Sherlock.. you can use my search engine. Currently working on fixing all my pages.


It's been a while since I posted anything on my tumblr. But here we go. Some years back I discovered Lovestruck and until today, it had been part of my life for several years. I found it while I was healing- an attempt to fix a bad relationship that blew up in my face and I was trying to make sense of it all. Lovestruck helped me heal, and it was there for me when I wound up going through another crappy self destructive relationship. Throughout the years, I laughed and cried as I played the stories of Lovestruck. I kept going back to old ones as I am the type to do so. Starship Promise, Love and Legends, Gangsters in Love. Queen of Thieves. Castaway. Astoria. I kept cycling through them. Iseul, Reiner, August, Atlas, Nikolai, Remy, Orion, Antares, Jaxon, Saerys.... so many others. Their stories helped me over the years, the love, the drama, the angst. Some stories were cathartic, others were sweet and helped me feel better. For years, Lovestruck was a constant presence in my life, there for me when I needed it. Now... Now it no longer is. It's gone now. And I will forevr be grateful for the stories by the writers, the art by the artists. I'll struggle through these feelings, and eventually the hurt will pass. But for now... *sigh* I will miss it.


So basically: The Wayhaven Chronicles is awesome. I love it. And i hate the fact that I came into it with just two books complete. But I still love it. Arggggh.


The Wayhaven Chronicles Lore Collection

Hello TWC fandom!

I relatively recently joined your ranks and have fallen DEEP into TWC. As such my hyperfixating-self locked in on going back through @seraphinitegames​ tumblr and collecting every piece (or near enough to it) of lore about Wayhaven, The Agency, supernaturals, vampires, and Unit Bravo I could find.

I am aware Nai is also working on an official FAQ/Lore collection, but hopefully this helps in the meantime! I figure it’s useful if you want to write fic, learn more about UB, or are an editor of the official Wayhaven Wiki. 

I went back from current (Feb 2021) to the start of 2017 where most of the posts are about Mishka’s previous games so I assumed it was unlikely there’d be much useful Wayhaven content after that point.

Some Caveats:

- The lore I collected is 99% from the tumblr (otherwise in-game) and does not cover in-game content in detail. It’s written with the assumption you’ve played the game and will therefore have some idea about what the Echo World or Agency are, amongst other topics.

- The lore also contains SPOILER information that is not necessarily tagged or marked as such, up to spoilers for the Book 3 demo as it stands on February 15th 2021. If you haven’t played up to Book 3, please keep this in mind.

- I cannot vouch that everything I found is still 100% canon. So if it turns out something I have contradicts in-book information or Mishka’s writing, please ignore what I’ve got! Message me to make corrections. IMPORTANT: Please look at the dates on the asks if you read them! Book 1 released in 2018 and Book 2 in 2020. Asks from these eras generally reflect UB as of Book 1 and then Book 2, not necessarily how Book 3 UB would be (or romanced UB unless noted in the ask).

- I do apologize if you want a spoiler-free or very well organized experience but I’d genuinely need serious editorial help. There’s about 143 pages of facts/links across all the documents and that’s rather more than I want to tackle. Even categorizing the miscellaneous asks into very rough groups was daunting :’). Please message me if you’re interested in helping out/have corrections.

The Lore

  1. The World of Wayhaven: Information about the Wayhaven universe.
  2. Agency Lore: Information about The Agency and how it operates.
  3. Supernatural Lore: Information about Supernaturals and their abilities.
  4. Vampire Lore: Information specifically about Vampires in Wayhaven.
  5. Unit Bravo Facts: Bullet point lists of fun/interesting facts about UB.
  6. Misc Facts: Various asks about UB Mishka has answered.
  7. Misc Facts 2: Various asks about UB Mishka has answered.
  8. Misc Facts 3: Various asks about UB Mishka has answered.
  9. Wayhaven Drabbles: Short scenes about UB written by Mishka.
  10. Spicy UB Facts: Facts and asks about UB, but of a ‘spicy’ nature.

in light of events... I'm glad I stopped watching Supernatural. Season 1 through 5 are it. The only seasons. Apologies out there to everyone else- you managed to sit through all of it, clinging to good stuff in between all the very bad.


Would you survive Beacon Hills? Or not?

Kanimas. Werewolves. Possessed white boys. Beacon Hills has it all. Some live. Some die. Some dissapear. Some do all three. But you. What would you do? Would you die? Dissapear? Live? Would you survive Beacon Hills?

0%-50%: you’re going to die

50%-80%: you’re going to dissapear

80%-100%: you’re going to survive beacon hills

note: most people will not survive. that is the point. it’s hard to survive in beacon hills. deal with it.

62. Gdi. Does that mean I just disappear from the plot like Danny or just presumed dead?

I got 43.

Am I an irrelevant POC that a villian kills off?


Got 38%. I guess my mistakes were both to be a POC and to say I wanted to be an Argent lol. They all dead after all.

I scored 33% lmao I’m no surprised

43%, @hennigcho I’m right there with you :(

At least we’ll go down together

See you in hell 


I scored 57 percent. Well shit.


I'm suddenly seeing a bunch of Titanic stuff on my dash. Huh.


when your time on tumblr has been so erratic, that when you decided to clean up your following list, you find yourself unfollowing people who stopped updating their blog... 3 years ago. Damn.



All Writers Published on Ao3:

This app, “Fanfic Pocket Archive Library”, is lifting all public content from Ao3 and making it available through a service they profit from.

Your work has been stolen and is being used to make money for a third party.

^above are the ways in which the app makes money off of Ao3 content. The developer is called Simple Soft Alliance. Here’s the app’s Terms and Conditions.

Any fanfiction that can be accessed without a password on Ao3 is already available in this app. Yours, mine, every fan creator’s. Whether this is illegal I do not know, but it is certainly unethical and needs to be fought. Ao3 is a site of unparalleled integrity and shows the utmost respect to creators, so this content grab is an even bigger slap in the face for that reason.

🚨Please flag/report this app in your app store. 🚨

🚩Apple Store link (download app, then go to report it here )

Feel free to contact Ao3 as well to alert them to this issue. Let’s take em down, folks. In the meantime, you can put your Ao3 in private mode to prevent any more data theft.

Please reblog and tag your writer friends. Signal boost this.

If the app developer wasn’t making money I wouldn’t care, but as it is all my fics are on this app and I’m NOT happy. Reported and also reported to Ao3


email someone got - reported on the twitter feed. looks like as authors we’ll have to individually report that our content is stolen on the app. 


if you are a fanfic writer posting on ao3 and this app has your fics on there, IT IS COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT. 

so here’s what you can do. go to the google report form or the apple report form and say that it is copyright infringement. you’ll have to just show your ao3 profile link to prove it. 

this is how i’m phrasing it, but please modify what you say so it doesn’t look like a mass complaint and ruin the legitimacy of the claim: 

“I post my fanfiction works on www.archiveofourown.com, a platform that hosts transformative works. This app is reposting all of my writing content (at least 29 of my works) without my knowledge or consent. I did not give permission to the developer of this app to do so. Since I have copyrights to my own fanworks, as well do all writers that this app is reposting without their permission, I strongly urge the Apple Store to consider the legality of this app, which basically exists just to repost/copy all the works of fanfiction authors of archiveofourown.com.”

again, PHRASE IT IN YOUR OWN WAY but this is just an example of how to go about it, if the “explanation for complaint” seems intimidating to you.

i strongly urge every ao3 author to report this, and get this app down. otherwise, as AO3 suggests, we’ll have to issue DCMA Takedowns. those are a bitch to file. they take a lot of time and a lot of fees. hopefully, enough of us reporting this to apple/google will simply ban the app, and we can put this whole mess behind us. 


FYI for all fic writers


One of those fandom things that I love is when there’s new characters around and, with the unwavering confidence of an old farmer appraising cattle, fanfic authors take one good look at them, tilt their imaginary hat, and go “Aye. Praise kink, that one. Mighty case of praise kink if I ever saw one.” And everyone else just “aye.”

Not to mention the plot tropes.

“I don’t think the Highschool AU is going to come in too strong this year. Fandoms a touch jaded for that. But the hurt/comfort is growin’ thick as weeds and twice as fast. It’ll be a good harvest, fer sure.”


“I hear over at [neighbouring fandom] they’re putting the top field into fix-it fics.”

“Yes, ‘twould be.  They had a hard season last year, a right hard season.” 

“You think I ought to plant a little Sailor Moon Wild West AU? Don’t know if anything would come of it. Might not make it to harvest.”

“Won’t know until you plant it, will you?”

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