
Dozens of people are dying in Mexico and the world doesn't care...

Oaxaca, Mexico. Police are killing innocent people, activists and teachers because they did not agree with the education reform and they decided to protest. And this is not new, but it became really violent this days. From what I’ve heard… Every day, every night innocent people is dying, either burned or shooted. Police even cut off all the light, saying that they will “CLEAN”, this means killing people. And “people who dare to get out of their homes to help injured people or get refugees, will get CLEANED too”. Also, hospitals aren’t allowed to help injured people. This are orders given by the president and the public education secretary. And more, more stuff…

I know some activists have been violent, so police and more preople… But why does the innocent people have to pay? What about the kids who just wanted to go to school? What about all the damage? What about the civlians?

My point is…

Mexico is a really violent country, every day people get killed, or kidnapped. A lot of stuff happens and no one notices. There are a lot of incidents, but this is the first time I wanted to express myself.

Yes, our government sucks, and if we try to do an weaponless march, we get killed. It’s not the first time. And… Where is the world? Hello? We may not be an “important country”, but our people’s lives matter. Are we not worth your attention?

Our government and media are trying to silence information so no one can know. Please search and share information about the horrors we’re living in my country everyday, don’t let our people be silenced… Thank you.

(My english sucks I’m sorry, but I needed to say this)

Elite gymnastics is like Navy SEALs, only harder. There are like, 2000 Navy SEALs, but there are only like, 200 elite gymnasts. I guess that’s because most kids would rather have a life than spend six hours a day training tricks that could kill you. Look, don’t be fooled by the leotards, people. The things gymnasts do make Navy SEALs look like wusses. And we do them without a gun!
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