
@runthisisnotadrill / runthisisnotadrill.tumblr.com

hewwo you have entered my fanart dump

cant believe the first poi episode was aired almost 10 years ago and ive been in this fandom for 8 years! i have and always will be having a soft spot for this show :’)

been rewatching the whole series and drowning in all these feelings again, so i decided to come back and draw smth uwu


I’m surprised this hasn’t been addressed sooner but I will gladly do it cause I’m tired BUT tumblr user: srah-shahi-tv (use to be personofinterestshaw) is a thief. All they do is steal other people’s gifs, even the captions. Not one ounce of originality.

Stop reblogging from them please until they start making their own things. Some of us put a lot of work into the things we make and don’t appreciate reposting especially if said person does not ask (which this person hasn’t).

Thank you.

She watches the photo in its bath slowly appear - a shadow here and there, a shape forming - and it’s Carol, asleep on her back, her body akimbo in a tumble of sheets, one hand resting delicately.

There is a problem we need to address in the Root/Shaw fandom, and that problem is called: comments by entitled assholes. Seriously, what is up with that?

This fandom used to be a safe space where people could write and draw and gif and not worry about being harassed or being told that their work is ‘gross’ or that they don’t update often enough or that this character Dick #1 doesn’t like should ‘fuck off and die already’. 

But nope, now every time I have a comment on a Root/Shaw fic I cringe because I’m afraid of what it’ll say. I used to be so happy to create for you nerds, and now I just…??? I’m constantly worried. And I know for a fact I’m not the only one.

You guys do realise when we write or create something it takes time and energy, right? And it comes from actual persons, real life human beings who have a life and a job or an education to go back to, giving you this content for free - and you people shit on it?

Seriously? Because you don’t like the plot or a pairing or because it doesn’t have the smut you were hoping it would? Wow. WOW.

It’s okay not to like something; just close the tab and get on with your life. No one needs your ‘i don’t like this’ comment. No one. 

Yeah, I know there are assholes in every fandom, I’m not a naive little bird crying over one or two isolated cases. But in our little corner of the femslash nerdsphere, their ranks are growing. And to be honest with you all, the more they grow, the less good content you’ll see online. 

And that’s not some dumb threat or whatever; I’m just saying, this is how fandoms become toxic, and eventually empty. I for one don’t feel like sticking around if no one’s going to speak up against the anon bullies that are getting louder and louder.

oh by the way, if you want to talk shit to someone who’s been making fan work to you, you better come off anon;))) I DARE YOU

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