
Just The FanGirl

@justthefangirl / justthefangirl.tumblr.com

A corner of Tumblr where I can post arts and fangirl over things. 18+ Only Please (due to occasional NSFW things)

Believe it or not, this is for work.

I am not a teacher, btw, so no, this is not for a classroom


A new mode of production arises out of the newly networked masses.



Thingiverse users:

Royalty free sounds

Flash games

Productivity has always been there

Because shockingly when people enjoy what they do (you make it enjoyable instead of just hammering on them) people WANT to do things!

Fanfiction authors!!

Where is the button to shout this from the rooftop?


Happy Birthday, Seb!!!

Raise your hands if you’re in this club 🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏽‍♀️🙋🏾‍♀️🙋🏿‍♀️🙋🏻🙋🏼🙋🏽🙋🏾🙋🏿🙋🏻‍♂️🙋🏼‍♂️🙋🏽‍♂️🙋🏾‍♂️🙋🏿‍♂️🧤💅



Pitch: Muppet Lord of the Rings. Miss Piggy as Eowyn. Imagine her just throwing herself at a human man playing Aragorn. Imagine her defeating the Witch-King of Angmar by going “HI-YA!” and karate chopping him.

Throwing herself at Aragorn

Then Kermit arrives as Faramir and she just bodily pitches Aragorn offscreen


Aragorn is, of course, played by Viggo Mortensen reprising his role

(Gollum falls into the lava of Mount Doom)

Statler: If you ask me Gollum’s the lucky one

Waldorf: The lucky one?

Statler: He doesn’t have to be in the movie any more!


Aragorn is, of course, played by Viggo Mortensen reprising his role

@spartanlocke knows what’s up.

Bean the Bunny as Frodo Baggins

Gonzo the Great as Gandalf

Rizzo the Rat as Merry

Animal as Gollum.


You know what’s sad? Having to tell my adult patients that they don’t have to be boring fucks who hate everything to be considered adults.

Seriously, people have a very weird idea of what it means to be an adult. I have patients who come to me and tell me they are unhappy with their lives and they don’t understand why, because they have a job, they have a good salary, they can pay their bills, they have a significant other, they’re doing everything right and still they’re unhappy.

And then we start talking and talking and, finally, we reach the real problem: they stopped being themselves.

I have so many patients who stopped doing things they liked - harmless things, fun things - because they felt it was innapropriate for an adult to do them.

Videogames? I’m too old for that.

Comic books? I’m too old for that.

Disney movies? That’s for kids.

Super hero movies/series? I’m an adult, I should act like one.

Going to parks/carnivals? I don’t have kids to do that with.

It’s scary how these people simply gave up on these fun hobbies just because they reached a certain age. And it’s even more scary that they don’t see the problem with this.

Adult life is more than just work, paying bills and marriage. It’s about going out with your friends, it’s about buying silly things that have no purpose but to bring you a little joy, it’s about having fun and living your life to the fullest.

You don’t have to be a boring fuck to be an “acceptable adult”. Fuck society and fuck whoever says you can’t like something because you’re “too old”.

You’re never too old to do the things you like, play the games you want to play and watch the movies/series you want to watch.

Dress up and go to Comic Con. Go to the midnight premiere of your favorite super hero movie. Read the “silly teen books” you want to read. Play that “childish” game you’ve been wanting to play.

Being an adult doesn’t mean you need to forget who you are. Being older doesn’t mean you need to let go of the things you love and enjoy.

Be unapologetically yourself and go live your best life!

I have a full time job, pay bills, and also have plushies on my bed and comic books and cosplays

They can coexist. You should enjoy your life when you can

Full time job, pay bills, drive, take care of the house, and yet...

I have Hobbit and Star Wars posters on my walls, plushies on shelves AND my bed, Funko Pops, video games, AND I play DnD 4 nights out of 7 every week- and that's not including all the Marvel, Disney, Pixar, and Hasbro media I consume, the podcasts I listen to, OR the multitudes of books, manga, and FANFICTION I read!

So yeh. Don't have to be boring to be an adult.


Follow Ultrafacts for more facts

The picture in the background of the second one

Tama is boss


Sad update everyone, Tama recently passed away… An estimated 3,000 people, including railway officials, attended Tama the cat’s funeral on Sunday, days after she died of heart failure aged 16. [x]

For those who haven’t read articles about it, the local shrine elevated her to a god. She’s now the Eternal Stationmaster and patron god of the station.


Now I’m crying thanks

and a new cat was hired right?

yep! her name is Nitama (essentially ”second tama” or “tama II”) and she served under Tama as an apprentice before being appointed her deputy


she works very hard


Everytime this crosses my dash, I reblog. It is the law.


I’m crying at 11pm over train cats


Nitama, already now a mature cat (born 2010), has a protege named Yontama (fourth Tama, b. 2016).  There is no information available for either the physical befellment or tragic self-disgrace which has removed Santama from contention.

^Nitama majestic, and below with Yontama



a legacy

okay but actually what happened to santama (or sun-tama-tama, which is her name because it’s a pun on santama) was that she was basically sent to train for the position in okayama and they liked her so much they refused to send her back

“Sun-tama-tama” (a pun off of “Santama”, lit. “third Tama”) was a calico cat sent for training in Okayama. Sun-tama-tama was considered as a candidate for Tama’s successor, but the Okayama Public Relations representative who had been caring for Sun-tama-tama refused to give the cat up writing, “I will not let go of this child, she will stay in Okayama.” [25]
As of September 2018, Sun-tama-tama is working as the stationmaster in Naka-ku, Okayama and appears occasionally on Tama’s Twitter account.

Every time I see this post there’s new info and it gets better

You are only allowed to scroll pass this after you pay tribute to the great Tama Station masters.

The shrine of Tama Daimyōjin (Great gracious deity Tama), next to the Kishi station where she worked.

Nitama presenting her yearly offerings to Tama Daimyōjin on the anniversary of Tama’s Death, June 23 (The offerings are presented by the company president, as Nitama is a cat and thus can’t hold the offerings herself) (Not pictured, but also present, Yontama)

you cannot pass without reblogging guys. i’m sorry, i don’t make the rules.


blessed image, let’s get this money y’all! reblog chadwick boseman rubbing his hands together for good luck and good coin!


First you get than money then u get that power😝


April Plan With Me: Good Omens!

The Year of Fandom continues with Good Omens for April! Thanks to Sandara of Deviant for permission to use their piece with Sir Terry and @anotherwellkeptsecret for the permission to use her gorgeous lineart, as well as @neil-gaiman for writing the book and TV series. To all who watch, enjoy the video!

Also thanks to @unicron1133 for editing! You rock!


Source: href.li
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