
There Is No 19th Person!

@19thperson / 19thperson.tumblr.com


*grabbing mlm shippers by the shoulders* guys nobody needs to be the twink. nobody needs to be the sub. nobody needs to be the femboy. they can both be big fat hairy men who bask in each others masculinity or they can both be unspeakable monstrous creatures with inhuman genitalia it’s okay I’m holding your hand. Let me show you the way

The methodology for the Cass review was established by a team from the University of York including Tilly Langdon, who has previously been involved in promoting Gender Exploratory Therapy – an approach which, despite its neutral-sounding name, discourages children from identifying as trans and has been likened to conversion therapy. Her approach included setting a very high bar for evidence to be considered in the review, ruling out 100 of the existing 103 studies into the use of puberty blockers and hormones to treat trans children. The reason given for excluding all these studies was that they did not incorporate a double blind approach – in other words, they did not involve giving puberty blockers to some patients and placebos to others. This might sound like a reasonable objection on the face of it – until one considers that puberty is a dramatic physical and psychological process, and people can easily tell when it’s happening to them, so a double blind simply wouldn’t work in practice. The Cass review called for more research and, again, few would disagree with this. The suggestion that treatment should be withheld in the process, however, is not neutral. It presupposes that the harm done by puberty blockers (demineralisation of bones, which is usually temporary in the short-term treatment recommended and is similar to what occurs in pregnancy) is more severe than the harm done to a trans child by going through the wrong sort of puberty. The latter is linked to high rates of self-harm and suicidal ideation, together with the need, in many cases, for extensive surgical procedures. Confusingly, the review states that children taking puberty blockers showed “no changes in gender dysphoria or body satisfaction”, which suggests that the author didn’t actually understand what puberty blockers do at all. They don’t make children feel better – they just delay a process that makes them feel worse. This is one of several oddities in a report that lacks internal consistency. It states that there is no established definition of social transition, for instance, and does not offer one, but goes on to talk about it as if there were. It also talks about autistic ‘girls’ identifying as trans in increasing numbers, treating this as mysterious and as cause for concern, despite acknowledging elsewhere that more and more girls are being diagnosed as autistic, so one would expect more diagnoses to be present within any subsection of the young female-assigned population.  Perhaps the most worrying of the review’s conclusions – which should concern people far beyond the trans community – is the suggestion that as far as NHS treatment is concerned, trans people should be treated as children until they are 25. The rational for this is that 25 is the age when (on average) the brain stops developing. As any neurologist will tell you, the brain is in fact never static, and within ten years or so of that age, it begins to shrink. Deciding who has the capacity to make decisions based on brain age could have unintended consequences for the likes of Cass (64).  That aside, what would setting the age of true adulthood at 25 mean for everybody else? If we couldn’t allow people to consent to medical treatment at 24, should we ask them to risk dying for us? If not, then at a stroke we could lose a quarter of our armed forces. Likewise, we would have to give serious thought to what to do about a third of parents who might not be considered competent to look after their newborn children.  And then there are issues like contraception. Right-wingers have long contended, on one pretext or another, that teenage girls shouldn’t have the right to take the pill without their parents’ consent. This is where the review’s suggestion starts to look less like a double standard and more like the thin end of a very nasty wedge.

"Would you change your genitals if you could" yeah, make it Bluetooth enabled.

"But the Internet of Things has terrible security, anybody in the world could log into your dick at any time" okay, and what's the downside?


What are they gonna do, make it hard for no reason?

Spoilers: it already does that.


Use it as part of a mass DDoS attack on a website that you want to be looking at.

Being used to generate packet spam is in fact fulfilling the principal function of the penis.


Another KOSA update:

Sadly, it is true that today, 04/10/2024, KOSA has been introduced to the House BUT! That doesn’t mean it’s game over just yet!


Friendly reminder that there is much less support for KOSA in the House than the Senate. And even if it does pass the House—God forbid, it’s not over until the President signs it.

Here is the phone number for the Committee that’ll be holding the hearing on April 17th (Use the top number), and of course keep calling your Senators & House Representative.

I know this is scary for a lot of people, but we have to keep fighting. Please spread this around & don’t give up!

Don’t lose hope.



He’s a musician


There's always something sincere and lovely about seeing animals, especially dogs, experience things like trampolines and whatever the hell you'd call this thing. He's figured out how to make it make the noise and he's having a blast! Peace and love on Planet Earth, etc. etc.


I got a little peeved earlier because I showed a friend the comic I’ve been working on and she said it looked cozy and had good vibes, and then i had to sketch this to try and make my point clearer


saw someone say that they block "ageless blogs" and for a moment i imagined, like, cthulhu having a tumblr


DNI if you have lain for aeons, deathless and half-sleeping, watching the stars churn and roil overhead as their short lives flicker against the canvas of night, or if you watch st*ven un*verse

That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange aeons even DNI

Community Label: Mature


Community Label: Mature

The author has indicated this post may contain content that may not be suitable for all audiences.


I don't know. Some people hate this, James. I don't know what it is, but they fuckin' hate it. There's people that wanna kill me, James.

- The Driving Crooner


White people being racist is the reason that O.J. Simpson got off. There’s really no way around that. It was racist chickens coming home to roost that meant a young woman would never get justice for her brutal murder. 

Could you elaborate?

Sure. There are a lot of things that happened during the O.J. Simpson trial but a few key things to understand is what the political climate in LA at the time looked like.

The O.J. Simpson trial would take place only like a year and a half after the LA uprising or more commonly known as the LA riots in which Black people took to the streets burning down key parts of Los Angeles largely in response to the acquittal of the five officers that viciously beat Rodney King near death on video in a racially motivated attack.

Los Angeles was a city that was heavily segregated and deeply over policed by a police force that operated more like a racist gang than a protective publicly funded service. The aftermath of the acquittal of the five officers, the beating of Rodney King, and the LA Uprising left deep rifts between the LA community as a whole and the LAPD. 

Fast-forward to 1994 when Mark Furman would be the lead LAPD detective working the O.J. Simpson case. It would be revealed to the jury that Mark Furman had been recorded calling black residence of Los Angeles the N-word, as well as utilizing racially motivated police brutality and unfair racial practices as a police officer. This alone would cast doubt on his work and testimony as the lead detective in that case, especially among the LA based jury now having to preside over this case. 

If that wasn’t bad enough, the defense was able to produce enough evidence to suggest that Mark Furman and the LAPD went out of their way to falsify, tamper with, and even plant evidence in an attempt to incriminate O.J. Simpson. The sad thing is, they likely planted evidence on a guilty man. And their racist practices as police officers led to them destroying the prosecution’s case.

When Mark Furman took the stand and he was confronted with the defense’s question regarding whether or not he had falsified, planted, or tampered with evidence he had no choice but to plead the fifth.

The lead detective working the case not only belonged to the same corrupt police department that was just seen brutally beating a black man near death with impunity, but also revealed to be a racist in his own right, and likely having planted evidence on a black man accused of murder is absolutely the reason that O.J. Simpson walked free.

The prosecution was racist and used to a certain racialized voting standard from the jury. Their racism made them sloppy, overconfident, and then desperate. The prosecution presented a lackluster and halfhearted defense filled with racism and police corruption that they simply could not overcome by O.J. Simpson’s dream legal defense team. 

White peoples inability to hold racist accountable ultimately led to a situation where a man who very likely killed a young woman walked free because racism had gone unchecked for so long that cast doubt on what should’ve been a very clear situation. 


i stopped the dental technician while he was applying fluoride to ask what the fuck the flavour was supposed to be. And he was like oh I was wondering that too. It says it's walterberry.


Item: Walterberries, a delicious snack that cleans teeth and freshens breath. HOWEVER for every ten berries a creature eats, roll 2d10; if you roll the same number on both dice, the creature is afflicted by an hour of mild One-Who-Knocks-Ism, a condition marked by grouchiness, snarling catchphrases, and a hunger for blue raspberry rock candy. Creatures unfortunate enough to experience multiple hours of the condition are at risk for hair loss, alignment shifting towards Evil, and +1 on Skill Check (Alchemy) for every hour spent.

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