
Fighting Evil by..

@crankiart / crankiart.tumblr.com

★ || ♀|| 30 || ★☽ ☾

I was too busy to draw for DGM anniversary the other day so I hope this makes up for it! 🙏Happy Birthday Kanda!!


I’ve been drawing my rimworld pawns


I hate gay people so much. I haven’t been able to hear an imagine dragons song on the radio or in a shop without my brain just IMMEDIATELY being flooded with ‘Okay im imagining his dragon’. People think i just rly hate imagine dragons with the way my face reacts but i don’t im literally fighting such a personal battle against saying something fruity abt mr dragons out of nowhere because the shit gay people say online is so funny

Okay, I’m imagining his dragon

Someone really reblogged this with ‘you would fuck a man with ankles that thin?’. What are you TALKING about. You think i’m on grindr asking men abt the circumference of their ankles??? Ridiculous. I know for a goddamn fact this is the lonely femcel website. I KNOW 80% of y’all either couldn’t, wouldn’t or are too mentally ill to confidently approach a man standing shirtless and glistening on a stage in his gym shorts. What are you trying to prove. You think you’re too good for Mister Dragons???? Wake up.


I’m not a classicist, but I suspect one of the reasons so many of the Greek gods are portrayed so unflatteringly was less because they were seen as villains than because they represented their domains.  Of course Zeus sometimes misuses his power, that’s what a king does.  Of course Artemis’s wrath is wild and painful, that’s what nature can be.  Of course Hades snatched away a young girl from her mother’s arms, that’s what death does.  This is one of the reasons callout posts for some gods comparing them negatively to ‘nicer’ gods are kind of missing the point.

as someone who is partially a classicist, this is a better analysis of Greek mythology as a whole than 99.95% of the takes I’ve seen on here (and a substantial number of the takes I’ve seen in ~academia~)


Other fanart I've done recently.

Crossposting is annoying but the resolution on Insta images will never not bother me. Hope Bluesky app works out (@danaterrace there as well).


the parallel of romancing shadowheart as a girl + the entire moonrise towers plotline (with her in ur party, and letting those gay ladies also be gay).... iconic.

Anonymous asked:

Can you draw Black Lady from SM in ur style? 🖤💜🌙✨️

ive never drawn her before!!! this was long overdue

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