
Map my skull and -- wrap my bones

@whisperingvictory / whisperingvictory.tumblr.com

Alexandra. Twenty Eight. Attorney. Buffalo. Dogs. Forever Wandering. 👭

You have to start noticing things. The direction of the rays of sunshine, how it touches and warms your skin; the sway of a leaf in a mild breeze; the simple beauty of the flowers; the strong smell of your morning coffee; the wind in your hair and on your face; the liveliness of the city; the calm of your soul. You have to start noticing this and start living for it.

“You’re so hard on yourself. Take a moment. Sit back. Marvel at your life: at the grief that softened you, at the heartache that made you wiser, at the suffering that strengthened you. Despite everything you still grow. Be proud of this.”



no offence but i think a lot of us me included don’t actually want romantic love as badly as we think and really are just lonely and crave a closeness and intimacy that feels out of reach in friendships because of society’s emphasis on marriage and the nuclear family so we project that into the never ending search for a perfect love and a soulmate when really we all just want to mean something to someone

this post is doing the rounds again and I just wanted to say now that i’m in a long term loving relationship i know more than ever that this is true. you cannot live on romantic love alone, one person cannot fulfill you, community is the key to a happy life, surrounding yourself with friends and family that love you will only make your relationship with your partner stronger and it’s so important to have people who see your relationship from the outside and who you can confide in other than just your partner. as well as this you i truly believe you cannot have romantic love without a strong friendship, my boyfriend is honestly my best friend and that is what holds us together, romance ebbs and flows but a strong friendship is what will help you through the hard times and ground you and it’s where the real intimacy trust and loyalty comes from

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