
gay angel

@moocyst / moocyst.tumblr.com

Leander he/him art blog @moo-cyte, insp blog @mooblast

Smaug and tiny Bilbo for art trade with my dear friend ♥ (she made dragon pottery for me, as her part of trade ♥ )


When Zionists persist and tell me “you’re not Jewish”… it makes me want to wrap my changing body in tallit, whisper to a lover in Yiddish, it makes me want to sing tefilah as I knead the velvet dough of my challah. To tenderly kiss G!d’s words, and maybe leave my magen david on as I sleep. Because where I stand, the unmoving k’lal Yisrael, with the kufiyah, my prayer shawl— I am Jewish. And it is in Palestine where I dream of touching the kotel.

Long live Palestine.

Why is there no P in Arabic? Why is Palestine never mentioned in the Qu’ran? Why do you name yourselves after a word that means invader?

from an article the Jewish Star posted lasted year:

"The word “Palestine” is not Arab or Middle Eastern in origin. It dates back 1,900 years and is derived from a people who were not native to the region — the Philistines, a people from the Aegean Sea who were closely related to the ancient Greeks. They lived on the coast of what is now the Gaza Strip and Israel, but had disappeared by the 6th century BCE.

The name associated with them, however, did not die out. The Romans, in a fit of spite, reapplied the term “Palestine” to the Land of Israel centuries later, after they defeated a Judean uprising in 135 CE.

In effect, the Romans sought to erase the association between the Land of Israel and the Jewish people.

The “Palestine” moniker continued to be used long after the Roman Empire fell. When Muslim armies conquered the region in 629 CE, they Arabized the name to “Filastin.” This term cannot be found in the Quran, while the name “Israel” is mentioned several times.

The regional name “Palestine” endured. During the Middle Ages, it became common in early modern English and was employed by the Crusaders. But for nearly 2,000 years, it never referred to a country or a group of people.

In short, for most of recorded history, there were never any “Palestinians.”

After World War I, the modern contours of “Palestine” were established. The British Mandate for Palestine originally consisted of present-day Israel, Gaza, Judea and Samaria, and Jordan.

During the British Mandate period, the term “Palestinian” usually referred to Jews living in the Mandate, as well as their institutions.

Before Israel was founded, several prominent Jewish and Zionist organizations used the name “Palestine.” These included the Palestine Post newspaper and the Palestine Symphony Orchestra, which are now the Jerusalem Post and the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra.

At the time, many Arabs in British Mandatory Palestine considered themselves part of Greater Syria rather than “Palestinians.” In 1937, a local Arab leader told the Palestine Royal Commission, “There is no such country [as Palestine]. Palestine is a term the Zionists invented! Our country for centuries was part of Syria.”

Arab historian Philip Hitti echoed this sentiment shortly before Israel declared independence, saying, “There is no such thing as Palestine in history, absolutely not.”

The watershed moment for the “Palestinian” national movement came after the 1967 Six-Day War, when Israel won control of Judea and Samaria from Jordan. The words of author Walid Shoebat of Bethlehem sum up the profound shift in local Arabs’ identity: “On June 4, 1967, I was a Jordanian, and overnight I became a Palestinian.”

Since 1967, a whole national mythology has been created around the terms “Palestine” and “Palestinian.”

And was ancient Israel also keeping people in open-air prisons, making segregated roads, bombing safe zones they pushed entire populations into, getting billions in funding from other countries for an elite military that can’t even extract hostages from a small strip of land (but can probably kill them in aimless bombardments)? Was this ancient Israel stripping communities of their ethnic identities to create one singular nationality? Was this ancient Israel funding ethnic cleansing in Sir Lanka and killing Jews and Socialists and political opposition in Argentina? Was this ancient Israel established by white Europeans to keep Jews out of Europe, and to trigger the Rapture (as Christian Zionists desire)?

I imagine the people of the region you speak of would be so ashamed by what is being done today. Wars and endless violence, hatred and sepratism.

When the land used to be called Canaan, Israel, Judea — half of our current European countries didn’t even exist. When you make this about history, you are actively refusing to acknowledge the reality— that the land itself, regardless of its name, is being poisoned by war, by the illegal white phosphorus, it is being uprooted when buildings that are thousands of years old are being destroyed. The land itself is full of bodies. It has been beaten and brutalised by a billion dollar military war machine and yet you still think this is about indigenous reclaimation. The CIA admitted they want the land for oil, and yet, you still think this is about Jewish people.

Be mad at the Italians for colonising Judea, not the Palestinians who lived there peacefully and even opened their arms to Jewish families seeking refuge during the holocaust. Be mad at Facism for destroying the land in the first place, not the Palestinians who just want to live.


this is cute but also i like to think the pope has to preface every single statement with "this isn't dogma but" like he has to break character for a sec and clarify that he's not speaking ex cathedra

Okay I checked and he 100% said this. I need anyone who isn't a) Catholic or b) familiar with the history of the Church to understand how nuts this is. He just about went up on stage and said "I don't believe Hell is real, and if it is it shouldn't be". Can you imagine telling The Church 150 years ago that one of their own popes would say this?? The Church has literally gone to war for less. This was such a bombshell of a statement that if you look up the interview, most Catholic news sites don't even mention that he also doubled down on his support of gay marriage. I cannot emphasise enough how radically out of line with traditional doctrine this statement is.

Oh, and he also apparently said this?? "During the interview, the 87-year-old pontiff also commented on the phrase from the traditional Act of Contrition, “because I have sinned, I have deserved your punishments,” describing it as overly harsh." Pope Francis really is over here just dropping bombshells left and right in this interview

He really did play undertale.


Youtube doing this while fully fucking enabling the alt right pipeline with dozens if not hundreds of racist/anti semitic grifters on their platform for well over a decade at this point is an insane double standard.

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